
Bush, Rios Montt, Stroessner, Cedras, Izetbegovic,
Ahmeti, Albright, Thaci, Clark, Short, Solana, Franks,
Barak, Haradinaj, Reagan, Netanyahu, Blair, Cook,
Jospin, Fischer, Aznar...sorry, I thought they were
speaking about war criminals. 

US to "work hard" with NATO to arrest Karadzic,
Mladic: Prosper 
Thursday, 18-Apr-2002 6:40AM    Story from AFP 
Copyright 2002 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)
SARAJEVO, April 18 (AFP) - The United States will work
hard with the NATO to arrest the two most wanted
Bosnian war crimes suspects, Radovan Karadzic and
Ratko Mladic, US envoy Pierre-Richard Prosper said
"The US will work hard in its efforts with the NATO to
apprehend these individuals" Karadzic and Mladic, said
Prosper, who is Washington's US ambassador at large
for war crimes, told reporters after meeting with
Bosnia's tripartite presidency.
US troops are part of the 18,500-strong NATO-led
Stabilisation Force (SFOR) deployed in Bosnia, which
has arrested 24 war crimes suspects since the end of
the 1992-95 war.
US troops participated in first of SFOR's two failed
attempts to nab Karadzic in southeastern Bosnia
earlier this year.
Karadzic, the wartime Bosnian Serb president, and his
military commander General Mladic top the most wanted
list of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia. The court indicted both men for
genocide, the gravest of war crimes, in 1995.
There are more than 20 fugitives, mainly Bosnian
Serbs, accused of war crimes during the Bosnian
conflit and believed to be hiding in the Serb-run part
of Bosnia-Hercegovina or in neighbouring Yugoslavia.
Prosper said the US would continue to use its "Rewards
for Justice" programe offering up to five million
dollars (5.6 million euros) in information leading to
the arrest of war crimes suspects, notably Karadzic
and Mladic.
"We are also prepared to offer relocation of any
person and their immediate family who is willing to
provide assistance in this regard," he said.
Besides a poster campaign offering the reward, the
program this year included commercials and leaflets
airdropped in the Serb parts of the country.
"We have jointly recognized today that the tribunal
cannot close nor conclude its mandate until Radovan
Karadzic and Ratko Mladic go to The Hague," Prosper
said, echoing pledge made here Wednesday by chief war
crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte.
"We will all work together in this regard to either
apprehend or encourage the voluntarily surrender so we
can move forward and have a normalisation of the
society here in Bosnia-Hercegovina," he added.
Del Ponte said Wednesday that she had information
indicating that Karadzic would be handed over to The
Hague by October.
She was in Belgrade Thursday to press Yugoslav
authorities to hand over Mladic.

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