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.Iran Says Ready for Oil Embargo to Israeli Allies.

Iran's Parliament Speaker Mahdi Karrubi on Tuesday noted that the country is
ready for oil embargo to Israeli allies, the official IRNA news agency

Iran's Parliament Speaker Mahdi Karrubi on Tuesday noted that the country is
ready for oil embargo to Israeli allies, the official IRNA news agency

"Iran is prepared to stop oil exports to the countries which back Israel",
although this will prove effective only if other countries follow suit,
Karrubi was quoted as saying.

He stressed that global support for Palestinians was key to force Ariel
Sharon, the prime minister of "the Zionist Israeli regime", to tone down
some of its hardline policies and pull out from Palestinian territories and
return normal life to the occupiedlands.

"Fortunately, we are not the only (people) who support Palestinians. Rather,
the whole world, even Jews in the occupied lands and Tel Aviv, back
Palestinians and express their hatred toward the Zionist policies of the
(Israeli) occupying," the Iranian speaker said.

On Friday, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Islamic
oil-producing countries to suspend supplies to Israel and the countries
which have relations with Israel "at least for a month as a symbolic

Israel has recently declared Arafat its enemy and sent troops and tanks into
the West Bank city of Ramallah to smash into Arafat's headquarters.

As the situation is getting worse on the occupied areas, the Israeli army
has intensified its widespread military offensive against Palestinian towns,
refugee camps and villages in the past days, leaving dozens of people dead
and more wounded. 

The Israeli aggressive action has drawn world-wide condemnation.Iran, which
does not recognize Israel, has rendered its firm support to Palestinian
resistance groups in their movement against Israeli occupation.


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