
U.S. says North is too eager to sell missiles

by staff reporter
April 17, 2002

A ranking U.S. State Department official said Washington is greatly concerned with North Korea because it is always willing to sell weapons to any buyer who is paying cash.

John Stern Wolf, who heads the department's Bureau of Nonproliferation, said Tuesday at a press conference in Washington that despite the controversy over President George W. Bush's "axis of evil" remark, the term accurately reflects reality. Mr. Wolf criticized Pyeongyang for its eagerness to sell missiles indiscriminately.

Reminding reporters that the North has lost much international confidence for failing to stick to the Geneva Agreed Framework, he said the nation is indeed in the same league as Iran and Iraq, the other two nations Mr. Bush branded as "evil."

Iran is suspected of developing long-range missiles with assistance from North Korea, Russia and China. Iraq has ignored its treaty with the UN that ended the Gulf War for the past 11 years and allegedly tried to proliferate weapons of mass destruction.

Adding that there are still other countries willing to go down the same dangerous path the North, Iran and Iraq are on, Mr. Wolf stressed that the United States is ready to take unilateral action if it decides its national interest is being directly threatened.

Claiming that nonproliferation treaties form the basis of U.S. weapons sales policy, Mr. Wolf said the Untied States wishes the world would abide by the Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention to the letter. He added that Washington is pushing for negotiations with Moscow to come up with appropriate measures to realize the goal.

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