Hey all,

there has been a clear campaign to single out Rwanda for the aggression in DRC and to pin the blame on Rwanda.  Although Kagame is the staunchest US ally in the region, continued US support for his regime may fatally undermine the US position in Africa, especially as internal opposition in Rwanda grows (remember the NED was designed to avoid the embarassment caused to US policy by the popular uprisings against the Shah in Iran, and Somoza in Nicaragua and to steer such manifestations of anger into a "transition" that would leave US interests intact, while removing the symbolic source of friction between the US and the native populations it sought to dominate).  It is conceiveable that the US is working on a "civil society" transition to replace Kagame in the next several years.  This probably means that it will continue working both sides of the equation, forcing Kagame to bend on some demands or replacing him if he becomes too rigid in his policies and less acomodating to US interests in the region.  ARENA and Bizimungu may be simply a foil to channel anti-Kagame sentiments into an opposition with a generally pro-US position that will still largely maintain the pro-US network of agents intact while cosmetically removing Kagame (if necessary, if at all).


(see story below)

In a message dated 22/04/02 22:43:52 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Date:22/04/02 22:43:52 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet

Rwanda: Desperate Kagame broadly  threatens Western diplomats and opposition

AfroAmerica Network

Kigali, Rwanda. April 8, 2002

" The day is coming when I will have to take a decisive action against them
[opposition]. And when the day comes, even these [Western] supporters with
whom they spent time drinking tea will be helpless. Rwandans will submit to
no one, be they Rwandans or foreigners,” said  General Kagame in Butare, in
Southern Rwanda on April 6, 2002. This broad  threat  was directed to
Western diplomats and opposition figures inside Rwanda, especially the
former President and  Kagame’s Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)  companion
Pasteur Bizimungu and former RPF regime’s Minister  Charles Ntakirutinka.

According to sources within the Rwandan Government, Kagame accuses Western
diplomats in Kigali, especially those in American, French and Belgian 
Embassies for supporting the opposition against him and for having
documented assassination attempts against Pasteur Bizimungu and Charles
Ntakirutinka in August  2001.

[See AfroAmerica  Network articles: Former Rwandan President narrowly
escapes assassination attempt, of August 14, 2001 and  Another Former RPF
minister escapes assassination attempt,  of August 17, 2001  on].

Diplomats in Kigali told AfroAmerica Network that General Kagame clearly
shows symptoms of depression and despair. “He is behaving as though he has
nothing to loose anymore. He has run out friends and he has chosen
confrontation against any perceived threat hoping to preempt any action
against him or attract sympathies from the only one Western friend he still
has.”   Sources within Kagame’s own security services told AfroAmerica 
Network Kagame has surrounded Kigali with caves and heavy weapons and has
managed to send all troops  perceived to be not loyal to him in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo or inside Rwandan  provinces. Thus, the
troops loyal to Kagame  hold hostages hundreds of thousands of people living
in Kigali.  Kagame also just finished, with the help from China, a fortified
bunker in Kiyovu.  He has since asked the Catholic Church to move out from
their main Cathedral, the St Michael Cathedral, situated near the bunker.

Meanwhile, people in Rwanda have started to put their hopes in the newly
created Alliance between the Hutu and Tutsis politico-military and political
parties  Alliance pour la Renaissance de la  Nation (ARENA),  les Forces
Democratiques de Liberation du Rwanda (FDLR) and Nation-Imbaga. Hundreds of
e-mails sent to AfroAmerica Network converge on the fact that the Alliance
pour la Democratie et la Reconciliation Nationale  (ADRN-Igihango) 
constitutes what Rwandans have been hoping for. “We hope this Alliance will
start  the work of liberating us before Kagame finishes us off.”

These worries may be founded given the threat against Western diplomats and
the opposition and that General Kagame has ordered the separation between
educated prisoners and others. Those educated are led to unknown
destinations. In Gikondo prison, the separation is already completed. The
Director of Prisons in the northern region of Ruhengeri has so far refused
to comply with the order.

Rwandan intelligence services have also started to jam Voice of
America-Kinyarwanda/Kirundi,  BBC-Gahuzamiryango, Radio Africa broadcasts to
Africa. They are worried these Radios are spreading opposition ideas among
the Rwandan population.

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--- Begin Message ---
Rwanda: Desperate Kagame broadly  threatens Western diplomats and opposition 

AfroAmerica Network

Kigali, Rwanda. April 8, 2002

" The day is coming when I will have to take a decisive action against them 
[opposition]. And when the day comes, even these [Western] supporters with 
whom they spent time drinking tea will be helpless. Rwandans will submit to 
no one, be they Rwandans or foreigners, said  General Kagame in Butare, in 
Southern Rwanda on April 6, 2002. This broad  threat  was directed to 
Western diplomats and opposition figures inside Rwanda, especially the 
former President and  Kagames Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)  companion 
Pasteur Bizimungu and former RPF regimes Minister  Charles Ntakirutinka.

According to sources within the Rwandan Government, Kagame accuses Western 
diplomats in Kigali, especially those in American, French and Belgian  
Embassies for supporting the opposition against him and for having 
documented assassination attempts against Pasteur Bizimungu and Charles 
Ntakirutinka in August  2001.

[See AfroAmerica  Network articles: Former Rwandan President narrowly 
escapes assassination attempt, of August 14, 2001 and  Another Former RPF 
minister escapes assassination attempt,  of August 17, 2001  on].

Diplomats in Kigali told AfroAmerica Network that General Kagame clearly 
shows symptoms of depression and despair. He is behaving as though he has 
nothing to loose anymore. He has run out friends and he has chosen 
confrontation against any perceived threat hoping to preempt any action 
against him or attract sympathies from the only one Western friend he still 
has.   Sources within Kagames own security services told AfroAmerica  
Network Kagame has surrounded Kigali with caves and heavy weapons and has 
managed to send all troops  perceived to be not loyal to him in the 
Democratic Republic of the Congo or inside Rwandan  provinces. Thus, the 
troops loyal to Kagame  hold hostages hundreds of thousands of people living 
in Kigali.  Kagame also just finished, with the help from China, a fortified 
bunker in Kiyovu.  He has since asked the Catholic Church to move out from 
their main Cathedral, the St Michael Cathedral, situated near the bunker.

Meanwhile, people in Rwanda have started to put their hopes in the newly 
created Alliance between the Hutu and Tutsis politico-military and political 
parties  Alliance pour la Renaissance de la  Nation (ARENA),  les Forces 
Democratiques de Liberation du Rwanda (FDLR) and Nation-Imbaga. Hundreds of 
e-mails sent to AfroAmerica Network converge on the fact that the Alliance 
pour la Democratie et la Reconciliation Nationale  (ADRN-Igihango)  
constitutes what Rwandans have been hoping for. We hope this Alliance will 
start  the work of liberating us before Kagame finishes us off.

These worries may be founded given the threat against Western diplomats and 
the opposition and that General Kagame has ordered the separation between 
educated prisoners and others. Those educated are led to unknown 
destinations. In Gikondo prison, the separation is already completed. The 
Director of Prisons in the northern region of Ruhengeri has so far refused 
to comply with the order.

Rwandan intelligence services have also started to jam Voice of 
America-Kinyarwanda/Kirundi,  BBC-Gahuzamiryango, Radio Africa broadcasts to 
Africa. They are worried these Radios are spreading opposition ideas among 
the Rwandan population.

AfroAmerica Network,  April 2002.


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