
The Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee has
vehemently condemned Israel's military attacks on Palestine.

In its statement issued in Hanoi on April 19, the VFF states that the
increasing violence in the Middle East over the past 18 months has taken the
lives of thousands of people, bringing Middle East peace process to a
standstill, and severely threatening the implementation of the peace plan
adopted recently at the Arab Union Summit.

"By launching a large-scale military operation against Palestine, Israel has
revealed its scheme to oppress the Palestinian people's struggle for their
right to self-determination", the VFF affirms.

It describes Israel's military attack as a blatant act of aggression and a
violation of international laws. The attack shows Israel's contempt for
public opinion and threaten peace and stability in the Middle East and the
world as a whole.

The VFF and the Vietnamese people of all strata strongly condemn the
escalation of Israeli military attacks against the Palestinians, and demand
Israel immediately put an end to its military operations, withdraw all of
its troops from the Palestinian territories it has occupied, and strictly
observe international laws and the resolutions put forward by the United
Nations and the UN Security Council as well as other international legal
documents on human rights.

Vietnam's largest mass organisation asks Israel to ensure President Yasser
Arafat's safety and to resume peace talks with the Palestinians to find a
solution to the conflict, bringing long-term peace to the Palestinians as
well as to the Israelis for the benefit of all people living in the Middle

The statement reads: "Having experienced a prolonged war to defend national
independence and freedom, the Vietnamese people would like to affirm their
unchanged solidarity with and support for the Palestinian people and their
just struggle for the right to self-determination, the right to establish an
independent and sovereign State of Palestine, and the right to live in their
homeland under the leadership of the Palestinian people's legitimate
authority led by President Yasser Arafat."

* Mass organisations demand Israel stop firing on Palestine

The Vietnam Union of Literature and Arts Associations has spoken out against
Israel's escalating military attacks on Palestine which had been killing
many innocent civilians and completely flouted international law.

In a statement released on April 18, the union says "we strongly condemn
Israel's brutal war of aggression against the Palestinian people and its
siege on Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, the legal leader of the
Palestinian people and a key player in the Middle East peace process."

"We call on art workers worldwide to strongly support the Palestinian
people's just struggle and demand that Israel immediately put an end to its
aggressive activities, withdraw all of its troops from the Palestinian
territories it has occupied, and sit down at the negotiating table with

The same day, more than 30,000 scientists and technicians in Hanoi voiced
their condemnation of Israel's brutal military activities in Palestine.

They, in a statement, expressed their solidarity with the Palestinian people
and asked the Israeli army to stop firing on Palestine and withdraw from

They also called for the two parties to resume negotiations for long-lasting
peace and security in the Middle East and the world at large. (VNA)


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