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.Essence of Taiwan Authorities' 'Five-aspect Desperate Fight'.

At a recent meeting, the leader of Taiwan authorities put forward so-called
five-aspect desperate fight, i.e., "fight for economy", "fight for
diplomacy", "fight for security", "fight for rectification of name" and
"fight for constitutional reform".

The "world Taiwanese meeting" with the background of "independence for
Taiwan" was held in Taipei on March 17 this year. The conference agitated
"rectifying the name of Taiwan" and "drawing up state constitution". "Taiwan
independence" elements from various routes gathered in Taiwan and echoed to
each other, their inflated arrogance and undisguised words and deeds have
shocked and angered all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation! At the
meeting, the leader of Taiwan authorities put forward so-called five-aspect
desperate fight, i.e., "fight for economy", "fight for diplomacy", "fight
for security", "fight for rectification of name" and "fight for
constitutional reform".

Internal and External Background
For quite a while, "Taiwan independence" elements on the Island have been
quite arrogant and barefaced. There are two basic reasons for this:

--One is the macro international climate. The most important of which is
that the words of the US government do not match its deeds in its China
policy. The anti-terrorism struggle and Bush's China visit had somewhat
improved and relaxed the situation regarding China-US relations, however,
recently the United States  issued a visa allowing Tang Yiau-min to visit
America; in the US leaked-out report on the "evaluation of the nuclear
situation", America listed China as one of the seven countries that might be
subject to the nuclear attack to be launched by the United States; recently
the United States again announced the dispatch of three nuclear submarines
from the Mediterranean Sea to Guam Island in Asia, its aim is self-evident;
for quite a time, certain Japanese have echoed the United States in their
big talks about "China threat". All these have led Taiwan authorities to
think that there is an opportunity for them to take advantage of.

--Second is the micro climate in the Island. The most important of which is
that following its seizure of power after winning the "March 18", 2000
election, the Democratic Progressive Party again grabbed the "Legislative
Yuan" seat as the first big party through the "December 1" election at the
end of last year, at the same time, the newly established Taiwan solidarity
union with Lee Teng-hui as its "spiritual leader" also gained 13 seats,
these put together added up to 100 seats, although this does not outnumber
half of the total, it, after all, means a big increase in seats. One is
pushing a "radical Taiwan independence", the other is pursuing "gradual
Taiwan independence", both leading to the same goal of "Taiwan

Encouraged by macro international climate and micro island climate, some
"Taiwan independence" elements became swell-headed and obsessed with the
idea that a golden opportunity has come for them to "rectify the name of
Taiwan, and draw up state constitution".

Essence of the "Five-aspect Desperate Fight"
What is the essence of Taiwan authorities' so-called five-aspect desperate
fight? To put it in a nutshell, it is that a group of diehard separatists in
the Island, supported by anti-China forces abroad, are bent on attempting to
realize their dream of "establishing an independent state".

Leaving aside the mentioning of others, here we just take up two
representatives coming from the United States and Japan. One is Hsu Shi-mo,
chairman of the "Taiwan independence union" headquartered in the United
States. Living for a long time in the United States, he is a notorious
"Taiwan independence" element. The other is Chin Mei-ling, superficially she
is a native of Taiwan, but actually she is a Japanese, and not ordinary
Japanese. In the marrow of her bones, she is steeped with the idea of being
a "person of the imperial family". She has been living in Japan for over 40
years, and is keeping close ties with Lee Teng-hui. One of them is called
"father of Taiwan", and the other is called "mother of Taiwan".

It is with the support and encouragement of the anti-China forces abroad and
the representatives of "Taiwan independence" elements that a horde of
"Taiwan independence" elements in the Island, like having a shot in the arm,
have lost their heads and are crazy with excitement. The leader of Taiwan
authorities, in order to express that he has mutual affinity and the same
aspiration with them, went so far to personally come to the meeting and, in
the capacity of self-styled "son of Taiwan", kissed the face of Chin
Mei-ling. He indicated to the "Taiwan independence" elements on the
occasion, "I know what you dream and I'll never forget this."

Of the "five-aspect desperate fight", the fight for economy is only a
pretense, other so-called "fight for diplomacy," "fight for security",
"fight for rectification of name" and "fight for drawing up constitution"
are, in the final analysis, fighting for secession and for "Taiwan
independence". People must not be tricked and must not relax vigilance!

Illusion Is Sure to Be Broken
Recently, "Taiwan independence" elements in the Island made a great fanfare.
The "Taiwan independence" elements are sinking increasingly deep into their
fond dream, it is time to jerk and sober them.

Their first illusion is that they thought they had built up quite a big
influence in the Island and they had by and large "consolidated" their
position after they had seized political power and had become the first big
party of the "Legislative Yuan", that the general public of Taiwan would
have to follow them, and that counting on this they could do as they please.
However, this is an out-and-out miscalculation of the situation. In the two
elections on the Island, the votes they got were less than 40 percent, even
these 40 percent votes did not all support "Taiwan independence". It must be
pointed out here that the Taiwanese, after all, are Chinese, the majority of
them, whether they are natives of Taiwan Province or from other provinces,
have an impregnable, patriotic feeling. Although historical reasons have
caused certain misunderstandings and "complex" between the Chinese across
the Straits, with the passage of time, these misunderstanding or "complex"
will definitely be diffused.

Their second illusion is they ignore the fact that over 1 billion people on
the mainland are determined to defend State sovereignty and territorial
integrity. In their eyes, the mainland is busy with economic construction
and itself has many problems in need of prompt solutions and simply has no
time and strength to attend to the Taiwan issue. Therefore they deem this to
be the excellent opportunity for their so-called "rectification of the name
of Taiwan and the drawing up of state constitution", this is, likewise a
miscalculation of the situation. It should be noticed that the people on the
mainland, in an effort to shake off the phase and history of prolonged
poverty and backwardness, and the suffering of being bullied and oppressed,
are indeed enthusiastically plunging themselves into national economic
construction and have gained achievements of world interest. However, they
will never tolerate those internal and external evildoers attempting to
carve Taiwan out of the motherland. The restraint and tolerance of the
mainlanders are limited. Once a change is to take place in the situation and
a call is issued by the motherland, they will not hesitate to go through
fire and water for the defense of the unification of the country. In a word,
their determination to defense the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
the motherland is unshakable.

Their third illusion is the promise made by anti-China forces abroad to
support the separatist forces in the Island. However, it must not be
forgotten that the US foreign policy, including its China policy, always
turns around the American national interests. It is inconceivable that the
US government and the American people would finally pay the price of their
own lives, which they shouldn't do, for the interests of a handful of
"Taiwan independence" elements in the Island by ignoring the general
situation concerning China-US relations, the over 1 billion Chinese people's
desire and demand, and peace in Asia and the world at large. A look back on
history shows that those who sought self-importance by relying on foreign
forces, pursued glory by selling their own country and even invited a wolf
into the house and opposed the people of their own country all came to no
good end. They must be aware that past examples serving as a warning are not
far to seek. 

In short, it is advisable for the Taiwan authorities to keep calm and to be



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