
Spiked (UK)
Article11 April 2002

The not-so-new imperialism
by David Chandler
Robert Cooper, policy adviser to UK prime minister
Tony Blair, has caused something of a storm with his
call for a 'new kind of imperialism'.
In the Foreign Policy Centre pamphlet Reordering the
World, Cooper argues for 'a new age of empire' - in
which Western powers won't have to follow
international law in their dealings with other states,
will be able to use military force without consulting
the United Nations, and will be free to impose
protectorates in problematic areas.
According to Labour MP Tam Dalyell, Cooper's comments
go against the Labour Party's long history of
anti-colonialism - while fellow Labour MP Alan Simpson
accuses Cooper of offering an intellectual
justification for Britain and America's bypassing of
the UN. These MPs can't have been paying much
attention to international affairs over the past few
years - because, in fact, Cooper does not argue for
anything new or exceptional.
Some Labour MPs seem to have short memories. A number
of Britain's colonial wars have been fought while
Labour governments were in power: the war with India
and the Palestine conflict in the late 1940s, the
Northern Ireland 'Troubles' that started in 1969.
Long before the terrorist attacks of 11 September, the
UK Labour government was at the forefront of
downgrading the role of the UN and creating new powers
for ad hoc 'coalitions of the willing' to wage war
without the sanction of international law. Indeed,
Labour has shown scant need for anything as concrete
as intellectual justification for bypassing the UN,
instead relying on moral support for its new
The House of Commons' Foreign Affairs Committee
concluded that the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia was
justified 'on moral grounds', rather than legal
grounds. Lord George Robertson, former Labour defence
secretary and now NATO secretary-general, argues that
Western leaders have the job of 'balancing…law,
morality and the use of force'. Of course, once the
law is secondary to what NATO leaders Blair and Bush
consider to be morally necessary, there can be no
legal limits to intervention across the globe - so
long as the cause is right. Robertson explains that
'the only morality is to do what one has to do, when
one has to do it'. In this context, the question of
whether and when to intervene is purely a matter for
powerful leaders' consciences.
Claims that Cooper is a 'maniac' only show how out of
touch his critics are. The new age of imperialism is
already well established. Two years ago, the UK
government's Joint Consultative Committee called for
the UN to restore the Trusteeship Council for managing
the growing number of international protectorates. And
Tony Blair recently helped former Liberal Democrat
leader Lord Paddy Ashdown get the job of high
representative (or colonial administrator) in Bosnia.
Lord Ashdown now has the power to pass laws by decree
and to dismiss Bosnia's elected presidents, prime
ministers and parliamentarians if he considers them to
be obstructive. The power that had always eluded
Ashdown in the UK, by way of the ballot box, has now
been granted him by the self-selected Peace
Implementation Council - which has 'voluntarily' taken
upon itself the duty of running Bosnia for the
indefinite future. 
Those who kicked up a stink about Cooper's 'new
imperialism' statement seem to have been more offended
by his choice of words than by their political
Cooper is not alone in calling for an end to the UN
framework of international law and respect for state
sovereignty. Liberal advocates of ethical human rights
policies, like Geoffrey Robertson QC, have long argued
that respect for state sovereignty is the UN's
'systemic defect'.
And Cooper's critics largely do not oppose his view
that Western powers should have the right to intervene
militarily in troublesome states. His calls for
pre-emptive military actions are mild compared to
those of Bernard Kouchner, the founder of Nobel Peace
Prize-winning NGO Médecins Sans Frontières, later
appointed by the UN as governor of Kosovo, who argues
that Western powers should have the right to intervene
'to stop wars before they start and stop murderers
before they kill'. Cooper's views of 'voluntary'
colonial rule under a new imperial bureaucracy are
wishy-washy compared to liberal commentator Michael
Ignatieff's demand for greater 'imperial ruthlessness'
in Iraq, Somalia and Bosnia. 
Cooper's mistake was to pose these policies in the
old-fashioned language of realpolitik and power,
rather than relying on the moral rhetoric of the day.
Many who agree with his conclusions find his
straight-talking presentation of US and European
superiority over the non-Western world distasteful.
His aside that the new imperialism should be
'compatible with human rights and cosmopolitan values'
only demonstrates his failure to grasp the new
etiquette of what he terms 'postmodern imperialism'.
If Cooper had stressed the 'universally empowering'
nature of his project in contrast to the oppressive
legalities of state sovereignty, he would have had
fewer problems. If he had argued that military action
to prevent human rights abuses should be decided by
'international civil society', nobody would have
batted an eyelid. If he had said that what look like
colonial administrations overriding popular democracy
are in fact necessary for 'empowering local voices',
he would probably have the support of even his most
vocal critics.
David Chandler is author of From Kosovo to Kabul:
Human Rights and International Intervention, published
by Pluto Press (buy this book from Amazon (UK) or
Amazon (USA)). Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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