
Bush comes to shove 
Nato was being counted out a few months ago. Now the
US is using it to control the new Europe

Simon Tisdall
Thursday March 28, 2002
The Guardian

While Britain and other member states ponderously plod
towards agreement on the EU's eastern enlargement, the
Bush administration is steaming full speed ahead with
the reunification of Europe - under US auspices, on US
terms, and primarily for US purposes. 

This worrying extension of American power and
influence is happening almost without debate in
western European capitals, under the noses of leaders
in France and Germany preoccupied with elections and
of others, in Britain, Italy and Spain, too willing to
do Washington's bidding. Yet the US plan, now being
pursued by high-level envoys, has enormous political,
military and commercial implications. 

Such US expansionism across Europe, proceeding in
tandem with its equally unabashed move into central
Asia, may represent the true dawning, after a decade
of false starts, of the age of the solo superpower. It
is probably irreversible. And it poses fundamental
questions for European integrationists and
nation-staters alike. 

The chosen vehicle for this grand American putsch,
this new, US-orchestrated concert of Europe, is the
traditionally US-led Nato alliance; the catalyst was
September 11; and the crunch will come at next
November's heads-of-government Nato summit in Prague.
Up to seven eastern European countries - Lithuania,
Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and
Romania will be invited to join Nato in Prague. Others
such as Croatia, Macedonia and Albania will remain in
line, hoping their turn will come soon. Yet others,
such as Ukraine and Georgia, will edge closer. And if
all that were not enough, Russia itself will by then
in all probability have been drawn into a sort of
associate membership, too. At that point, Nato could
girdle the entire northern hemisphere. 

In other words, a post-cold-war transformation that is
both amazing and permanent is in prospect right across
Europe. Once security and military ties are
formalised, US economic investment, aid, arms and
trade deals will surely follow. 

Speaking in Bucharest this week, at a Nato meeting
entitled The Spring of New Allies, the US deputy
secretary of state, Richard Armitage, told 10 Nato
aspirants that "we're looking to the widest possible
accession" in November. In a message sent to the
meeting, President George Bush made his objective
unambiguously clear: "In Prague our nations will take
a historic step toward removing the last divisions of
Europe." In London, and Paris, and Berlin, however, at
this salient juncture in the continent's affairs, the
silence is palpable and telling. For this is
principally a US gig, American-driven and
American-organised, with EU countries mostly tagging
on behind. 

It almost did not happen. Nato's post-cold-war role
has been the subject of fierce debate. US-European
rows over the Kosovo campaign, defence budgets and the
EU's rapid reaction force made matters worse. When the
alliance was effectively sidelined after September 11
as the US largely went it alone militarily in
Afghanistan, it looked like curtains for the
iron-curtain-era partnership. 

But as the dust settled in New York and Washington,
the Bush administration started looking for ways, in
radically altered circumstances, to make Nato the
effective instrument of a now more assertive and
single-minded US global policy. In theory, the
aspiration was already in place. Bush vowed in Warsaw
in June last year to assure freedom and security for
"all of Europe's democracies, from the Baltics to the
Black sea". But now, the US has found new uses for
Nato - and expansion is key. 

The US, as ever, primarily seeks to bolster Nato to
bolster its own security - which it now believes to be
under unprecedented threat. Thus bringing in new
members to assist the "war against terrorism" is
suddenly much more attractive. This applies in
particular to Bulgaria and Romania, on Nato's southern
flank. Both are already providing bases for US forces
flying into Afghanistan and peacekeepers in Kabul and
the Balkans. And neither appears to blanch (unlike
Nato member Turkey) at the prospect of new wars across
the Black sea in Iraq or even in Iran or the Caucasus.
As Solomon Pasi, Bulgaria's foreign minister, candidly
said this week, the two countries "are making the best
use of this tragic opportunity". 

The Bush administration clearly sees an opportunity,
only vaguely glimpsed by a befogged, dawdling EU, to
advance its security, commercial and energy interests
in eastern Europe and beyond. To this end Nato appears
destined to become a far more "political" organisation
than in the past with the criteria for membership
emphasising such issues as adherence to democratic
governance more than military capability. 

This rapid, biggest-ever expansion of Nato under
proactive US leadership sends an unmistakable message
to those Europeans who, decrying their "vassal
status", would repel America's supposed global
hegemony through greater, self-propelled integration -
or, sadder still, cling to the fiction of an
independent sovereign existence. Washington's message
is plain: through an expanding, US-directed Nato,
Europe will be reunited despite the Europeans. They
are in danger of becoming spectators at their own

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