
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
April 19, 2002

East: Former NATO Supreme Commander Reviews Expansion,
Russia, And Terrorism
By Elena Nikleva and Jeremy Bransten

-"I think it's [September 11]actually facilitated the
enlargement issue and coming to terms with it in two
ways. Number one, it's enabled NATO to show its
appreciation for the United States through the
declaration of NATO Article 5 and the support to the
United States that NATO has given as an institution.
But it's also given the opportunity for individual
NATO member countries to send their forces to work
with the United States -- work that's been greatly
facilitated by the years of NATO inter-operability and
standardization of procedures..... 

U.S. General Wesley Clark, who retired in May 2000
after serving as NATO's supreme allied commander in
Europe, has been closely associated with the Balkans
for the past several years. As a military adviser to
U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke in 1995, Clark took
part in the Dayton negotiations that brought peace to
Bosnia. In 1999, he commanded alliance forces during
the Kosovo conflict -- NATO's first-ever combat
mission. Clark has championed the idea of a broad
second wave of NATO expansion -- including Bulgaria
and Romania -- an idea that has appeared to gain favor
in recent months. Seven months before NATO leaders are
due to meet in Prague to announce their future plans,
Clark spoke to RFE/RL in a broad-ranging interview on
NATO expansion, relations with Russia and membership
prospects for "southern flank" nations. 

Prague, 18 April 2002 (RFE/RL) -- Retired U.S. General
Wesley Clark was first asked to enumerate what he sees
as the main rationale for continuing NATO's eastward
expansion. The key benefits, he says, are not only
military but political.

"I think NATO recognizes that first, the prospect of
membership is an important incentive in helping
nations cope with the stresses and difficulties of
transformation. And secondly, NATO would like to see
the stability of Western Europe extended eastward.
It's a stability not marked only by democratic change
but by the expectations in people's lives, the
settling down, the recognition that the old ways are
things of the past. There will be no more wars. There
will be no more conflicts. There will be no more armed
revolts. There will be no more killing in the streets.
This is Europe. This is the heartland of civilization.
It's going to be settled. People can count on the
future, and they can build their lives."

Specifically, in the case of Romania and Bulgaria,
Clark sees NATO membership as an anchor that will once
and for all ensure the two countries' place in the
community of Western European nations, after centuries
of existence on its turbulent political fringe.

"I think the most important advantage of bringing
Bulgaria and Romania in [NATO] is that it settles the
question of their future alignment and orientation.
They're going to be democratic countries. They're
going to be Western-oriented countries. They're going
to increasingly become integrated into the mainstream
of Europe and not be isolated and their people
isolated on the southeastern fringe. It moves further
to the recesses of the past, the legacy of the Ottoman
Empire and of the armies that have tramped back and
forth across the boundaries of the Black Sea --
invasions and massacres and so forth. They're going to
be part of Western Europe."

Clark's heavy emphasis on the political significance
of NATO expansion stems from his belief that, at
heart, the alliance in the post-Cold War era has
become more important as a political organization
rather than as the military pact it was once solely
designed to be.

Instead of judging applicants by rigid criteria, such
as whether their armies are up to NATO standards or
whether their governments have the necessary funds or
fully established democratic institutions expected of
current NATO members, the alliance -- according to
Clark -- should act as a facilitator.

Expansion, he says, should be seen as part of an
ongoing process that will require a certain leap of
faith from both the alliance and future members.

"Fundamentally, it's a political issue. NATO is a
political alliance before it's a military alliance.
But when people in Eastern Europe talk about being
poor, this is part of the transformation process.
Wealth is created by people's imagination and
industry. People have to create wealth by having ideas
and then they need the institutions to support those
ideas -- whether it's micro-scale loans or whether
it's something else. And those micro-scale loans and
easier credits from larger banking institutions and
technical services and strong copyright and
patent-protection provisions that are still accessible
and relatively low trade barriers -- all of these
features have to developed by the state. But they also
require a transformation of mind set. Wealth can't be
created by the state. It has to be created by

Which Central and Eastern European countries appear
likely to be included in the second wave of NATO
expansion, according to Clark?

"I think the prospects are very good for the Baltics.
Everybody wants to bring Slovakia in, but there's
concern about [former Slovak Prime Minister] Mr.
[Vladimir] Meciar, and if he were to return to power,
what that might mean. And that's going to be watched.
I think there's growing sentiment in favor of bringing
Bulgaria and Romania in. There are other countries
that want to join. I think there's certainly nothing
that will prevent further enlargement in the future. I
don't think NATO's going to close its door after this
-- far from it. But I think that the countries I've
named are the ones in the first rank as they're
awaiting membership. And the other countries -- the
countries in the Balkans -- as they develop.... I
didn't mention Slovenia, but Slovenia will be there

Clark was asked what implications the 11 September
terrorist attacks on the United States have for NATO

"I think it's actually facilitated the enlargement
issue and coming to terms with it in two ways. Number
one, it's enabled NATO to show its appreciation for
the United States through the declaration of NATO
Article 5 and the support to the United States that
NATO has given as an institution. But it's also given
the opportunity for individual NATO member countries
to send their forces to work with the United States --
work that's been greatly facilitated by the years of
NATO inter-operability and standardization of
procedures. But a third point would be that because of
9/11 (11 September), the relationship with Russia has
become -- in a strange way, it's become much easier.
And I think the Russians and especially [Russian
President Vladimir] Putin himself are able to see that
the issues which unite Russia and the West are much
stronger and much more important than the issues which
divide us. So I think it's reduced Russia's problem
with the prospect of NATO enlargement."

Finally, Clark was asked whether expanding NATO to
include another half-a-dozen countries or more won't
impair the alliance's decision-making process. The
Kosovo crisis highlighted some divisions among
alliance members -- with Clark's aggressive military
strategy initially opposed by several European states
and even key members of the U.S. administration.

There has been speculation that these may have
contributed to Clark's early retirement after the
campaign. But Clark says that, ultimately, Kosovo
proved the alliance could act by consensus, and he is
optimistic that further expansion will not stymie
NATO's rapid-reaction capability.

"I think it very much depends on U.S. leadership. I
think there are two schools of thought here. One
school says, 'Well, you're going to have to change
decision making, and you can't make decisions on the
basis of consensus. There are too many countries, and
it's going to be difficult and different.' There's
another school that says, 'Well, the purpose of NATO
will gradually evolve over time. And anyway, people
say that perhaps NATO can't do war-fighting
effectively.' But I think both those schools are
wrong. I think that NATO proved in Kosovo that it
could work together as an alliance and work
effectively to bring about its desired outcome. And I
think, secondly, that NATO proved during that anxious
experience that it could operate on a basis of
consensus and that this has to be the continuing
principle for operation in the alliance."

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