
Washington Times
April 16, 2002

Security for Israel via NATO? 
Morton Kaplan

     President Bush is being praised for taking a more
positive role with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian
war by sending Secretary of State Colin Powell into
the region. In fact, he is walking into a quagmire
because all proposed solutions are so dangerous to the
existence of Israel that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon dare not accept them. The eventual result will
be the expulsion of the Palestinians, the collapse or
radicalization of major Arab states, and the end of
any viable Middle Eastern policy.
     The much-praised Saudi plan was never feasible,
Even if sincere, conditions would be attached that
make it unworkable. The Saudis, in addition to other
Arab states, have been proved to finance terrorism,
and official appointees of the Saudi regime published
the blood libel that Jews kill, in this case, Muslims
to use their blood in religious ceremonies. Moreover,
the Arab regimes are unpopular and cannot bind their
     No future Israeli government will ever again
trust Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. He speaks one
message in English and a contradictory message in
Arabic. It is proven that he has sponsored many of the
terror attacks. Even his secular schools demonize all
Jews in a manner reminiscent of the virulent
publications of Julius Streicher in the Nazi era. Some
madrassas advocate killing Jews, as did a mullah
appointed by Mr. Arafat. Indoctrinating hatred,
especially among the very young, is not a program of a
leader who wants peace.
     The risks I repeatedly asked Israeli leaders to
accept in the 1970s and '80s to provide the
Palestinians with a dignified homeland have been
raised unacceptably high by Mr. Arafat's deliberate
policies. Even were it true that he really wants
peace, what Israeli leader could now believe that, or
that he could control the radicals even if he were
     If a peace treaty is signed, what will Israel do
if terrorists after a few years cross the borders in a
new intifada? Even if the Palestinian state agrees not
to invite foreign armies, what will Israel do if Arab
divisions enter in slow motion in a clandestine
manner? Or if missiles are smuggled in? Israel, which
will be less than 15 miles wide at the center, will be
deterred by international pressure from defensive
measures until it is too late. Mr. Sharon is no fool
on this issue, however arrogant and insensitive he is
in other respects. He is not ready to commit Israel to
     Is there an alternative that might satisfy Mr.
Sharon and that might persuade him to accept a viable
Palestinian state in which most of the settlements are
gone? Simply putting American or U.N. peacekeepers in
place will not work. The Palestinians are no fools
either. After a period of quiet, there would be years
of assassinations of the peacekeepers that would
discourage such forces from remaining in the absence
of an overt attack against Israel.
     It would be wrong and self-defeating to coerce
Israel unless we have a plan that makes sense. Making
Israel a member of NATO as an integral part of the
settlement, after which an attack on it would be an
attack on all, might provide the assurance needed. If
this were accompanied by an agreement that Israel had
the right to take reprisals if terrorist attacks
resumed and the Palestinian state showed less than due
diligence in attempting to control it and to punish
the perpetrators, Mr. Sharon might see a solution and
be willing to face the wrath of Israeli extremists as
he once did in the Sinai.
     In the absence of a viable strategy of destroying
Israel and in the presence of a developing economy
that would be threatened by continued intifada, the
Palestinians eventually might come to recognize the
permanence of Israel. The Palestinian state could be
promised future membership in NATO if it instituted
democratic government and the rule of law, forbade
education designed to produce hatred, and outlawed
organizations such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad while
severely punishing clandestine groups for attempted or
actual terrorism.
     Morton A. Kaplan is distinguished service
professor of political science emeritus at the
University of Chicago and is editor and publisher of
The World & I, a monthly magazine published by The
Washington Times Corp. Mr. Kaplan with co-author
Cherif Bassiouni published an extensive peace plan in
1974, which advocated a Palestinian state and
negotiations with the Palestine Liberation
Organization. In 1980, he helped persuade Shimon Peres
to meet with a specific PLO representative whom he
respected and trusted.

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