
I haven't been following this. Is the implication that a drone hit the
pentagon and that an airliner did not? If so - isn't there an airliner
missing - and 100 people missing? I saw the course purportedly tracked by
the air traffic control radars -showing the route of the plane. Have the
life insurance companies paid on the life insurance of the passengers? Have
corpses been recovered? What does the local morgue say? Were the landing
gear and engines of an airplane hauled out of the mess?  Did people near the
pentagon report seeing a plane going toward the pentagon? Our local
newspaper quoted a local family as saying that a member of their family was
the pilot of the plane that hit the pentagon.
I can understand that it would be easy to organize  for air defense command
to let an attack come in. This could be done with few insiders  - merely by
scheduling some situation where responsibility is unclear; but to fake a
whole plane requires collusion with 100 families; morgue employees; firemen;
trash haulers; etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Roper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 April, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: One hole, 2 1/2 yards in diameter [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


There have been reports that it was a remotely-piloted
drone, which first fired a missile at the front wall.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ---------------------------
> One hole, 2 1/2 yards in diameter
> Whatever hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 made
> a hole several meters wide in the front wall between
> the first and second floors. It emerged three blocks
> later, leaving behind a perfectly round hole of
> about 2 1/2 yards in diameter.
> The device or craft entered the wall of the Pentagon
> just behind the heliport. Half an hour after the
> attack, this front wall collapsed. The photograph
> below was taken in the minutes following the attack,
> when help first arrived. The wall at this stage has
> not yet collapsed. In the accompanying image, the
> point of impact has been enlarged. It spans from the
> first floor of the building to the second floor, 7
> 1/2 to 8 1/2 yards high. It is as wide as the two
> windows above (5 1/2 to 6 1/2 yards). It would
> appear that the wall between the building's two
> supporting pillars has been removed.
> Site : - High definition (1,1
> Mo)
> The exit hole
> The two photographs below show the hole through
> which the device or craft exited the building. The
> photograph's caption is clear on this point: "The
> exit hole where American Airlines Flight 77 finally
> stopped after penetrating the Pentagon". The second
> photograph shows the same hole after debris was
> removed. The words "Punch out" have been added. The
> hole is quite circular and is about 2 1/2 yards in
> diameter.
> Site : - Enlargement
>       Site : - Enlargement - High
> definition (1,6 Mo)
> The position of the hole
> The two photographs to the left and their
> enlargements on the right show the location of this
> hole on the inside wall of the third ring. The
> condition of the windows and the inscriptions on the
> right can be compared to the photographs above. High
> definition enlargements of these images may be
> downloaded by clicking on the links.
> Site :
> 1 : Enlargement - High definition (420 Ko)
> 2 : Enlargement - High definition (460 Ko)
> Enlargement of photographs on the left.
> Image 1 : Enlargement
> Image 2 : Enlargement
> What kind of aircraft caused these damage ? Please
> read the article that follows: : Possible theories:
> Aircraft nose or warhead ?
> ---------------------------

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