
Korean Central News Agency


KCNA assails Japan's distortion of history
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The Japanese authorities officially
approved "modern history of Japan," a history textbook for junior high
schoolers which grossly distorted and justified Japan's history of
aggression and crimes, despite the international community's strong protest
and denunciation. This is a crime unprecedented in history. What should not
be overlooked is the fact that Japanese venal historians marked Tok islet,
an inalienable part of Korea's territory, as "Takeshima" in the textbook and
absurdly asserted that the DPRK is demanding dominium over "Takeshima"
though it belongs to Japan. They went the length of writing about the theory
of "Mimana Miyake" in the book while deleting such hideous crimes as crimes
related to the "comfort women for the army."
    This goes to clearly prove that the textbook is a retrogressive revision
of the present history textbooks for junior high schoolers which describes
the issue of Tok islet as an "outstanding" one.
    The fact that Tok islet is an inalienable part of the territory of Korea
admits of no argument and the theory about "Mimana Miyake" claimed by Japan
is the height of folly.
    It was written in textbooks that Japan kept Mimana, the southern part of
Korea, under its control for hundreds of years since the 4th century after
establishing the "Japanese administrative office" there. But this was proved
to be a forgery by the results of study conducted by historians in the north
and south of Korea and fair-minded Japanese historians long ago.
    Of course there are in Japan men of intellect who can see through the
essence of history and politicians who are concerned about the serious
consequences to be entailed by the distortion of history. Then how can such
practices as tampering with history be committed with the official approval
of the government authorities?
    Lurking behind this is a sinister aim sought by the right-wing
conservative politicians of Japan to cover up Japan's shameful past crimes
and imbue the younger generation with the militarist idea in a bid to drive
them to overseas aggression.
    The Japanese authorities can never evade the historical, political and
moral responsibilities for this despicable distortion of history.


Withdrawal of "joint land management plan" demanded
     Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification was reported to have released a
statement on April 6, strongly demanding the withdrawal of the "joint land
management plan." Charging that the South Korea-U.S. military alliance has
entered the phase of strengthening all measures to keep the U.S. military
bases in the Korean Peninsula for an indefinite period, the statement noted
that the plan is aimed at the overall redeployment of U.S. forces for their
permanent presence in the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of the MD.
    Calling for driving the U.S. troops out of South Korea and reunifying
the country by the concerted efforts of the Korean people through the
implementation of the June 15 joint declaration, it stressed that
cooperation between compatriots is the only way out for the Korean people.


TV forum held to commemorate Day of Sun
    Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- A TV forum "Patriotic Life" was arranged
at the April 25 House of Culture yesterday to commemorate the 90th birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Present there were senior party and
state officials, officials of party and power organs, ministries and
national institutions, anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, former
unconverted long-term prisoners, those associated with the revolutionary
activities of the president, heroes and heroines, persons of distinguished
service and working people in the city.
    Performers spoke highly of the greatness of Kim Il Sung who performed
immortal exploits on behalf of the country, the people, the times and
history, leading the revolution and construction to victory with his
outstanding ideo-theoretical activities and energetic guidance.
    He was the leader of the people unprecedented in history, who turned
Korea into the socialist homeland of Juche and made the Korean people the
most proud and happiest people, they said.
    Recalling with deep emotion the days of struggle and merits when they
were building a socialist land of bliss, independent, self-supporting and
self-reliant in national defence, in this land under his leadership, they
stressed that his revolutionary life would remain long in history with the
    The participants expressed the conviction that Kim Il Sung would be
always alive in the hearts of the Korean and the world people and the future
of Korea shining with the august name of the sun would be rosier under the
guidance of Kim Jong Il.


Talks held between delegations of WPK and BCP
    Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- Talks between the delegations of the
Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the Brazilian Communist Party were held
here today. At the talks both sides informed each other of their parties'
activities and exchanged views on the need to develop the friendly ties
between the two parties and a series of issues of mutual concern.
    Present at the talks were Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central
Committee of the WPK, and officials concerned and members of the delegation
of the Brazilian Communist Party led by vice-president of its central
committee Jose Reinaldo Carvalho.


Meeting held to vow loyalty
    Pyongyang, April 12 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the young vanguard was held
at the plaza of the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, the sacred temple of Juche,
today to vow loyalty on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of
President Kim Il Sung. More than 50,000 young people participated in the
    Present there were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of
the Workers' Party of Korea, and functionaries of the Kim Il Sung Socialist
Youth League. 
    A report by Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of its central committee, was
followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said that at this time the day of the sun is
commemorated as the greatest holiday of the nation all the young people are
fully determined to glorify the immortal revolutionary life and feats of Kim
Il Sung forever and carry forward and accomplish the revolutionary cause of
Juche generation after generation under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    They declared that all the youth would become passionate fighters who
remain loyal to Kim Jong Il with revolutionary faith and obligation,
cherishing the absolute belief in the excellence of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong
    They renewed the pledge to consolidate the youth league as a
steel-strong organization devotedly defending the leader and the
single-heatedly united ranks of human bombers as required by the new
century, and thus demonstrate the honour of being the most dynamic reserve
combat unit and the vanguard of Kim Jong Il.

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