
New Changes Seen in Global Geo-Strategy After September 11 Event: Chinese Schola

Xinhuanet 2002-04-19 23:28:40

  SINGAPORE, April 19 (Xinhuanet) -- A well-known Chinese scholar has said that international geo-strategic structure has taken on some new changes after the September 11 event although the "post- September 11" general situation has not changed significantly in the Asia-Pacific and the whole world.

  In his speech at the ASEAN-China dialogue held here earlier this week, Lu Zhongwei, president of China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, pointed out, "The global geo-strategic structure is fermenting a new round of changes with Asia-Pacific being the center of shuffling."

  The international terrorist organizations and other hidden actors have come out from behind the curtain to the stage and acted as the new players on the international chessboard, he said,noting "They are now publicly playing the game with the traditional states and international organizations in an unsymmetry manner."

  The security boundary has changed from an international conceptinto a domestic one with the U.S. attaching unusual strategic importance to the homeland defense, he added.

  He said that the rules of geo-political games are also changing,mentioning the definition of terrorism, the use of military forcesin war on terror, the demarcation between terrorist camp and counter-terrorist camp, the leadership of counter-terrorism and soon.

  Lu underlined that the most notable change lies in the reshuffling of geo-political situation in the Asia-Pacific where regional countries began to adjust overall strategies including counter-terrorist strategies.

  "In the big context of Asia-Pacific strategic structure, a new strategic line connecting by three critical sub-regions-- South & Southeast Asia, Central Asia and West Asia-- has emerged on the southern edge of the Asian continent," he said.

  Noting that "some uncertainties have already been seen along this arc," he pointed out a number of new developments such as more and more aggressive U.S. military presence and strategy in Central Asia, heating up tension between India and Pakistan in South Asia, intensified Palestinian-Israeli conflicts in West Asiaand strengthened military cooperation between the U.S. and some Southeast Asian countries in the name of jointly countering terrorism. Enditem

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