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Pronk 'to resign over Srebrenica'

15 April 2002

THE HAGUE - Environment Minister Pronk said on Monday he had decided his stance in response to the Srebrenica report, but would wait until Friday before confirming his intentions.

Government sources said the minister intended to resign in response to last week's Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD) report.

Pronk is demanding the Cabinet come to the conclusion that inadequate protection was offered to the Bosnian Muslim enclave at Srebrenica.

Up to 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys died in mass-murder executions.

Should the cabinet reach this conclusion, Pronk said every minister should resign his or her post; otherwise, he promised to resign instead.

It is common knowledge that Pronk - who was Minister for Overseas Development in 1995 when the enclave fell to invading Serb forces - has struggled with his responsibility for the Srebrenica affair.

Shortly before the NIOD report was released, the environment minister said the government had failed.

Prominent PvdA MP Van Thijn said on Sunday it was now unthinkable that Pronk would remain in his ministerial post.

Defence Minister De Grave also said last week he was wrestling with his responsibility over the Srebrenica affair.

The cabinet will decide its official stance on Friday, which will be conveyed to the Lower House of Parliament on 25 April.

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