
Of course, it's well known the CIA recruits heavily from the ranks of
Canadian journalists, there being too few American journalists from which to
choose, and the CIA having too few connections in the US, and Canadian
journalists having a far greater reach than any of their counterparts in the
US or Britain or France. Why, with the circulation of Margolis's paper
reaching upwards of 30,000, (though most of the readers never read
Margolis's column, the horoscope, Toronto Maple Leafs stats, and the
Sunshine girl having infinitely more appeal) and his potential exposure on
this listserve to the mind boggling number of 118, the CIA has chosen well.
With a reach like that, who knows what damage he could do.

Yes, indeed, Richard, it is no coincidence he, like me, is based in Canada.

But I must run.  A meeting awaits with my fellow Canadians to plot the
spread of more disinformation through our widely read newspapers.

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Roper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Columnist Eric Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

> ---------------------------
> I suggest it is time for these exchanges to stop.
> The problem with margolis is not how we may/ may not
> disagree with him, but his "official" contacts for
> whom he distributes disinformation.
> It's no coincidence he's based in Canada.
> --- Stephen Gowans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ---------------------------
> >
> > But Nancy, Margolis is a vegan! And he would never
> > countenance the sending of chickens to Afghanistan.
> >
> > Still, you may be right. At the same time we prevail
> > upon to blacklist Margolis, maybe we can
> > get them to stop posting Pat Buchanan and Justin
> > Raimondo. Surely there are people on the Left (and
> > not Chomskyites, Trotskyites, social democrats,
> > anarchists, world socialists, libertarian
> > socialists, third-way Marxists, progressives and
> > Blairites) who are making the same points on
> > Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on. Better yet, maybe some
> > of them are vegans. How about Alexander Cockburn? Or
> > does he work for the CIA?
> >
> > Another idea: Being an unrepentant ovolacto
> > vegetarian (yes, I do drink milk: mea culpa), I
> > think my writing should be posted before any of
> > those other guys. After all, who needs ideas, when
> > you have the right political loyalties (and diet)?
> >
> > Steve
> >
> >   ----- Original Message -----
> >   From: Nancy Hey
> >   Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:15 PM
> >   Subject: Re: Columnist Eric Margolis
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------
> >   "
> >   Other people are making the same points he is on
> >   Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth; there's no need to
> >
> >   provide this enemy of ours with more exposure and
> >   authority than his contacts in the intelligence
> >   community have already succeeded in doing.
> >   Respectfully,
> >   Rick
> >   "
> >   My sentiments exactly!  How can we get
> > to see this point?
> >
> >   peacefully yours,
> >   Nancy Hey
> >
> >   mart-remote wrote:
> >
> >     Well said Rick. Please, let's not give this
> > bastard any more exposure than he already gets, or
> > even the thinest veneer of credibilty. Margolis is a
> > CIA-KLA terrorist who happens to use a typewriter to
> > kill people. His words do not belong on this list.
> > One slight correction. He is with the Toronto Sun,
> > not the Toronto Star.
> >
> >                           mart
> >
> >
> ======================================================================
> >
> >
> >     Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:25:32 -0800 (PST)
> >     From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >     Subject: Re: Cowboy Prez rides to rescue? -
> > Columnist Eric Margolis
> >
> >
> >     Dear Friends,
> >                  For anyone not already acquainted
> > with
> >     the fact, Eric Margolis is a Western
> > disinformation
> >     agent who boasts, inter alia, of smuggling
> > rockets
> >     into the Afghan mujahedin in the 1980s and
> > possessing
> >     a host of intelligence contacts, including with
> > the
> >     CIA.
> >     A quick Google search with the words "Eric
> > Margolis
> >     socialism" will demonstrate with whom we're
> > dealing.
> >     There is nothing remotely enlightened or
> > progressive
> >     about this individual, notwithstanding the fact
> > that
> >     his columns, from the very establishment Toronto
> > Star
> >     where he is the official foreign correspondent,
> > have
> >     been crossposted and linked on several US
> >     'progressive' sites fairly regularly of late.
> >     In fact, the only time he criticizes Western
> >     militarism, aside from goading it into being
> > more
> >     aggressive (e.g. "Stopping Europe's New Nazis"
> > and
> >     "Serbia Needs Moral Cleansing"), is when one of
> > his
> >     presumed co-religionists is under fire.
> >     As such he operates on a personal, and hardly
> >     political or principled, agenda.
> >     Other people are making the same points he is on
> >
> >     Afghanistan, Iraq and so forth; there's no need
> > to
> >     provide this enemy of ours with more exposure
> > and
> >     authority than his contacts in the intelligence
> >     community have already succeeded in doing.
> >     Respectfully,
> >     Rick
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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