
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 22nd, 2001, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   The EU Takes Israel To Task   
   The European Union has warned Israel not to assault Palestinian
   leader Yasser Arafat's West Bank headquarters. The Middle East
   conflict is expected to dominate this weeks's Euro-Mediterranean
   Conference in Spain.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_503117_1_A,00.html

   Results from First Round French Presidential Elections Send

   Far-right French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen advanced into the final
   round of presidential elections in France on Sunday, sparking shock
   and protests in Europe. Several thousand anti-Le Pen demonstrators
   took to the streets in France to protest against racism, while social
   democratic leaders across Europe voiced worries at the popularity of
   Le Pen's outspoken right-wing platform. He now faces French President
   Jacque Chirac in the final election scheduled for May 5th.
   Meanwhile, French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin has announced that he
   would leave politics following the run-off elections. The
   announcement came shortly after Jospin lost second place to Le

   German Social Democrats Suffer At Weekend Polls

   In Germany, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats suffered
   a loss at the polls in Sunday's regional elections in the eastern
   federal state of Saxony Anhalt. The SPD picked up only 20 percent of
   the vote, which put it behind the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the
   party of reform Socialists (PDS). The CDU won more than 37 percent of
   the vote. The elections were seen as a test of Schroeder's popularity
   before the September general election.

   German Foreign Minister Calls Djerba Blast an Act of Terrorism

   German Interior Minister Otto Schily said he had concrete evidence
   that the April 11 explosion on the Tunesian island of Djerba was a
   terrorist attack. Schily made the statements at the end of a two-day
   visit in the north African country. The explosion of a liquid gas
   delivery truck at a synagogue killed 16 people, 11 of them Germans.
   Tunesian authorities, who initially regarded the blast as an
   accident, said last week that they were investigating the incident as
   an act of terrorism.

   Israel Withdraws from West Bank Cities but Miantains Blockade

   Palestinian President Yasser Arafat told US Middle East Envoy William
   Burns he was not prepared to begin cease-fire talks until Israel ends
   its blockade. Israel withdrew tanks and troops from the West Bank
   cities of Nablus and Ramallah after three weeks of occupation, but
   maintained its military presence around Arafat's headquarters in
   Ramallah and at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. US and
   European Union representatives continue to appeal to both sides to
   seek a cease-fire and begin talks aimed at creating a Palestinian
   state and establishing peace. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
   said he would not discuss dismantling Jewish settlements in occupied
   areas before the next parliamentary elections in October 2003. In
   continuing violence Monday, Israeli soldiers shot dead two gunmen on
   the outskirts of a refugee camp and the Israeli army said it killed a
   man who had tried to enter a Jewish settlement in northern Gaza.

   State of Emergency in Southern Philippine City

   Philippine President Gloria Arroyo has declared a state of emergency
   in General Santos City in response to a series of bomb attacks. At
   least 14 people were killed and some 60 injured in a powerful
   explosion in a department store Sunday in the southern Philippine
   city. Local authorities, who arrested two Muslim guerrillas Monday,
   said they expected to arrest more suspects in a sweeping crackdown. A
   man claiming to represent the Muslim guerrilla group Abu Sayyaf,
   which the US believes is linked to the terrorist network al Qaeda,
   said Abu Sayyaf had carried out recent attacks in response to the
   current US-Philippine military operations aimed at stopping rebel
   activities. About 1,000 US Special Forces are involved in training
   Fillipo troops in counter-terrorism in the southern Philippines,
   where Abu Sayyaf has been holding an American couple hostage for
   almost 11 months.

   Curfew Imposed after Renewed Violence in Gujarat

   India's ruling Hindu Nationalist party has come under renewed
   pressure in parliament over its failure to control Hindu-Muslim
   violence. At least 17 people were killed and 100 injured in weekend
   clashes in Gujarat state, where some of the heaviest religious
   violence has taken place. Angry opposition deputies have called for
   the firing of the state's chief minister, Nahendra Modi, who has
   failed to control the clashes. Meanwhile, army and paramilitary
   forces remained on the streets of Gujarat's main city Ahmedabad to
   quell rioting. Police opened fire on rioters Sunday night, as Hindus
   and Muslims fought each other with home-made bombs. Officials have
   since imposed a fresh curfew in parts of the city.

   Four Men in Pakistan Charged in Pearl Murder

   A court in Pakistan has formally charged Islamic militant Ahmed Omar
   Saeed Sheikh and three other men with the murder of U.S. reporter
   Daniel Pearl. A court official at the proceedings in Karachi said
   all four men had pleaded not guilty to charges of kidnapping, murder
   and terrorism. A verdict from the trial is expected within one week
   after the case begins. Meanwhile, Washington has also indicted
   Sheikh Omar for hostage-taking and requested his extradition, but
   Islamabad says the case must first be resolved under Pakistani law.

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