
Israel Plans to Kill Arafat: Erekat  

Xinhuanet 2002-04-22 20:46:03 
   GAZA, April 22 (Xinhuanet) -- Senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb 
Erekat said Monday that the second stage of the Israeli government 
plan is to break into Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's compound 
in the West Bank town of Ramallah and kill him.
   Erekat said that the Israeli established buffer zones around 
Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah put hills of sands around the 
headquarters after cutting the streets and prevents any contact 
with him.
   "Preventing us from attending the meeting between President 
Arafat and William Burns in Ramallah is an indication that it is 
the first step towards breaking into Arafat's office and getting 
rid of him," said Erekat.
   Erekat and other Palestinian security sources revealed that the 
Israeli army began to implement the second stage of what Israel had
called the" Operation Defensive Shield" in the West Bank.
   The sources said that Israel is preparing for bringing an 
Israeli Civil Administration that was existed before signing the 
Oslo peace accords in 1993 to administrate the West Bank after 
undermining the Palestinian National Authority.
   The sources said that the Israeli army turned all areas, that 
were considered as areas "A" under the full Palestinian control in 
accordance with the Oslo agreement, into areas "B".
   The sources said that the Israeli army decided not to let any 
Palestinian resident of the West Bank to leave the Palestinian 
territories until he or she asks the permission of the Israeli 
   Palestinian residents in the town of Salfit between Nablus and 
Ramallah said that the Israeli army officials informed them that 
the army is intending to confiscate lands for establishing military
basis for the Israeli army in the area.
   "The Israeli actions were taken as part of a series of steps 
towards the complete undermining of the Palestinian National 
Authority and bringing back an Israeli occupation civil 
administration," said Erekat.  Enditem  

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