
Serb War Crimes Suspect Shoots Himself  
Thu Apr 11, 2:05 PM ET 
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Former Serbian interior minister
Vlajko Stojiljkovic, wanted by the U.N. war crimes
tribunal, shot himself in the head outside the
Yugoslav parliament on Thursday, a federal minister
"I was informed that Stojiljkovic came to the
parliament's main entrance, talked to one of the
(Socialist Party) deputies for a while, pulled out his
gun and shot himself in his head," Yugoslav Interior
Minister Zoran Zivkovic told Reuters. 
A Serbian police source told Reuters the former
minister, in his mid-60s, was "still showing some
signs of life." 
Stojiljkovic, interior minister under ousted Yugoslav
president Slobodan Milosevic, shot himself hours after
parliament approved a law clearing the way for the
handover of war crimes suspects to the U.N. tribunal
in The Hague. 
He was one of three Milosevic-era senior officials
widely seen as prime candidates for extradition after
the law was passed. 
A Reuters reporter who arrived later at the parliament
building in downtown Belgrade said police had sealed
off the stairs leading up to the main entrance with
plastic tape. 
Television crews and some ordinary people had started
gathering by the building. 
Stojiljkovic, born in 1937, was interior minister from
April 1997 until October 2000. His ministry was in
charge of the police units widely accused of
committing atrocities against ethnic Albanians in
He has kept a generally low profile since leaving
office but remains a member of the federal parliament.
He has defended himself as a "man of honor." 

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