
 Brilliant article...

Miroslav Antic wrote:
> Mr Worthington;
> I have just finished reading your column, "Even a thug
> deserves a fair trial". When I saw the title of your
> article, I thought you were going to demonstrate
> journalistic integrity by having written to advocate a
> trial for the friends and co-plotters of 19
> terrorists; not the Muslim fundamentalists, but the
> leaders of NATO on March 24, 1999.
> Sadly, Mr Worthington, while I have admired many of
> your past musings in print, this time around you have
> joined the ranks of Eric Margolis and the rest of the
> similar-type scandalists of the journalistic
> community. Your current article, while accurate on
> some points, is often vile, hyperbolic, and worst of
> all slanderous in the portrayal (and betrayal) of one
> of the few legitimate heroes of my generation- none
> other than President Milosevic himself.
> You and I exchanged more than a few e-mails in the
> past regarding 'journalistic integrity' as it
> pertained to Canadian mainstream press, including
> nearly half a dozen concerning the events at Racak Jan
> 15/99. You read some of what I had written at
> YugoslaviaInfo and elsewhere and remarked to the
> effect that you liked what you saw. One of those
> e-mails concerned the re-burying (with full KLA
> military honours) of many of what we are all still
> told were 'civilian victims' of 'Serb atrocities' on
> that date.
> Why, then, are you referring to President Milosevic as
> a 'thug'? On what incontrovertible evidence to you
> allegate and then conclude this? (such a charge
> against a thrice-elected representative of his nation
> should be factually and incontrovertibly demonstrated,
> rather than allegated. I thought you were above such
> tripe, Mr Worthington)
> While you should be lauded for writing about the lack
> of fairness and justice in the kangaroo/circus
> presently playing itself out at the Hague, it is
> inconsistent to say the least to CAST DOUBT ON THE
> MOTIVES of the (so-called) prosecutors (you and I both
> know 'persecutors' would be a more apt title) without
> 'EVIDENCE'- and if you are not basing your allegations
> against President Milosevic on their evidence, who(m)
> are you relying on for your position in this regard?
> For my position- that President Milosevic has neither
> ordered, aided, nor abetted any moral or judicial
> crimes of any sort- I rely on both the
> incontrovertible evidence in this regard and the
> statements of neutral observers 'on the scene'. For
> example Roland Keith, a fellow Canadian with more than
> 30 years of military service to his country,
> explicitly
> denies that he or any member of his team, saw
> 'atrocities', 'genocide', 'ethnic cleansing' etc
> levelled against ordinary civilians.
> Keith was 'right in the thick of it'( Pristina area)
> just before those NATO air murders began. If you are
> looking 'thug' you need look no further than Chretien,
> Clinton, Blair, and their support staff; do you think
> for a minute that dropping a bomb from 15,000 feet in
> the middle of Belgrade is being done for the purpose
> of only (if at all) targeting military infrastructure?
> Please, Mr Worthington, even a precursory and
> objective look at what was hit in Yugoslavia-and with
> what weapons- will lead you onto the chase of the real
> criminals and thugs in Yugoslavia. This point I hope
> has not been lost on you as well: when does an
> organization, guilty of thuggery and many of the same
> allegations being directed towards President
> Milosevic, qualify to be our 'friends' when just weeks
> earlier they were labelled a 'terrorist organization'
> themselves by another of our 'friends'. (I refer to
> the US designation of the KLA)
> Now, how much of Mr Worthington's conclusion of
> 'thuggery' is based on
> KLA-acquired/dispensed/allegated evidence??
> Again I ask: on what information are you concluding
> that President Milosevic is a thug?
> Do you really think that the German High Court knows
> not what they are doing (in ruling that there existed
> no evidence of atrocities by the Yugoslav government)
> and do you think that hundreds of thousands of Kosovo
> civilians of Albanian descent knew not what they were
> doing (running TOWARDS Belgrade, not away from it,
> during the NATO bombings) and do you think Dr. Anthony
> Daniels from Britain, who visited refugee camps during
> the NATO bombings and said explicitly that he saw more
> injuries on a Saturday night in a typical London city
> than he saw in those camps, knows not what he is
> saying?
> Let's get with it, Mr Worthington. Facts are facts. I
> could sit here and type a list of similar witnesses
> who would laugh and shake their heads at the ignorance
> of your suppositions. You know better and you should
> have written more honestly. There is no need to soften
> your blows levelled at the sick joke at the Hague and
> and the same time to appeal to Canadian nationalism by
> referring to lies.
> I will give you one example (again, I could sit here
> and type for hours to extend these examples) of this
> 'evidence' you so quickly and unashamedly cite:
> Professor Patrick Ball recently testified at the
> Hague, citing his paper, "Policy or Panic" to claim on
> the stand that he and his research team had evidence
> that President Milosevic had 'ethnically cleansed'
> large areas of Kosovo during the 1999 NATO bombings.
> Ball's testimony parrots the nonsense of most
> mainstream writers in this regard. Now, Ball makes a
> continuing point that his evidence is
> 'incontrovertible' and, paraphrasing, used 'recognized
> and accurate methods' to acquire his information and
> draw the conclusions he listed.
> Here now is an article on from Patrick Ball, recorded
> the same month his "Policy or Panic" was released.
> Please note the quotes of Ball:
> They hand-fed the documents page by page
> into two Cannon flatbed scanners, used for
> reliability, but soon found an eager
> volunteer in their landlord's 17-year-old
> son. "He was so hungry for the technology, he
> was willing to sit in this sweltering
> apartment scanning for six hours, just so
> he could push a mouse," Dr Ball said. The
> boy just wanted to "touch the computer".
> Mr. Worthington, would you trust your future to the
> whims and inexperience of a 17-year-old who just wants
> to 'push a mouse'? Is that 'evidence' to you, Mr
> Worthington? Is that 'an accepted method' of handling
> sensitive information, Mr Worthington? Is this the
> best incontrovertible and ironclad information being
> used by the so-called prosecutors (themselves
> nationals of, and paid by, countries who bomb
> civilians with impunity) and heard by the so-called
> judges? (themselves nationals of, and paid by,
> countries who bomb civilians with impunity) Here is
> the URL from which I am quoting:
> rticles/TheIndependent-2000-05-15-Kosovo.php3+%22Dr+Patrick+Ball%22+serbs&hl
> =en
> It doesn't get better now, Mr Worthington- it gets
> worse. Patrick Ball and the pro(per)secutors at the
> Hague will have you and I believe that the information
> acquired to produce "Policy or Panic" was done in an
> even-handed and objective manner. Ball's report came
> out in May/2000. He claims that he began his work on
> this nine months earlier from the release date of the
> report- which would put the beginning of his study
> somewhere around the fall of 1999.
> Do you want to know what our 'esteemed' Professor Ball
> was saying in the fall of 1999- publicly? Here it is:
> "The Serbs know how to play this game" he said. "They
> were not going to leave any bodies around as evidence"
> The URL for the above quote:
> This statement of pre-bias is attributed to Patrick
> Ball, Mr Worthington, right around the time he was
> beginning his so-called 'objective, independent study.
> Bullshit.
> The man began his search already knowing what he was
> going to find- one way or the other, and very
> publicly. Of course 'his numbers added up"- to what he
> wanted them to. Nazis used the same 'recognized and
> accurate methods' to discredit and kill Jews and
> Serbs.
> Evidence at the Hague...evidence for Mr Worthington...
> ...I never thought I would be using those two terms in
> the same sentence...
> So where is Mr Worthington's article on 17-year-olds
> playing Nintendo games, and Patrick Ball playing smug
> and sinister games....with someone's life?
> Has it ever occurred to you that these 'evidence
> players' make a career from beneath the same rocks
> from which they cannot find anything of substance, but
> have to scrape the slime off their own amateurism and
> re-invent it as 'proof'.
> Has it ever occurred to you that if 'so much evidence'
> was available, there would have been no need to
> fabricate an atrocity at Racak? Has it ever occurred
> to you that the Nazis had 'evidence' as well?
> What is the difference between the pseudo-science of
> the Nazis and the pseudo-science of Patrick Ball being
> parlayed around at the Hague now as substantial proof?
> Honestly, Mr Worthington, you could have put the name
> of either 'Eric Margolis' or 'Haroon Siddiqui' as the
> author of your article, and it would have been equally
> biased and slanderous- but it would have been far less
> surprising.
> Now I commend you for writing that 'the verdict is
> already in' re President Milosevic, but I'm wondering
> that perhaps your verdict- that President Milosevic is
> a thug- is also 'already in'. It took a lot of guts to
> write that an 'open court' is needed in which NATO can
> be called upon to defend and explain it's actions in
> 1999; why do you heap NATO treachery and Yugoslav
> honour in the same shit-pile??
> Thanks for your time, Mr Worthington. It is puzzling
> to see you cast doubt on many of the allegations being
> publicly levelled against President Milosevic while
> simultaneously levelling some of your own.
> Sincerely,
> Chris Soda
> URL for M Worthington's article:


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