
The Guardian - April 20, 2002,2763,687669,00.html>

Bush says Israeli invasion of Jenin must be investigated

Julian Borger in Washington, Chris McGreal in Jenin and 
Ewen MacAskill in Jerusalem

  The White House called yesterday for an international inquiry into
civilian casualties caused by the Israeli military assault on Jenin,
and asked the Israeli government to allow UN and Red Cross
investigators into the devastated West Bank town.

  As the Israeli army pulled out the last of its troops, President
George Bush's spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said: "The president has
called for the United Nations and the Red Cross to be permitted to
have unhindered access to Jenin. The president believes what's
important is transparency so all the facts can be developed."

  Mr Fleischer suggested it might be in the interests of Ariel Sharon's
government to allow the investigation, quoting the US assistant
secretary of state, Richard Armitage, as saying: "There is a
mythology sometimes to these events where numbers are bandied about."

  "What's important is to find the facts, and that's why the president
has said that it's important to allow the UN and the Red Cross in to
find out," he said.

  The Israeli foreign minister, Shimon Peres, last night invited UN
secretary-general Kofi Annan to launch a fact-finding mission. Mr
Peres telephoned Mr Annan and said that, "should the
secretary-general send someone to look into the facts of what
happened in Jenin and elsewhere, it would be welcome," a UN spokesman

  Tony Blair joined leaders across Europe in backing the call for an
international inquiry by the Red Cross. Mr Blair, intent on
presenting himself as scrupulously even-handed, said: "Yes, what is
happening in Jenin is appalling and tragic. So is large numbers of
totally innocent Israeli citizens being blown up in cafes,
restaurants and even during religious services."

  He urged a new Middle East peace initiative, with EU involvement.

  A day after President Bush dubbed Mr Sharon "a man of peace", Mr
Fleischer said Israel was "honouring" the timetable it had provided
the president for its proposed withdrawal from West Bank towns.

  Yesterday the Israeli army confirmed it had pulled out of Jenin but
declared it a closed military area and began cutting access by
blocking roads.

  As the soldiers withdrew, 35 Palestinians killed in two weeks of the
worst fighting since Israel launched its raids into West Bank towns
were buried in common graves. It was not known if the dead men were
fighters or civilians.

  Palestinian residents say many hundreds more who died remain under
the rubble of buildings crushed by Israeli bulldozers. So far, 39
Palestinians and 23 Israeli soldiers are confirmed killed.

  In Gaza, which has been relatively quiet for the past few weeks, a
Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up yesterday at an Israeli
military checkpoint. Two soldiers were slightly injured.

  Elsewhere in Gaza and the West Bank, the Israeli army shot dead seven
Palestinians, including two boys, nine and 14, during a curfew, and
two gunmen said by Israel to have been trying to infiltrate a Jewish
(c) 2002, The Guardian

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