From:"Jim Yarker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject:Greek parliament ratifies Nice Treaty - KKE opposes
Date:Thu, 21 Mar 2002 18:24:02 -0500

[About what we’d expect in yet another litmus test of
who really opposes “Globalization” in its Euro-integrationist
RedNet NewsNews and Views from the Communist Press
From SolidNet, 22/03/02 01:42:56
CP of Greece, KKE votes against the
ratification of the Treaty of Nice

From: CP of Greece , Thu, 21 Mar 2002 

KKE votes against the ratification of the Treaty of
Nice in the Greek Parliament

The Treaty of Nice was ratificated in the Greek Parliament
on Tuesday 19/03/2002, with the consent of PASOK and
ND and the tolerance of Synaspismos.

The parties that voted for the ratification of the Treaty of
Nice were PASOK, New Democracy, while Synaspismos
declared "present" .

The only party to vote against the Treaty was the
Communist Party
of Greece, KKE.

More specifically, 267 members of the Parliament voted,
and among them 253 from PASOK and New Democracy
voted for the ratification, the 3 MPs of SYN voted "present",
an independed MP abstained, while  the only opposing
votes where those of the 10 MPs from KKE.

The General Secretary of KKE, Aleka Papariga, speaking
on the ratification  of the Treaty of Nice, stated that only
through the weakening of the European Union may be
opened the path for a Europe of the people.

«It is an illusion to believe that the political integration will
benefit the workers, on the contrary, EU takes measures
so that there will be no rupture in the unity of the decisions,
she said.

Talking about the Euroarmy, the General Secretary of KKE
said that we are generally against the formation of the
Euroarmy, since, EU doesn't mean a worldwide force which
will resist the aggressiveness of the USA, on the side of the
people. We are speaking of a power which claims its own
army for the distribution of spheres of influence. She also
added that the Euroarmy will act aggressively not only out
of Europe, but also internally.

In the past, KKE had also been the only political party in
the Greek Parliament that voted against the Maastricht
Treaty and the Treaty of Amsterdam which also included
the Shenghen Accord.

Info by
International Section of CPG

Communist Party of Greece - Central Committee
T:[+3] 010 2592111, F:[+3] 010 2592298, 

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