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Monday March 25, 11:51 AM 
Al-Qaeda forces regrouping in Afghanistan: Cheney
US Vice President Dick Cheney said al-Qaeda forces
were still trying to regroup inside Afghanistan but
that US forces were working to thwart their plans, and
the consolidation of a strong Afghan government.

Speaking on CNN's "Late Edition" program, Cheney
confirmed Sunday that intelligence showed al-Qaeda was
"regrouping" and "clearly would like to" take action
against the United States. 

"And we see movement," Cheney added.

"There are still al-Qaeda scattered around
Afghanistan. There are, I'm sure, going to be efforts
by them to try to organize themselves enough so that
they can launch an attack at least on our forces in
Afghanistan," the US vice president said.

"We saw, obviously, a coalescing of a group in the
area where we launched Operation Anaconda a couple of
weeks ago, and very successfully eliminated a big
chunk of the al-Qaeda," Cheney pointed out.

Al-Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden, are blamed
for the September 11 attacks on the United States that
left about 3,000 people dead.

Meanwhile, the commander in charge of the Afghan
operation, General Tommy Franks, speaking Sunday on
NBC's "Meet the Press" show said the United States
still had to complete its task in Afghanistan.

"What we have left to do is be sure that we've
completed what we started out to do 169 days ago, and
that's to assure ourselves that the al-Qaeda network
inside Afghanistan is destroyed, and so we're going to
continue to do that work until we are, in fact,
satisfied," Franks said.

He said allied forces were "making progress in getting
that done" citing the ouster of the Taliban militia as
a governing entity in its entirety.

A US Central Command spokesman in Tampa, Florida,
declined to comment "for operational reasons" on
whether a new operation was in the planning to counter
any regrouping.

"Anaconda is a clear indication of the support of the
Afghan forces as well as coalition forces that if
there's an issue with remaining al-Qaeda or Taliban
that we'll address them appropriately," spokesman
Major Brad Lowell told AFP in a telephone interview.

"We have said all along there's potential for pockets
to exist," said Lowell, adding that the United States
would take action "if the need arises."

"We continue to watch all of Afghanistan. We have
assets and resources available to do that for
reconnaissance on the ground, intelligence,
cooperation with Afghan forces," the spokesman said.

Coalition troops, meanwhile, were on Sunday continuing
to scour the Shahi Kot valley in eastern Afghanistan
following the conclusion of Operation Anaconda last

The searches recently uncovered "more small arms,
machine guns, mortars and documents and a large
quantity of munitions," Major Bryan Hilferty told
press at Bagram Air Base, a US military base north of
Kabul, without specifying exactly when.

Eight US servicemen were killed in the early days of
Operation Anaconda, which began March 2, and US
military officials say "hundreds" of Taliban and
al-Qaeda fighters were killed.

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