
[The likelihood that the demented Lord has ever read
Samuel Johnson is remote at best, notwithstanding the
fact that Robertson presumably - good
pan-European/globalist that he is - speaks no other
language than English.
That the quote provided him by some hack speechwriter
who found it in Barlett's is completely -
conspicuously - beside whatever supposed point the
rambling war criminal is struggling to make is
embarrassingly obvious.
That the Lord is opposed to the 'backward' Greek
position about the sovereignty of nation-states -
after all, the smaller the political unit the greater
the role of popular control, anathema to Robertson and
his masters, is as transparent as his blustering over
the catastrophic effects of his 'triumph' in
And historians demean the Roman Empire by references
to Caligula and Heliogabalus....]  

Robertson says NATO-EU defense deal is 'urgent'
Kathimerini English Edition Kathimerini English
April 18, 2002 
Athens stresses national interest is the priority 
The secretary-general of NATO and the EU official in
charge of foreign affairs and security are to meet
with Greek officials in Athens today in an effort to
end the deadlock that has prevented the EU's nascent
defense force from using NATO assets. Lord George
Robertson and Javier Solana are to meet separately
with Prime Minister Costas Simitis. Solana will be
accompanied to the meeting by Defense Minister Yiannos
Papantoniou. The two visiting officials will also meet
with Foreign Minister George Papandreou.
Speaking in Athens yesterday, NATO's Robertson did not
mention Greece's objections but stressed that it would
be good if the problem could be solved before the NATO
summit in Prague in November.
Greece objects to a deal with Turkey accepted by its
other 14 EU partners in which Turkey, which is not a
member of the EU, will have a say in the activities of
the EU force. Athens argues that this impinges on its
sovereign rights and has asked for changes to the
agreement drawn up by Turkey and Britain that will
prevent this. So far, however, there appears to be no
indication that the gap with the other EU members will
be bridged.
"NATO-EU cooperation in the Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia is a perfect illustration of the
potential of cooperation," Robertson told an Economist
Conference on "A New Security Network for the 21st
Century." "By coordinating the political, military and
economic influence of the two organizations, we have
been able to prevent a civil war from breaking out in
a vital strategic area. Which makes it all the more
obvious, and urgent, that the last barriers to full
NATO-EU cooperation must be removed as soon as
possible — before or by Prague."
Papantoniou, who was visiting military units on the
eastern island of Samos yesterday, said that the issue
"is an EU issue and we will solve it within the
procedures foreseen by the union." He added that "what
is required is that we find a solution that is in line
with Greece's national interest but also of benefit to
European unification in the spheres of politics and
The issue was discussed by the EU's foreign ministers
in Luxembourg on Tuesday, but no progress was made.
In his speech, Robertson focused on the need for an
international security network to fight global
"We no longer have the luxury of ambiguity or
indecision," he said. "A famous line by Samuel Johnson
has been much quoted in recent weeks — the prospect of
hanging in a fortnight concentrates the mind. Sept. 11
showed us the gallows. The new security threats are
not abstract any longer. They are here. They are real.
And they are lethal," he added. "Today's security
threats have taken advantage of the infrastructure of
globalization — to support each other, to feed each
other, to build on each other. They have networked.
The result is a clear and present danger to our
citizens, and to the stability of the international
system," Robertson said.
"Our challenge, as an international community, is to
dismantle this network. To prevent, or stop regional
conflicts. To stop the proliferation of nuclear,
biological and chemical weapons. To defeat
terrorism... To accomplish this we need an
international security network," Robertson said. 

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