
Hey all,

I'm doing a paper on the "recognition" of Bosnia and Hercegovina.  Two things 
have struck me so far in my research:

1) the degree to which NATO's policy viz. Yugoslavia resembles the Bantustan 
approach adopted by the South African regime.  In order to dilute opposition 
to its rule, Pretoria did not recognize a "black majority" but instead 
several "minorities" as having the right to their "own path to development", 
or "apartheid" on the basis that all peoples were different and deserved 
their own states.  Pretoria only recognized "tribes" or "ethnies" some of 
which, according to official apartheid era propaganda "hated each other more 
than the whites." In order to divide and rule Pretoria recognized different 
levels of autonomy based on the "evolution" of different peoples, finally 
granting them "statehood" - which went unrecognized by the entire 
international community - once they were sufficiently "evolved" like in the 
cases of Transkei, Ciskei, and Bophatswanaland.  In fact such acts of 
"recognition" it has been argued are jus cogens, or peremptory violation of 
international law as they violated the sovereignty and self-determination of 
peoples (who never voted for such "independence").  In the same way, 
Yugoslavia's peoples - but especially the Serbs, Croats, "Bosniaks," and 
Montenegrins who shared an identical linguage, i.e. the surest sign of common 
ethnic heritage - where united in a common state.  In order for NATO to 
dominate it had to create ethnic partitions and recognize independent 
"homelands" which would effectively undercut opposition to its rule by 
preventing any one side from supporting the other.  It is interesting to note 
that the secessionist leadership in both Slovenia and Croatia only won on 
referendums that argued for a restructured Yugoslavia as a loose federation 
and NOT complete dismemberement.  Nonetheless, in violation of these 
referenda the republican leaderships moved to escalate the crisis each time a 
solution within a Yugoslav framework was within reach, thereby increasing the 
involvement of Federal organs and the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and 
creating the oportunity to charge "Greater Serbian hegemonism."  This 
polarized the population and prevented a solution within Yugoslavia (i.e. the 
intention of Slovenia and Croatia's foreign backers, particularly the USA, 
Germany and Britain).  In fact during the escalation of the crisis in Spring 
1991 Douglas Hurd met with Tudman in London and Bush sent a letter to 
Croatian VP Stipe Mesic arguing that a "peaceful" secession by Croatia and 
Slovenia would be supported.  In May 1991, the United States cut off all aid 
to Yugoslavia citing "Serbian" actions in Kosovo and "Serbia's" 
destabilization fo the Federal Presidency (while completely ignoring the much 
more serious crimes of the HDZ regime in Croatia and Slovenia's complete 
boycott and hence destabilization of all Federal Organs, as well as the 
Federation as a whole).  If the USA was moving to "preserve Yugoslavia" it 
was sure going about it the wrong way by lending support to secessionist and 
only denouncing those who sought to hold the country together.  Such policies 
are of course behind the radical parcallation of land throughout the Balkans 
which has left Slovene, Croat, Bosnian Serbs, Croatian Serbs, Bosnian 
Muslims, Albanians, Macedonians and now even Montenegrins living in seperate 
"states" de facto or dejure.  The only underlying commonality allowed between 
the various Bantustans, as in South Africa was: 1) the "right" to be 
exploited by the central administering power of the apartheid regime (, 2) 
the "right" to be economically dominated by the apartheid regimes corporate 
and financial interests, (3) the "privelege" of having critical 
infrastructure maintained by the white minority regime, and 3) the presence 
of the apartheid regimes security forces as the ultimate arbiter of the 
situation in the homelands (including specially trained local police forces 
to put down the native populations resistance and workers strikes).  Any 
opposition that challenged this process of "seperate development" in South 
Africa, was quashed, leaders were imprisoned and tried for "terrorism" or 
"crimes against humanity" and where regularly branded as "communists", just 
as the Socialist Party of Serbia, the Alliance of Reform Forces, the League 
of Communists - Movement for Yugoslavia, the League of Communists of 
Montenegro, the League of Communists of Bosnia, the League of Communists of 
Macedonia - Movement for Democratic Renewal, etc. - all of which favored the 
preservation of a multiethnic Yugoslavia, and opposed the principle of 
violent ethnic partition - were marginalized and sidestepped by NATO, and 
their leadership demonized and destroyed.  NATO has effectively pursued a 
radical policy of Bantustanization of Yugoslavia, which has continuously 
favored the most radical elements in the Balkan drama - espousing the most 
polarizing racial theories - under the cover of "democracy promotion" and 
"self-deteremination" and "integration into Europe", etc., etc., etc.  The 
results have been a consolidation of NATO rule over the Balkans and the 
imposition of Western minority regimes wherever possible.  The conclusion is 
that these states are illigitimate creations of NATO policy and not 
self-determining entitites.  It should be noted that all of the FRONT LINE 
STATES - which were the African States that opposed South Africa's apartheid 
policy and that bordered it - were the most vociferous supporters of the 
position that the secessionist republics in Yugoslavia had seceded from the 
Federation and the the FRY was the sole legitimate inheritor of the SFRY.  
They were the biggest supporters of Yugoslavia's continued unity to the very 
end and even up to the NATO aggression and afterwards in 1999.  This was a 
position that was shared by Russia, China, and India, as early as late 1992 
when these questions were brought up to the UN General Assembly at the 
request of the Security Council.  Thus the REAL apartheid in the Balkans is a 
direct result of NATO policy, which sustains an atitude favoring Yugoslavia's 
partition, not the policies of Yugoslavia and its allies.  This applies to 
the Serbs as well who were described in a Royal Institute of International 
Affairs (RIIA) - British version of NED basically -  1994 document entitled 
"Managing Milosevic's Serbia" in the following terms, which argued that the 
Belgrade-Pale split in 1993 "reveal[ed that] the Serbian nation is not so 
much one nation as a series of disparate, almost tribal communities linked by 
a common language, religion and mythology."  The inherent racist assumptions 
of NATO's Balkan policies, I think, can be made more explicit if we emphasize 
the connections between NATO and apartheid.  To call any of the "successor" 
states of Yugoslavia as "independent" or "self-determining" is a mockery of 
terminology: these states should instead be refered to as Non-self-Governing 
Territories and the mandated power NATO should be placed under the 
supervision of the UN Committtee on Decolonization as is the proper procedure 
for such territories.  The "successor" states of Yugoslavia can only be 
rightfully called a rag-tag collection of ethnic "Bantustans" and "Homelands" 
under the thumb of NATO and Western capitalism in my opinion and deserve no 
legitimation by the international community until their full sovereignty has 
been restored (either in a UNION with each other or as seperate but TRULY 
SELF-DETERMINING STATES - whichever the citizens of these regions decide).  
What is needed, as in the South African case is a TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION 
COMMISSION between the indigenous peoples of the former Yugoslavia, and an 
International Criminal Tribunal for the crimes of the self-declared 
"international community" and NATO forces and governments that interfered in 
Yugoslavia to bring criminal accountability to those who sowed the seeds of 

2) The whole notion of a GREATER SERBIA being supported by the government in 
BELGRADE is a BIG LIE as we all know.  The facts are quite simple on this 
score.  On April 2nd, 1991 the Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Serbia 
met in an EMERGENCY SESSION to respond to the action - one day before - of 
the Executive Council of Krajina to declare its secession from Croatia and 
its union with Serbia after the Croatian government adopted a series of 
constitutional provisions that effectively severed all links with Yugoslavia 
and as it continued its violent repression of the largely non-violent 
blockades set up by Croatian-Serbs.  Serbia's parliament completely rejected 
the position of the Executive Council of Krajina and asked that a solution be 
found within a Yugoslav framework, respecting the integrity of Croatia so 
long as it still remained - a however recalcitrant - member of the 
federation.  Thus SERBIA'S legislators - elected the previous December - 
such measures were the pro-Western Chetnik opposition led by Vuk Draskovic 
who had demanded the previous October that a "declaration of war" be 
proclaimed on Croatia!!!  Thus once again it was the rabidly pro-Western and 
anti-Milosevic forces in the "Serbian camp" that favored racist and 
polarizing policies for the Balkan peninsula and not anti-hegemonistic forces 
that rallied around the SPS and pro-Yugoslav parties.



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