
Hi ,

I flatenned the first translation to fit more closely the original text 
in french...


on 10/4/02 18:16, Richard Roper at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ---------------------------
> Can someone please supply an English translation?
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> ---------------------------
Here it comes. Though the text mainly comes from babelfish I checked its
accuracy and looks more or less ok.


> Conference of Thierry Meyssan under the auspices of the Arab League 

Who financed the attacks of September 11?
> We reproduce below the text of the conference held by Thierry Meyssan,
> April 8, 2002, in the Zayed Centre, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), 
> under
> the auspices of the Arab League, in the presence of the diplomatic corps 
> and
> of the international press. This intervention was followed by questions 
> and
> answers which are in the course of transcription and translation.
> Your Majesty, Excellencies, Mesdames, Messrs,
> As of the first minutes which followed the first attack against World 
> Trade
> Centre, officials suggested at the press that the sleeping partner was 
> Oussama
> Ben Laden, the paradigm of Eastern fanaticism. A little later the very 
> new
> director of the FBI, Robert Mueller III, listed by names nineteen 
> kamikazes and
> required all the means of his agency and of intelligence services to 
> track
> their accomplices. The FBI never proceeded to such an investigation, but
> co-ordinated a man-hunt  that took, on the eyes of the American
> public, the pace of an Arab-hunt. So much, that some excited indivuduals
> attacked, even killed  Arabs whom they naively regarded as collectively
> responsible for the attacks.
> There was  no investigation of the Congress. This one gave up exerting
> its constitutional function at the request of the White House, allegedly 
> not
> to threat the national security.
> There was neither investigation of the press. This one was convened in 
> the
> White House and was summoned to abstain from any investigation in order 
> not to harm the
> national security.
> If we analyse the attacks of September 11, we notice initially  that 
> they are
> vaster than recognised in the official version:
> 1) We know only the implication of four planes, whereas it has been
> question of eleven planes. Moreover, the examination ofcases of crime of 
> insider trading,
 in margin of the attacks, shows bear speculations on three aviation
> companies: American Airlines, United Airlines and Royal KLM Deutch
> Airlines. 
> 2) We did not integrate the attack made into the dependencies of the 
> White House,
> Old Executive Office Building (known as " Eisenhower building "). 
> However, the
>station ABC diffused on line, the morning of September 11,  the images 
>of a
> fire devastating the services of the presidency.
> 3) We either did not take the measurement of the collapse of a third 
> building
> in Manhattan, independently of the  Twin Towers. This third building had 
> not been
>stroken by a plane. It also was however devastated by a fire before 
> down in its turn, following an unknown cause. This building sheltered 
> the
> principal secret base of the CIA in the world. This base devoted its 
> means to
>  economic intelligence to the detriment of  strategic information
> and larged the dam of the lobby military-industrialist.
> If we consider the attack made on the Pentagon, we note that the 
> official
> version is an enormous lie.
> According to the Defence Department, a Boeing 757, which one had lost 
> the
> track above Ohio would have flown 500 kilometres without being traced. 
> It
> would have entered the airspace of the Pentagon and would have descended 
> on the
> lawn from the heliport, would have rebounded on this one, would have 
> broken
> its right wing against a power generating unit, would have struck the 
> frontage
> on the level of the ground floor and of the first stage, would have 
> entirely
> engulfed itself in the building, and would have been entirely consumed
> there, leaving as remainders only two unusable black boxes and fragments 
> of
> bodies of the passengers.
> It is obviously impossible that a Boeing 757 can escape during 500 
> kilometres
> from the civil radars, the military radars, the fighters launched to its
>tail, and with the observation satellites which had been just
> activated. 
> It is also impossible that a Boeing 757 enters the airspace of the 
> Pentagon
> without being destroyed by the five batteries of missiles, which protect 
> the
> building. 
> When one observes the photographs of the frontage, taken in the few 
> minutes
> which followed the attack, before even  the civil firemen of Arlington 
 have time to deploy, one observes no trace of the right wing on fire in
> front of the frontage, nor any hole in the frontage having allowed the 
> plane
> to engulf itself in the building.
> Without fear of ridiculous, the Defence Department affirms that the 
> tempered
> steel engines would have been dematerialised under the effect of the 
> shock,
> without so to speak damaging the frontage. The aluminium of the fuselage 
> would
> have entered in combustion to more than 2 500° Celsius inside the 
> building and
> would have been gasified (NDLR-into Aluminum oxide), but the bodies of 
> the passengers whom it contained
> would have burned so little which they could have been later on 
> identified
> thanks to their fingerprints.
> Answering the journalists at the time of a Pentagon press conference,
> the head of the firemen indicated that there remained " no bulky remains 
> of
> the apparatus ", " neither piece of fuselage, nor nothing of this kind 
> ". He
> declared that neither him, nor its men, knew what happened to the 
> aircraft. 
> The study of the official photographs of the scene of the attack, taken 
> and
> diffused by the Defence Department, shows that no part of the Pentagon 
> carries
> mark of an ascribable impact by a Boeing 757.
> It is necessary to face to the obviousness: it is impossible that the 
> attack on September 11 at the Pentagon,which killed 125 people, was done 
> by 
> an airliner. 
> The scene of the attack having been devastated as of the following day 
> by work
> immediately undertaken, one has only partial elements to reconstitute 
> the
> event. These elements converge towards a single assumption which it is 
> not
> possible to validate with certainty.
> An air controller of Washington testified to have observed by radar the
> trace of a flying machine flying close to 800 km/h,
> moving initially towards the White House, then operating a very brutal 
> turn
> towards the Pentagon where it would have crashed. This controller
> attested that the characteristics of the flight could be only those of a
> military machine.
> Several hundreds of witnesses indicated to have heard " a strident noise
> comparable with that of a fighter ", and not at all with that of a civil 
> aircraft.
> Eyewitnesses indicated to have observed " something like a cruise 
> missile with
> wings " or a machine of small size, " like a plane which can contain 8 
> to 12
> people ". 
> The machine penetrated in the building without causing significant 
> damage on
> the frontage. It penetrated several rings of the Pentagon, opening in 
> each
> partition which it crossed a hole increasingly broader. The final 
> opening, of
> perfectly circular form, measured approximately 1,80 meter diameter. 
> While
> crossing the first ring of the Pentagon, the machine caused a fire, as
> gigantic as sudden. Immense flames came out of the building by licking 
> the
> frontages. They were withdrawn also quickly, leaving behind them a black 
> soot
> cloud. The fire was propagated in a portion of the first ring of the 
> Pentagon
> and in two perpendicular corridors. It was so suddenly that fire 
> protections did not have time to be activated.
> All these testimonies and these observations could correspond to the 
> shooting
> of a missile of the last generation of type MGA, containing a 
> hollow-charge
> and a point of depleted uranium of type BLU, guided by GPS. This type of
> machine has the appearance of a small civil aircraft, but it is not a 
> plane.
> It produces a whistle comparable with that of a fighter, can be guided 
> with
> sufficient precision to enter through a window, bores the most resistant
> shieldings, and causes - independently of its perforating-effect an
> instantaneous firethat realeases a heat of more than 2000° Celsius.
> This type of machine is developed jointly by the Navy and the Air Force. 
> It is
> shoot from a plane. The machine which was used on the Pentagon destroyed 
> the
> part of the building in which the new centre of command of the Navy was 
> under
> installation. Following this attack, the head of staff of Navy, the 
> admiral
> Vern Clark, did not join the room of command of the National Joint
> Intelligence Military Centre like the other staff officers, but left the
> Pentagon precipitately.
> Who could thus fire a missile from the last generation on the Pentagon? 
> The
> answer is brought to us by the confidences of Ari Fleischer, spokesman 
> of the
> White House, and Karl Rove, secretary-general of the White House, before
> journalists of the New York Times and Washington Post. Confidences which 
> the
> interested parties themselves contradicted eighteen days later, 
> pretexting to
> have expressed themselves inappropriately under the blow of the emotion.
> According to these close collaborators of George W Bush, the Secret 
> Service
> received during the morning a phone call of the sleeping partners of the
> attacks, probably to establish requirements. To credit their call, the
> attackers revealed the secret codes of transmission and authentication 
> of the
> presidency. However, only some people of confidence, located at the node 
> of
> the apparatus of State could have these codes. It follows that at least 
> one of
> the sleeping partners of the attacks of September 11 is one of the 
> leaders,
> civil or military, of the United States of America.
> To credit the fable with the terrorists islamists, the American 
> authorities
> imagined kamikazes.
> Although it is possible to organised people to introduce guns 
> into airliners, the kamikazes would have used as only weapons paper 
> cutters.
> They would have learned how to control of the Boeing 757 in a few hours 
> of
> simulator and would have become better pilot than professionals. They 
> could
> thus have realised without hesitation the  complex manoeuvres of 
> approach.
> The department of the Justice never explained how it had drawn up the 
> list of
> the kamikazes. The aviation companies indicated both  the exact number 
> of
> passengers on each aircraft and the incomplete lists of passengers not
> mentioning the people embarked to the last moment. By controlling these 
> lists,
> one observes that the names of the kamikazes do not appear in them, and 
> that the
> number of non- identified passengers is only three in flight 11 and  two
> in flight 93. It is thus impossible that the nineteen kamikazes all 
> embarked. Moreover, several of the people blamed since showed up. The 
> however maintains that the hijackers were identified without possibility 
> of
> error, and  complementary information disclosure as the dates of birth
> makes any homonymy improbable. To those who would still  doubt, the FBI 
> brings a
> ridiculous proof: whereas the planes burned down and the Twin Towers 
> broke down,
> the passport of Mohammed Atta would have been miraculeusly found intact 
> on the
> smoking ruins of World Trade Centre.
> The existence of hijackers, these or others, is attested to us by 
> telephone
> calls that the passengers would have passed to their families and to the
> authorities. Unfortunately, those are known to us only based on hearsay 
> and were
> not published, even if they would have been recorded. It was not 
> possible to
> check that they were actually passed from such or such mobile telephone, 
> or of
> such or such interphone. There still, we are summoned to believe the FBI 
> on
> word. 
> Moreover, it was not essential to have hijackers to carry out these 
> attacks.
> Technology Global Hawk (NDLR-correction), developed by the US Air Force, 
> makes it possible to
> take the control of an airliner in spite of the crew and to guide it 
> remotely.
> Remain the scarecrow Oussama Ben Laden. If it is admitted that he was a
> collaborator or agent of the CIA during the war against the Soviets in
> Afghanistan, one tries to make believe that he would have been turned 
> over and
> would have become the public enemy n° 1 of the United States. This fable 
> does
> not resist, it either, with the analysis. The French daily newspaper, Le
> Figaro, revealed that last July, Oussama Ben Laden was hospitalised at 
> the
> American hospital of Dubai, where he accepted noteworthy the visit of 
> the
> head of post office the CIA. American chain CBS revealed that, September 
> 10,
> Oussama Ben laden was under dialysis at the military hospital of 
> Rawalpindi,
> under the protection of the Pakistani army. And international reporter 
> French,
> Michel Peyrard - who was a prisoner of the taliban- told how Oussama Ben 
> Laden
> lived openly in Jalalabad, in November, while the USA bombarded other 
> areas of
> the country. Moreover, can one believe that the largest army of the 
> world come
> to stop it in Afghanistan did not reach that point, while mullah Omar 
> would
> have escaped with the American armada while fleeing with a scooter?
>According to the elements I have just presented to you, it appears
> that the attacks of September 11 are not ascribable to foreign 
> terrorists
>  from the arabo-Moslem world  - even if  certain performers may be
> Muslims -, but to American terrorists.
> Shortly after the attacks of September 11 2001, Resolution 1368 of the
> Security Council of the United Nations recognised " the  inherent right 
> to
> individual or collective self-defence in accordance with the Charter " 
> and
> stipulated: " the Security Council invites all the States to work 
> together to
>bring to justice the authors, organisers and sleeping partners of these
> terrorist attacks and stresses that those which take the responsibility 
> to
> help, support and lodge the authors, organisers and sleeping partners of 
> these
> acts will have to return accounts ".
> If one wishes to answer the call of the Security Council, to apply 
> Resolution
> 1368 and to punish the real guilties, the only means of identifying them 
> with
> precision would be to constitute a board of inquiry, whose independence 
> and
> objectivity are guaranteed by the United Nations. It would be also the 
> only
> means of preserving international peace. While waiting, Your Majesty,
> Excellence, Mesdames, Messrs, the military actions outside the United
> States of America are deprived of legitimate base in international law, 
> as are
 those recent actions in Afghanistan or actions planned in
> Iran, Iraq and in many other countries.  
> Site of the Zayed Centre: Text in Arabic:



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