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----- Original Message -----
From: joe hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 4:46 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Direct Report from Ramallah - PBNB 4/5/02

Peoples Bark News Berkeley readers;
                                   Urgent news!

no peace without justice,

john vance, editor/publisher/coordinator
Peoples Bark News Berkeley

A First Amendment Center
Berkeley, Ca

Reply-To: curner@
Subject: Direct report from Ramallah
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 19:39:17 -0800

dear Friends on WILPF listserve,

Some of you might be interested in reading through this detailed report sent
April 4 direct from Ramallah under siege. Quakers continue to have strong
concerns and close contact with Ramallah because we have  schools and a
Meeting house there and both a local and international Friends presence.

Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002

The Following Statement is cut and pasted from an email we received...
in response to an email I sent...[to someone named Bradley, who
had written, apparently before the update:]

I am an American fellow Capella learner now residing in Ramallah...
I have lived here for 4 years and have lived and worked in both Israel and
Palestine  and can only say that, upon my arrival and to this day, my shock
and horror was/is more than profound when I realized the extent to which I
had been brainwashed by my own media and government concerning the realities
of this region/conflict/situation.
I know many Americans who also live and work here, and all of them feel
the same....

Bradley has sent us an up dated appeal. Please use it in your
correspondance with your U.S. Senators and Represenatives.

From: "Lori Anderson-Finwall" <ltaaf@>
[a Quaker (graduate student?) in Minneapolis/St.Paul]

Dear Lori,
Greetings!  You were right  I was without electricity from last night
until a few minutes ago, which is why I haven't yet responded to your kind
inquiry, or to your postings to Capella and to Senator Wellstone.   I am in
Ramallah, which is currently under 24-hour curfew and constant bombardment
by the occupying forces, thus resources are scant.  However, I am fine. I'll
write more about this when I am not racing against the clock in fear that
the elec will go again!
I just wanted to thank you for your interest in my situation, and in the
situation here, and for helping to circulate the appeal.  I am attaching
to this message an updated appeal, written yesterday and today.   The
conditions in the first appeal still stand, and the second serves to build
upon it though neither document really does justice to the reality!
Incidentally, I work for the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims
of Torture here, which is a partner organization of the Center for Victims
of Torture (CVT) in Minneapolis and I think that CVT has already been in
touch with Senator Wellstone on behalf of our Center -- what a coincidence!
Anyway, thanks very much again for your interest and efforts.   Again, I
will write more once things normalize a bit.  All the best, Bradley
(incidentally, although there is no way for anyone to glean this from my
name, I am, in fact, a woman!).   Bradley Bingham


This document serves as an update to the Appeal sent on March 30 from
members of the international and Palestinian community trapped in the siege
of Ramallah. All aspects of the general situation described in that document
still prevail (the original appeal is online at, and what
follows are only some of the more recent developments. This document focuses
on the situation in Ramallah only, as we have been unable to collect any
systematic information from other occupied Palestinian cities (six now, in
addition to numerous villages). However, reports we are receiving from
friends and colleagues in these places indicate a similar situation to the
one in Ramallah --and in some of the more isolated areas the level of
Israeli violence seems to be even higher, due to the lack of media coverage
and international presence.

Background: On early Friday morning, 29 March 2002, tens of thousands of
Israeli troops re-invaded the city of Ramallah in tanks and armored
personnel carriers and remain to this time. The Israeli forces continue to
occupy Ramallah completely. President Arafat is besieged in his own compound
with dwindling food and medical supplies. There are no indications when the
re-occupation will be over.

Continued Curfew: All of Ramallah's 250,000 inhabitants remain under
24-hour curfew. They are under the threat of being shot on sight should they
leave their homes for any reason. Tuesday morning, for example, a woman who
left her home to take her young son to the hospital was shot dead in her car
by an Israeli sniper. On Wednesday, a number of foreigners in Al-Bireh were
shot at even though they were announcing via megaphone that they were
unarmed and trying to get supplies from their office. These are only two
examples of many.

Ambulances, doctors and humanitarian agencies are still unable to move.
Wounded are need of medical attention. Doctors have been asked to remove
many bodies from downtown buildings, but they cannot reach the buildings due
to tank positions and continued firing. The bodies have been decomposing and
there is fear of an epidemic breaking out. There is no current capacity to
respond to an outbreak if it occurs.
Tuesday afternoon, after five and a half days of total curfew during which
the population could not leave their homes to obtain food, water or any
needed medical supplies or treatment, the Israeli forces announced a lifting
of the curfew in some areas for two hours to allow a few shops to open so
that people could get provisions. Due to the demand, the shops that did
manage to open had to ration their goods to a limited amount per family. The
announcement of the lifting of the curfew was made in some areas while in
others people left their homes at their own risk. As people ventured into
the streets, however, Israeli snipers continued to open fire, terrifying
those in the streets and causing injuries. We managed to confirm two
injuries, one a 14-year old boy who is still in hospital. There are
unconfirmed reports of others, but it is impossible to receive a
comprehensive idea of events in the current situation. The curfew was
re-imposed at 6:00pm, now for an indefinite period of time.
The Israeli army informed diplomatic missions that internationals in
Ramallah would be allowed to leave the city through the two checkpoints
during this two hour period: Qalandia and the DCO. However, individuals were
expected to make their own way to the checkpoints. A miniscule number
managed to evacuate, as many do not have cars (either because they do not
own cars or because their cars were destroyed by Israeli tanks on the
streets). Even those with cars did not feel at all safe attempting to travel
under continued gunfire. In fact, anyone reaching a checkpoint came under
direct Israeli fire. For this reason, and for reasons of solidarity, most of
Ramallah's international community remains in the city.
Terrorisation of the Population: Ramallah is constantly filled with the
sounds of heavy caliber gunfire, tank shell explosions and helicopter
gunships circling above, even when the general situation is calm and there
is no Palestinian resistance. This is taking a heavy toll everyone's nerves,
and children are particularly affected. All families live under the constant
fear of having their homes invaded (or
re-invaded) by Israeli troops.
Early morning Tuesday, the Israeli forces started an offensive against the
Preventive Security headquarters, with 400 desperate and terrified
policemen, women and children inside. The non-stop, intense attack involved
the use of Apache helicopters and tanks from about 1:30 am throughout the
morning, and sporadically until noon. The sounds of
non-stop helicopter machinegun and pounding rocket fire, as well as repeated
tank shells could be heard all around Ramallah for the entire night. In
areas throughout Ramallah, windows and mirrors continued to shake during the
Residents in the Beit Hanina neighborhood in Jerusalem also couldn't sleep
from the sounds of the intensity of the attack. The electricity was cut off
in some neighborhoods, making it difficult for residents to know where the
attacks were occurring, creating a sense of panic.
Shortage of Water Supplies: The water situation in Ramallah has become dire.
The water supply to Ramallah Hospital has been completely cut off. Some
areas of the city have also lost their water supply and residents are forced
to collect rainwater. This is extremely dangerous to the public health
situation, as safe drinking water becomes unavailable and general hygiene

The four water pumps in the Beitunia area (responsible for providing water
for a large part of Ramallah) were severely damaged in the shelling and the
subsequent Israeli occupation of the pumping station. Two of the water pumps
can be fixed. The other two pumps are thoroughly damaged and cannot be fixed
without spare parts. Needless to say, such spare parts are not available.
The water company repair teams are not allowed free access to the pumps. In
some instances, these teams have been shot at by the occupying forces. The
teams have been able to gain some access when accompanied by International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) personnel. The ICRC, however, are
Even if the pumps are repaired, the water pipe network has been extensively
damaged in the bombing and also needs repairs. The water company is
attempting to fix some, but its staff regularly comes under Israeli fire.
Lack of Electricity: Of the nine electricity-feeding stations in Ramallah,
six are inoperative. Attempts to fix the damaged ones are facing the same
constraints as the efforts to fix the water infrastructure i.e., any attempt
by workers to repair the damage is met by Israeli gunfire
In addition, a large number of electrical poles are damaged, and are
inaccessible to repair crews due to the curfew.

Israeli Forces Using Human Shields: Israeli soldiers are still occupying a
large number of private residences and detaining the residents (often in
large numbers) collectively in single rooms. This includes foreign
nationals. Often these detainees are not allowed to speak to each other for
periods of hours or days. We also have confirmed reports of Palestinian
children being forced to stand in the windows of their homes to protect the
Israeli intruders from any possible Palestinian sniper fire.
A doctor at the Arabcare Medical Hospital was held at gunpoint in front of
Israeli soldiers as they searched the hospital on three separate occasions.
When the doctor asked them not to contaminate the surgery, he was physically

Some 60 civilians were arrested Tuesday night and were to be used during the
attack on the Preventive Security headquarters. The civilians were put in
front of the Israeli forces to prevent the Palestinians from shooting back
at the advancing tanks, until they were finally removed and detained in a
single room.

No Access to the City: Diplomatic missions are being barred daily from
entering Ramallah. An EU convoy composed of Consul-Generals was turned
back on Tuesday.
A UN convoy carrying medical and food supplies to the Ramallah Hospital was
repeatedly fired on by Israeli forces and one UN staff member was arrested
and is still detained. Fortunately, the convoy managed to get through.
However, no other international relief efforts have been allowed passage
into the city.

Food Resources Limited: During the lifting of the curfew on Tuesday, only a
small number of shops could open. It was not possible to move from one area
of town to another as tanks were stationed on main roads and intersections,
and many shopkeepers could not open their shops. Some of the shops were
looted by Israeli soldiers and were out of many supplies. There were long
queues in front of shops that could open, and some basic provisions ran out.
As a result, there remains a large shortage of basic provisions, especially
for infants.
Even if the curfew is lifted again, provisions in shops are now limited or
non-existent since they are not being allowed to be replenished. No food
supplies have been allowed to enter the city.

Prisoners Being Taken: Israeli forces continue taking Palestinians prisoner
in house-to-house attacks and collective roundups. All males between the
ages of 16 and 40 are subject to arrest for no reason other than their age
and sex. Until Monday night, the number of prisoners was 700 according to
Israeli figures. It is impossible to ascertain the exact number. The ICRC
still does not have access to these prisoners to ensure adherence to
international law, and specifically the Geneva Conventions. Reports indicate
that these prisoners are being held in deplorable conditions.
Some prisoners are being released. They are being dropped either at the
center of Ramallah or at distant checkpoints, and are expected to make their
own way to their homes under the curfew and the shoot-on-sight policy. Many
are forced to take refuge in abandoned buildings where they have no
provisions, or among families in these neighborhoods, where they have to
share these families already meager supplies.
Arrests have also targeted medical and relief workers. We have confirmed
reports of five medical workers arrested from the Palestinian Red Crescent
hospital, as well as a human rights worker from the al-Haq organization.
As of writing this update, we have seen armored personnel carriers
approaching the Red Crescent headquarters, heard explosions and now are
hearing reports that it is being raided.

Gratuitous Vandalism and Destruction: There are numerous reports of soldiers
stealing from residents and gratuitously destroying property. In one such
confirmed instance, soldiers stole gold from a familys apartment, took 400
shekels (approx. $100) and destroyed packaged food and furniture. Another
confirmed report involved a group of Israeli soldiers occupying the
apartment of a lone female resident they ransacked the premises, harassed
her verbally, helped themselves to her dwindling food supply and crushed her
car with their tank when leaving.
There are a number of reports of soldiers making sexually inappropriate
comments to Palestinian and foreign women during houseraids and when
driving by to enforce curfews.
Disproportionate and Unnecessary Use of Violence: Israeli tank shells and
machine-gun fire continue to be heard constantly throughout Ramallah, even
though there is generally little or no Palestinian resistance.
Explosives are being used to knock down doors, and anti-aircraft guns have
been repeatedly used against buildings with people inside.

We, the besieged people of Ramallah, continue to appeal to all people of
good conscience around the world to mobilize immediately and not allow
the continuation of the siege to breed complacency.
We appeal to the people of Israel, in whose name these actions are being
taken, to make their voices heard. This is the time for you to tell
Palestinians that they still have partners for peace. Your silence now is
the death warrant for the prospects of peace.
We urgently appeal for food and drinking water, and for the general access
of all humanitarian agencies. The situation is on the verge of a
humanitarian disaster.
We appeal for the safety of all individuals.
We appeal for the immediate and total withdrawal of the occupying
forces from all Palestinian towns and villages.
We appeal for medical supplies and access to medical treatment,
electricity, water, phone lines and other necessary facilities.
We appeal for freedom of movement within the city and outside access
to the city.
We appeal for the immediate end to vandalism, looting, humiliation, and
gratuitous violence and destruction.
>We appeal for access of humanitarian agencies, including the ICRC, to all
>detainees, prisoners and hostages, including Palestinian President Yasser
>Arafat, to ensure their well-being.

This appeal has been made to you by Palestinians, as well as nationals of
the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Jordan and other
nationalities.  Due to fear of retribution, the names and contact
information of those authoring this appeal have not been included.

For their contact information, please contact Michael (972-52-266-208).
International Committee of the Red Cross: Jer. (972-2) 582-8845,
Tel Aviv (972-3) 524-5286
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees
(UNRWA): (972-2) 589-0401

Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002


[Long memo with statistical fact sheet on child casualties, & with
Update posted 5 April, containing late reports from Ramallah and
other cities, of which the Ramallah ones are:]

...With its headquarters under siege in Ramallah, the staff of Defence
>for Children International/Palestine Section is working from their homes to
>gather information concerning the effects of the siege on Palestinian
>children. Given the situation on the ground, comprehensive details
>regarding child rights violation are difficult to obtain and verify, as are
>exact figures of children killed and injured in the past six days.
It is clear, however, that over the last few days shocking cases of Israeli
abuse of Palestinian children have occurred.  The following cases ...

- Yesterday, 3 April, during a three-hour lifting of the curfew on
residents of Ramallah, Israeli troops fired randomly at Palestinian
civilians who were attempting to buy food, water and essential goods. A
14-year old boy, Kindi Qutteineh, who lives in the center of the city,
was shot in his leg by live ammunition fired from an Israeli tank. An
eyewitness to the shooting told DCI/PS, I was walking up the street to
buy some food when Israeli soldiers shot randomly at people walking in
the street. Kindi was near his house and was clearly shot for amusement
by Israeli soldiers positioned in a tank. It took around one hour before
an ambulance could reach Kindi and take him to hospital ...

-The PCC also reported another hotline call from a family in Ramallah
whose home was invaded yesterday by Israeli soldiers, who destroyed
virtually everything in the house. Clothes were removed from closets
and ripped apart.  The childrens toys were destroyed.  There are three
children in the house, ranging in age from 6 years to 10 years. The mother
of the family called PCCsaying that they had run out of food and needed
immediate help. The mother also asked for advice on what to tell her six
year old daughter who kept asking for an explanation as to why the soldiers
had ripped the head and hands off her favorite doll.

- Israeli troops have been conducting an indiscriminate arrest campaign
targeting all Palestinian males. According to information from Addameer,
Prisoner Support and Human Rights Organization, around 700 Palestinians
have been arrested in Ramallah alone over the last few days. Around 20%
of that number are children. DCI/PS is extremely concerned about these
child detainees as no information about their whereabouts is currently
available.  Before this latest arrest campaign, around 160 Palestinian
children were being held as political prisoners inside Israeli jails.
DCI/PS's experience with child detainees indicates that virtually all of
these children face some form of torture such as beating, having scalding
and freezing water poured on them alternatively, tied in painful positions
for long periods of time, sexually harassed, and are subject to physical and
psychological threats by Israeli interrogators.

- Late Sunday night Israeli soldiers overtook a 5-story building next to
the Preventive Security Compound in Beitunia in the Ramallah area. They
gathered nine families from the building and placed these 60 people in one
apartment. Included in this group were 22 children below 15 years of age.
They were kept in this apartment for at least 2 days without food and used
as human shields as Israeli forces bombarded the Preventive Security
Compound with helicopter missiles and tank shells only 50m away.

- Israeli tanks and bulldozers have deliberately severed water lines in
numerous areas of the West Bank. In the Ramallah area, residents are
facing a severe water shortage. Compounding this problem, according to
information provided by the electric company, around 120,000 people in
the Ramallah area are without electricity at present. Moreover, six of
nine electrical feeding stations are down.  The Israeli military has
occupied the building housing a main water pumping station in Beitunia
and no water is being pumped to local residents. At this point, Ramallah
and Al Bireh residents are utilizing water from the reserves on the roofs of
their houses. Some have already run out and many residential areas have no
running water. The lack of water is a particularly serious problem for many
reasons, not least of which is the fact that sewage cannot be pumped
properly. Medical sources are fearing the onset of epidemic diseases if
refuse and sewage are not disposed of properly in the coming days....

DCI/PS has repeatedly warned the international community of the disastrous
effects of Israel's non-compliance with its obligations under international
law, in particular, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
The State of Israel willingly signed and ratified the UN Convention on
the Rights of the Child. It entered into force in Israel on 2 November
1991. According to article 2 of the Convention, States Parties shall
respect and ensure the rights set forth in the Convention to each child
within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind.

In the period since the CRC's entry into force, Israel has not only
failed to comply with the provisions of the Convention, it has consistently
and systematically engaged in gross violations of Palestinian children's
rights.  ...  DCI/PS emphasizes that Palestinian children, as the most
dependent sector of Palestinian society, are severely affected by Israel's
measures of collective punishment. ... DCI/PS calls on the international
community to intervene and demand an immediate halt to Israel's siege on the
occupied territories and an end to the Israeli occupation. ...

Thank you for the suggestions.  I forwarded them to some of my fellow
Graduate students at Capella and posted them on a University web board.
Most people at the University seem to find me to be a "pain" because
of my peace actvities. I feel very strongly that you can't have mental
health without meeting the basics of ... safety, food, shelter, Clothing
etc. There are many students who simply do not want to know the our
goverment and media does not always tell us the truth.  There are even
a few who simply do not talk to me. The reality that a fellow student is
in Ramallah  working for Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims
of Torture (TRC) may bring these issues closer to home. one can only hope
that future psychologists would be able to think beyond their own small
worlds.  thanks Lori   ...

here is where Bradley works...   E-mail: trc@
Website:  Established: 1997 (in operation since 1983)
Director(s): Dr Mahmud Sehwail,psychiatrist
Contact person(s): Dr Sehwail; Karam Abu Hadeed; Bradley Brigham

From: "Lori Anderson-Finwall" <ltaaf@>

in peace, Carol Urner
7322 Bright Avenue, Unit E
Whittier CA 90602 USA
Voice: (+1) 562 696 5215
Email: curner@

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