
Korean Central News Agency


Agreement on cooperation between DPRK and Kuwait signed
     Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- An agreement on cooperation between the
DPRK ministry of city management and the Kuwait fund for Arab economic
development was signed at the People's Palace of Culture on March 28.
Present at the signing ceremony were Ri Kang Hui, vice-minister of city
management, and officials concerned and the delegation of the Kuwait fund
for Arab economic development led by deputy director-general Hesham I.

U.S.-South Korea joint war exercises under fire
     Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary terms the joint war exercises staged by the U.S. imperialists and
the South Korean warmongers a preliminary war and a test nuclear war
conducted under the simulated conditions of an attack on the north. It goes
    The U.S. strategy is aimed to seize the whole of Korea and carry out its
Asian strategy with Korea as a springboard and, furthermore, realize its
ambition for world hegemony.
    The DPRK is ready to fight a life-and-death battle. The people's army
and people of Korea have renewed their firm determination to fight tooth and
nail against the u.s. imperialists, their sworn enemy, and force them to pay
a thousand-fold high price for the blood shed by Koreans, while watching
with vigilance the north-targeted war exercises staged by warmongers at home
and abroad. 
    The U.S. imperialists and the South Korean warmongers are running amuck
to ignite a war against the north. But this will bring them to nowhere.
    The U.S. imperialists and their stooges are well advised to stop acting
rashly. The DPRK will fight a life-and-death battle with the enemy, true to
the great army-based policy and certainly emerge victorious.
    This revolutionary stand and faith remain unshakable.


Banquet in honour of Indonesian President
     Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The Presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK hosted a banquet in honour of Indonesian President
Megawati Soekarnoputri at the People's Palace of Culture on March 28.
Present on invitation were President Megawati Soekarnoputri and her husband
Taufiq Kiemas, foreign minister Nur Hassan Wirayuda and her entourage.
    On hand were President Kim Yong Nam of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, foreign minister Paek Nam Sun and other senior officials.
    Kim Yong Nam in a speech said that on her arrival in Pyongyang President
Megawati visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace to pay whole-hearted homage to
President Kim Il Sung, which fully showed her particular respect and trust
in the leadership and the people of Korea and her firm will to further
develop the bilateral relations true to the intention of her deceased father
and left deep impressions upon the Korean people.
    We are very rejoiced over the Korea-Indonesia friendship based on the
particularly close friendship between President Kim Il Sung and President
Sukarno developing on good terms generation after generation, he said, and
    In recent years the Indonesian government and people made great progress
in the work to achieve national unity and the political stability of the
country under the correct guidance of the president.
    The Korean people sincerely hope everything will go well in Indonesia
and its government and people signal success in their efforts to defend the
territorial integrity and carry out the 10-point program of economic
    It is in full accord with the aspirations and wishes of the two peoples
to extensively develop the traditional relations of friendship and
cooperation provided by the preceding leaders and it will positively
contribute to the common prosperity and progress of the region.
    Megawati Soekarnoputri in a speech said that the friendly relations
forged between the peoples of the DPRK and Indonesia have a long history.
She expressed the belief that the relations would be further developed in
the future, too. 
    The Korean people are making efforts to maintain independence in
politics, the economy and national defence, upholding the idea of the great
leader, she said, and went on:
    We will strengthen cooperation in the international arena to keep
bilateral relations on good terms even in adversity and strive to build a
fair and peaceful world together with developing countries on the principle
of mutual respect and non-interference in other's internal affairs.
    She expressed thanks to the DPRK for supporting the Indonesian people in
their efforts to achieve sovereignty and territorial integrity.
    Expressing belief that the DPRK's brisk activities for regional security
and progress would give a strong impetus to all countries of the world, the
Asia-Pacific countries in particular, she said that she is rejoiced over the
admission of the DPRK to the ASEAN forum.
    The banquet proceeded in an atmosphere overflowing with friendly


Pyongyang international commodity exhibition to be held
     Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The 5th Pyongyang international commodity
exhibition will be held in the DPRK in coming may. Applications for
participation have already been made by at least 240 companies of scores of
countries and regions including Russia, China, Japan, Germany, Italy,
Switzerland, Sweden, Thailand and Singapore.
    On display at the exhibition will be products in all fields including
industry, agriculture and ultra-modern technology. It will give
manufacturers, traders, chambers of commerce and industry, non-governmental
trade associations and their associated companies and commercial councillors
of various embassies here opportunities to promote cooperation and trade.
    It will be sponsored by the DPRK international exhibition agency, the
only institution in the country to organize that kind of exhibition.
    The agency will hold the Rason international trade exhibition in June
and the Pyongyang international economic and technological exhibition in
    It has sponsored at least 380 commodity exhibitions held at home and
abroad over the last 40 odd years, thus boosting the relations of
cooperation and exchange with enterprises and companies in different


Road network improved
    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- North Hamgyong Province, in the northern
tip of Korea, has recently been channelling greater efforts into road
construction. Some 400 km of road has been newly laid out in recent years
and around 640 km has been upgraded. With more than 80 per cent of the area
being mountainous and most parts rising over 500 m above sea level, all the
plans for new roads have been based on careful geographical study and
calculation of amount of work, followed up by detailed measures. Four
kilometres of new road has appeared in the counties of Musan and saeppyol
    One of the province's greatest achievements lies in having turned Mt.
Chilbo, one of the nation's celebrated mountains, into an excellent
recreational ground for the people. a tourist road stretching 100 kilometres
connects Yombun Revolutionary Site with Mt. Chilbo, and an extra 68 km of
road was newly built, along which are more than 80 culverts, 440-odd water
tanks and a total of 23,240 metres of railing for the convenience of the
    A total of 640 km of roads, including a 200-km road between Kim Chaek
and Chongjin and a 280-km road between Musan and Rason, have been widened
3-5 m additionally and upgraded in quality.
    A simultaneous afforestation campaign has radically improved the
appearance of the areas surrounding the roads, with millions of trees being


Kim Jong Il meets President Megawati Soekarnoputri
    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il today met
Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri on an official goodwill visit to
the DPRK. Kim Jong Il warmly welcomed president Megawati Soekarnoputri's
visit to the DPRK and had a talk with her in a cordial and friendly
    He had a photograph taken with her and her party.


Megawati's sojourn in Pyongyang
    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- Indonesian President Megawati
Soekarnoputri and her party were shown round different parts of Pyongyang
today. The president went to the Mangyongdae schoolchildren's palace. She
first dropped in at the rooms for Kayagum and accordion hobby groups where
she congratulated their members on the presentation of excellent artistic
    At the rooms for calligraphy and embroidery hobby groups children
presented her with a calligraphic piece 'welcome" and a piece of embroidery
"Kimilsungia-kimjongilia" made by them.
    The guests enjoyed a performance given by art circle members at the
palace theatre. The president mounted the stage to convey a floral basket in
congratulation of their excellent performance and posed for a photograph
with them. 
    The president presented a souvenir to the palace.
    They inspected the Mansudae Art Studio.
    And they enjoyed a performance given by the merited chorus of the Korean
people's army in the name of the DPRK National Defence Commission at the
Mansudae Art Theatre.

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