



Dear Friends,

Yet again the fascist state of Israel has stepped up its attack on the
Palestinian people. Early this morning more than 200 Israeli tanks moved
into the West Bank town of Ramallah, the town where Palestinian President
Yasser Arafat is being held prisoner and where a delegation of nine students
from Sussex University (of which two are top SLP Youth activists Dan
Glazebrook and Sukant Chandan) are now experiencing Zionist occupation for

The BBC reported that four people were killed overnight in the Israeli
onslaught on Ramallah, "but rescue teams say they cannot get to the central
square in the town where there are believed to be other casualties". This
report was confirmed by Sukant Chandan over the phone, who said that one
woman and one child were among those killed, and that death toll is
increasing by roughly one every hour. As he was speaking on the phone he
could hear Israeli gunfire. He also reported that at least 25 people had
been injured, and that ambulances were not allowed to go and help the
injured. Sukant, who is staying with Dan and Zaki in a house on the
outskirts of Ramallah, said that last night they witnessed first hand five
tanks (made in the US) and one personnel carrier (made in Britain) rolling
past the building in which they are staying.

Arafat's compound was bombed extensively overnight, including the cell where
PFLP leader comrade Ahmed Sadaat is being held by the Palestinian
Authority - it is clear that the Israeli Defence Forces are trying to
brutally murder this hero just as they murdered his predecessor Abu Ali
Mustafa. Sukant said that, yesterday, the delegation from Sussex had met
with a number of organisations and activists in Ramallah, and that there was
complete unity in the Palestinian resistance: PFLP, DFLP, Fateh, Al-Aqsa
Martyrs' Brigade, Hamas, Islamic Jihad - all these groups have united for a
common aim of fighting a people's war of the Palestinian people for
independence and freedom, to overthrow Zionist oppression. Sukant reported
that a common demand of all the groups was for release of all Intifada
fighters by the Palestinian Authority, but also that everyone understood
that Arafat and the Palestinian Authority had to make a show of arresting
'militants', that this was part of a diplomatic game that had to be played.

Yasser Arafat has responded confidently in a telephone interview with
al-Jazeera TV to the attacks on his headquarters, vowing that, no matter
what, the Palestinians would never give up the fight for an independent
state. He said that he hoped the Israelis would make him into a martyr like
Abu Ali Mustafa, the murdered former leader of the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine. "I hope I will be a martyr in the Holy Land. I have
chosen this path and if I fall, one day a Palestinian child will raise the
Palestinian flag above our mosques and churches."

Sukant said that the delegation from Sussex was very proud to be there in
Ramallah, facing occupation and curfew with President Arafat and the
Palestinian people united in Intifada. He said that this occupation will do
nothing to end the conflict, only exacerbate it.

The Palestinians have tried every method in their quest for freedom. They
have tried peaceful methods - they offer an olive branch, and the Israelis'
response is to uproot 50% of Palestine's olive trees! Now they have been
left with no option but armed struggle, and even though they seem to be the
weaker power in military terms, let us keep in mind the words of comrade Mao
Zedong that imperialism is a paper tiger - it looks scary on paper and in
statistical terms, but compared to the might of the people united it is
nothing. Who would have thought that the Korean people would be able to win
independence, defeating the armies of the US and 16 other countries? Who
would have thought that the Vietnamese people would smash the US forces to
pieces and send them home with their tails between their legs? As Paul
Robeson said, "The people's will for liberation is stronger than atom

Victory to the Intifada.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PEOPLES WAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way."
F Engels

"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

"There is no revolution without violence. Those who don't accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary."
Malcolm X

"Violence is the universal objective law of all thorough national liberation
General Vo Nguyen Giap

"Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing"
Mao Tse-Tung


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