
Vidal's analysis of Sept. 11 gets warm reception

Ryan Kim, Chronicle Staff Writer    Friday, April 19, 2002 
With warm approval from a packed house last night, author Gore Vidal
dissected the Sept. 11 attacks and returned to his basic theme: America
is not without blame. 

The acclaimed political and historical essayist spoke to about 1,300
people at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco, elaborating on his
latest book, "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace," which examines the
federal government's role in Sept. 11. 

Speaking in a wry tone that brought laughter from the audience, and
often relying on understatement, Vidal said the United States had in
more than 200 instances attacked other countries. 

"We've been like this rogue elephant going around the world, attacking
this country and that," said Vidal. 

He said the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, while lamentable, were not
completely inexplicable. 

"Sooner or later, someone was going to get irritable," said Vidal. "The
first rule of physics is that for every act, there is reaction." 

He belittled the Bush administration, which he said was beholden to
business interests. And he said the war in Afghanistan amounted to an
oil grab, rather than a desire to root out terrorists. 

"It's Central Asian oil that we have our eyes on," Vidal said. 

Stanford history Professor Barton Bernstein, one of three panelists,
echoed some of Vidal's thoughts while examining the history of what he
said was America's military aggression. Based on its history, he said,
the United States could be considered a terrorist state. 

Other panelists were Roberg Higgs of the Independent Institute of
Oakland and Thomas Moore of the Hoover Institution at Stanford. 
E-mail Ryan Kim at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

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