
Reuters. 11 April 2002. United States calls Sharon 'man of peace.'

WASHINGTON -- The White House on Thursday called Ariel Sharon a "man of
peace," rejecting a report that U.S. support for the Israeli prime
minister was eroding due to his failure to fully withdraw Israeli forces
from Palestinian areas.

"The president has, does and will continue to work directly with Ariel
Sharon to achieve peace in the region," White House spokesman Ari
Fleischer told reporters.

"The president believes that Ariel Sharon is a man of peace."

Fleischer made the statement of support in response to a Washington Post
report saying Sharon's backing in the White House was ebbing as a result
of his defiance of U.S. President George W. Bush's call for a

The Post quoted an unnamed official as questioning Sharon's long-term
ability to make peace and said some in the White House had begun making
a distinction between support for Israel and support for Sharon.

Without specifically mentioning the Middle East, Bush on Thursday
expressed optimism over U.S. peacemaking efforts.

"I believe that if we're patient and resolved and united that out of
this evil will come lasting peace -- peace in regions of the world that
might appear now that cannot be peaceful," Bush said.

Top leaders in the U.S. Congress earlier expressed support for Israel
and Sharon after meeting with Bush over breakfast, saying it was
important U.S. policymakers maintain a united front while Powell was in
the Middle East.

"I don't think there has been any diminution of support," U.S. Senate
Majority Leader Tom Daschle said afterward. He had been asked whether
support for Sharon was eroding within Congress or the White House.

Senate Republican leader Trent Lott of Mississippi said, "This is a
delicate time ... We should not be expressing a lack of confidence in
any of the players right now."

U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Richard Gephardt of
Missouri said, "We will stand with Israel."

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Barry Stoller


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