
Korean Central News Agency


Anniversary of signing of DPRK-Russia agreement marked
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- A film show was held at the Chollima
House of Culture yesterday to mark the 53rd anniversary of the signing of
the DPRK-Russia agreement on economic and cultural cooperation. Present on
invitation were Russian ambassador to the DPRK Andrei Karlov and staff
members of the embassy.
    Jon Yong Jin, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries and chairman of the DPRK-Russia Friendship
Association, other officials concerned and working people in the city were
on hand. 
    The participants saw a feature film "cavalryman, who are you?"
    Prior to it, a friendship gathering took place at the Taedonggang club
for the diplomatic corps on this occasion.
    Its participants saw the performance of dances, enjoyed sports amusement
games and talked to each other about the further strengthening and
development of the DPRK-Russia relations that are daily developing on good
terms, deepening the feelings of friendship.


Talks held between DPRK SPA chairman and speaker of Russian State Duma
     Moscow March 19 (KCNA) -- Talks were held in Moscow on March 18 between
Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, and
Gennady Seleznyov, speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. At
the talks both sides exchanged views on a series of issues of mutual concern
including implementation of the agreement reached between the heads of the
two countries, Korea's reunification and exchange between the two
    Present at the talks were the entourage of the chairman of the DPRK
Supreme People's Assembly, Pak Ui Chun, DPRK ambassador to Russia, Artur
Chilingarov, deputy speaker of the Russian State Duma, and other officials


U.S. nuclear war scenario slammed
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- Alexandr Brezhnev, representative of the
Russian Union of Writers, denounced the bush group for trying to stifle the
DPRK by force of arms. The U.S. assertion that if the "plan for nuclear
development" of the DPRK is not checked, the world will face a great
"danger" is, in fact, prompted by its intention to totally disarm the DPRK
and swallow it up, he noted, and went on:
    The United States has developed, produced and deployed many nuclear
weapons. It is keen to attack the DPRK, pulling it up over "nuclear issue"
after making all preparations to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on it.
    The DPRK boasts singlehearted unity which is more powerful than a
nuclear weapon, and has a strong army.
    It is a daydream for Bush to try to destroy Korean socialism even with
nuclear weapons. 


Most dangerous hotbed for U.S. nuclear war
    Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The Korean Peninsula has become the most
dangerous hotbed for a nuclear war at present due to the U.S. policy, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a bylined article. The article goes on:
    The Bush administration is focusing its nuclear strategy on some big
countries and small countries going against the grain of it and disclosing
its intention to take preemptive nuclear attacks on them in the "event of
    What merits attention is that the U.S. designated the DPRK as a main
target of its projected nuclear attack.
    In actuality, the U.S. imperialists attach top priority to the
operations for a nuclear attack on the DPRK.
    The crux of the projected nuclear attack is to pose a nuclear threat to
the DPRK and make a preemptive nuclear attack on it.
    Another reason why the Korean Peninsula is the most dangerous hotbed for
a nuclear war is that nuclear weapons have been deployed in and around South
Korea more massively than any other areas of the world.
    The U.S. arsenal has at least 20,000 nuclear warheads.
    More than 1,000 nuclear weapons are deployed in South Korea alone.
    The DPRK has always been exposed to a permanent threat of the U.S.
strategic nuclear weapons.
    The U.S. nuclear war scenario is designed to spark a nuclear war with
South Korea as a nuclear forward base and a frontline defense theatre and
escalate it into a global thermo-nuclear war.
    The use of nukes on the Korean Peninsula is neither a hypothesis nor
speculation, but an actual problem.
    This is evidenced by a new nuclear attack plan of the bush
    If a nuclear war breaks out on the peninsula, Asia and the rest of the
world will suffer from the nuclear holocaust.
    The peaceloving people all over the world should heighten vigilance
against the reckless nuclear war moves of the war-thirsty bush group and
hold them in check with a revolutionary offensive.


U.S.-S. Korea joint war exercises under fire
    Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The joint war exercises launched by the
U.S. imperialists and the South Korean bellicose forces are dangerous
maneuvers for offensive operations to invade the north as they are chiefly
aimed to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on it in case of "emergency" on
the Korean Peninsula, say papers here today in signed commentaries. It is
the U.S. imperialists' invariable ambition to contain the DPRK by force of
arms and put the whole of Korea under its control, observes Rodong Sinmun.
    It continues: 
    The U.S. imperialists drew up even a scenario to mount a preemptive
nuclear attack on the DPRK after deploying huge aggression forces in and
around the Korean Peninsula. It is by no means a hypothesis that they seek
to launch a total war against the DPRK all of a sudden while staging these
joint war exercises under the simulated conditions of an actual war in the
area close to the military demarcation line.
    The U.S., seized by war hysteria, seeks to launch a nuclear war in a bid
to stifle socialism, a life and soul of the Korean people.
    But this only lays bare the brigandish nature of U.S. imperialism and
threatens peace on the Korean Peninsula and the security of humankind.
    Due to this sabre-rattling of the U.S. imperialists and the south korean
war hawks the nation's security is exposed to a grave threat. This situation
compels the DPRK to take a corresponding option for self-defense.
    As the DPRK clarified more than once, it neither wants a war nor avoids
it. Limitless is its option for self-defense.
    If the aggressors ignite a war on this land at any cost, they will face
punishment unprecedented in war history and will be bound to drink a bitter
cup of defeat. 
    Minju Joson says that the DPRK values the nation's dignity and
sovereignty more than anything else and, therefore, will mercilessly
retaliate against those who dare encroach upon them.


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