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2002-04-06 08:01 MSK - Austria starts payments to Russian ex-Nazi slaves

MOSCOW - An Austrian fund established to compensate victims of Nazi slave and forced labor made its first payments to Russian survivors on Thursday, handing out money to 10 elderly people. The Russian government agency aiding the Austrian Reconciliation Fund said that the 10 were among more than 2,300 survivors who would receive compensation. The government has sent a list of 3,000 more claimants to the Austrians. Survivors or their inheritors have until Nov. 27 to file claims. People who worked in industry, state institutions, railroads and the postal service will receive 2,544 euros (dlrs 2,213), while those who worked in agriculture and forestry will receive 1,453 euros (dlrs 1,264). Women who gave birth or were forced to end their pregnancies will receive an additional payment of 363 euros (dlrs 315). -AP

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