Dear Angela,
   I have no idea why you choose to be on this listserv if you believe the Dutch and British governments are "highly intellectual" and have "have proven themselves over the course of HISTORY to make peaceful sound judgements based on logic."
   Now my brothers on this listserv have little patience with you, and suggest that no one take your comment seriously.
   But for some reason you were added to the list, so before you unsubscribe, I will take a moment to respond to your statement.
   You see, this triumphalism that is inherent in Blair's speech is the sound of the victory (we think it is temporary)of capitalism in its most savage state ever.The French call it "le capitalisme sauvage."
   The idea of having " a strong stomach" for Blair's remarks relates to his assumptions - and your own.
   See, the new jobs in Europe are mostly McJobs, but even the "good" jobs are the result of the process called "Globalization," which has impoverished the Third World and the former USSR and Eastern Europe.
   Not to be concerned about the immiseration of the people who have been destroyed by these economic developments marks you as a person who doesn't yet understand what is going on in the world .
   If you genuinely want to be "anti-NATO" you need to see that the growth of NATO, the war on Yugoslavia and now NATO expansion European and overwhelmingly US expansion into the European and Asian continents since the end of the COLDWAR has been aggressive, militaristic, murderous and avaricious.
   All the wars Tony Blair neglects to mention that have created these new Western European economic developments have robbed someone.
   Even his references to enhanced GDPs for the EU makes no mention of who got what. The working class and farming and service workers have not equally shared in the economic growth.
   He says that women are now working. Many have to because no longer in Europe can a family subsist on one salary. That's been happening in the US foe a longer time. Women working is not a mark of liberation. It is about wage slavery. Sure, women want to work at intersting and creative jobs, but those kinds of jobs are not commonly found.
   In the US that is painfully clear as the gap between rich and poor has grown massively since the 1980s.
   But European capitalists are also the major beneficiaries of globalization which, Angela, you need to see is imperialism in a monstrous and rapacious incarnation, more horrible for the poor and the workers- and the environment- than any system previously created.
   They are not making 'peaceful sound judgements,' they are destroying the world. If you don't see it this way, you should unsubscribe. Or you could start reading this stuff and open your heart and your mind and the truth will make you free.
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