
Korean Central News Agency


Message to Kim Jong Il from Norodom Sihanouke
    Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- King of Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk sent a
message to leader Kim Jong Il on April 6 on the occasion of the 90th birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. In the message, he said that the minds
of the Cambodian people, parliament, government, the royal family and
himself are running toward the places of important commemorative events held
to pray for the eternal life of the president, who achieved the country's
liberation and independence and led the struggle against all sorts of
hegemonism all his life.
    Basing himself on the Juche philosophy, the president mobilized the
Korean people so skillfully for the reconstruction and overall development
of the country. And he firmly stood on the side of the world people aspiring
after national liberation, independence and the non-aligned movement and set
a brilliant example of fraternal solidarity with them, the message noted.
    Saying that the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, the
highest goal of the president, is successfully being realized by Kim Jong
Il, it wholeheartedly hoped that this historic mission would be discharged
without fail. 


Cambodian ambassador hosts reception
    Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- Cambodian ambassador to the DPRK Oum
Mannorine hosted a reception at the embassy Friday evening on the occasion
of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. The ambassador said
that the friendly relations between the two countries which were provided by
Cambodian King Norodom Dihanouk and Kim Il Sung are long standing.
    He expressed the conviction that the special and excellent bonds of
friendship between the two countries would develop forever.
    Foreign minister Paek Nam Sun in a speech said that the president
founded the Juche idea, thus clearly indicating the road to be followed by
humankind, and led the revolution and construction along the road of
victory. In this course the president enabled the Korean people to emerge
the most proud and dignified people and performed outstanding feats in the
history of the struggle for human emancipation, he added.
    The Korean people will, in the future, too, make positive efforts to
boost the traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two
countries true to the intention of leader Kim Jong Il.


KCNA refutes U.S. clamour about DPRK's "human rights issue"
    Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- A Representative of the United States
reportedly termed the DPRK a "state with serious human rights problem" at
the 58th meeting of the United Nations commission on human rights held on
April 8. This can never be tolerated as it directly reflects the U.S.
hostile policy toward the DPRK intended to tarnish the DPRK's international
image and intensify its offensive to put pressure upon it over "human rights
    The U.S. groundlessly pulled up the DPRK over its "human rights
performance" through its "annual report on human rights" and whenever an
opportunity presented itself.
    This indicates that the U.S. has not yet dropped its sinister intention
to divorce the Workers' Party of Korea from the Korean people and overthrow
their man-centred socialist system, refusing to recognize it.
    A saying goes that scratch me and I will scratch you. Given that the
U.S. persists in slinging mud at the DPRK, it can not but say what it should
    As for the issue of violating the people's freedom, it is not the DPRK
but the U.S. which should be called to question. The "U.S.-style freedom"
claimed to be standards of the U.S. human rights, is based on the amount of
dollars. This reduces people to slaves of money and deprives the
overwhelming majority of working people in the U.S. of freedom of elementary
human rights and right to existence.
    Human rights precisely mean sovereign rights of a state. The U.S. has
committed countless crimes of violating the sovereign rights of other
    The U.S. can never deny the fact that it carried out over 70 wars and
countless cases of military intervention in the past, violating the
sovereignty of other countries and the human rights of their people.
    Under the pretext of "human rights issue" the U.S. has interfered in the
internal affairs of the countries situated in the major regions rich in
natural resources and in the areas of military strategic importance and used
force of arms allegedly to settle regional issues and disputes.
    It is a well-known fact that the U.S. cited "human rights issue" of a
country as a pretext to use "force" against it.
    All facts go to prove that the U.S. is vociferous about "human rights
issues" to meet its political interests. It is talking about the "human
rights situation" in the DPRK while keeping mum about its wrongdoings. This
can convince no one.
    The U.S. styles itself a "human rights judge" though it is the land with
the world's poorest human rights record. It, therefore, cannot but stand
censured by the international community.


DPRK government economic delegation back home
    Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- The DPRK government economic delegation
led by Jo Chang Dok, vice-premier of the cabinet, came back home yesterday
from its visit to the far east of the Russian Federation. They were greeted
at the airport by Jong Mun San, chief secretary of the cabinet, and Andrei
Karlov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, and others.


Japan urged to redeem its past crimes
    Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- It is quite natural for the DPRK to force
Japan to apologize and compensate for its crimes from the legal and moral
points of view and it is its legitimate right, says Rodong Sinmun today in a
signed article. It says:
    The Japanese imperialists committed most hideous crimes in history
against the Korean people.
    During the 7 year-long Imjin Patriotic War (1592-1598) Japan devastated
Korea and killed Koreans in cold blood. It did mental, human and material
damage to the Korean people for over 40 years after occupying it early in
the 20th century. This was the worst crime in human history in view of their
form, method, content and scope.
    Japan kidnapped and drafted by force more than 6 million young and
middle-aged Koreans and killed at least one million of them after forcing
them to do mediaeval slave labour. This was an unpardonable monstrous crime.
    Japan forced nearly 200,000 Korean women into sexual slavery for the
"Japanese Imperial Army," the most hideous crime against humanity.
    During the last Korean War, too, Japan not only rendered cooperation to
the U.S. Imperialist's War of aggression against the DPRK, but took a direct
part in it. 
    Japan plundered Korea after invading it and has repeatedly stood in the
way of Korea's reunification and progress for one century.
    These crimes earned Japan an ill-fame of being the Korean people's sworn
    It is the invariable stand and unshakable will of the Korean people to
force Japan by every possible means and method to redress its past crimes in
the present generation at any cost.
    If Japan remains hostile toward the DPRK while turning aside from the
issue of redressing its past, it will touch off the Korean people's bitter
wrath against Japan and it will not escape from a deserved punishment.


National meeting of KCU held
     Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- A joint national meeting of the
Organizations of the Korean Children's Union (KCU) was held in the plaza of
the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, the sacred temple of Juche, today on the
occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Present
there were representatives of the KCU organizations of provinces, members of
the KCU in Pyongyang and children who are joining the union.
    Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the central committee of the Kim Il
Sung Socialist Youth League, made a report.
    He said that all the members of the KCU offer the highest respect and
glory to Kim Il Sung who devoted his all to the younger generation to the
last moments of his great life on the occasion of his 90th birth
    He called on the three million members of the KCU to get fully prepared
as true children's lifeguards devotedly defending leader Kim Jong Il and
future builders of a powerful nation with unshakable worship of him true to
the behest of the president.
    A ceremony of admission to the KCU was held there.
    The children joining the union took a solemn oath before the banner of
the union. 
    Senior officials, anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, officials
concerned and their parents put red ties around their necks and pinned KCU
badges on their chests.
    Congratulatory speeches were made there.
    Among those present were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central
Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and officials concerned.


Joint statement of north-south organizations published
     Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- A contact between representatives of
different organizations of the north and the south took place in Mt. Kumgang
between April 11 and 12. A joint statement of the organizations was issued
    It says: 
    Organizations of the north and south fully support the joint press
release issued by the authorities of the north and the south in Pyongyang on
April 5 and will render energetic help to its implementation and conduct a
movement for reunification this year focussing on removing the danger of
war, a product of foreign forces, by the concerted efforts of the Korean
nation and creating an atmosphere favorable for the peace and reunification
of the country in line with the June 15 Joint Declaration.
    The organizations will promote contacts and dialogues for national unity
and reunification to put spurs to the movement for reunification this year
and join hands with all the organizations supporting the joint declaration
in this course. 
    The organizations will hold functions for reunification in various
fields including the June 15 grand festival for national reunification, the
August 15 joint national function, the north-south women's meeting for
reunification and the north-south students' function for reunification and
continue to consult and agree on specific issues such as venues of those
events for reunification.
    The organizations will strengthen solidarity and unity between them and
conduct more brisk cooperation and exchange.


Guinean government delegation arrives
     Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- A Guinean government delegation led by
Jean-Paul Aarr, minister of agriculture and stockbreeding, arrived here
today on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il
Sung. The delegation was met at the airport by Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister
of foreign affairs.


Chinese government cultural delegation here
     Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- A Chinese government cultural delegation
led by Sun Jiazheng, minister of culture, arrived here today to participate
in the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival. It was met at the airport
by Kim Jun Han, vice-minister of culture who is also vice-chairman of the
festival organizing committee, and Wu Donghe, Chinese ambassador to the

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