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Israeli Pullout Offer an Attempt To Sway Public Opinion, Says King Fahd

Arab News

JEDDAH, Apr 23, 2002 -- Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd yesterday blasted the Israeli move to deceive Arab and international public opinion by offering to withdraw from residential areas, making the offer merely as a cover for the continuing siege of most Palestinian cities.

Addressing the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers at Al-Salam Palace here, King Fahd highlighted the Kingdom's efforts to end the Israeli aggression on the Palestinians by establishing contacts with world leaders.

"The Israeli government's policies and activities show day after day that it is not interested in peace. On the contrary, it challenges the efforts of the international community to establish peace in the Middle East by continuing its outrageous activities," the king said.

Information Minister Dr. Fouad Al-Farsy said the Cabinet meeting urged the Security Council and the international community to force Israel to implement international agreements and resolutions that call for a just and comprehensive settlement in the Middle East conflict.

The Cabinet meeting authorized the interior minister to hold talks with his Sudanese counterpart to sign a security cooperation agreement. It passed new laws on ownership and distribution of real estate units and registration of real estate properties, and allowed farmers to export their surplus agricultural equipment and machinery.

The new law on ownership and distribution of real estate units allows partners in a real estate project to establish an association of real estate owners. If the partners fail to agree on the division of real estate units among them, they can approach the court. The law will come into effect 90 days after its publication in the official gazette.

As per the new real estate registration law, Al-Farsy said that each region in the Kingdom will have a real estate register. The law authorizes the Municipal and Rural Affairs Ministry and the Justice Ministry to certify such registrations. The law will be effective one year after its publication in the official gazette.

With regard to the Cabinet decision allowing farmers to export their surplus agricultural equipment, Al-Farsy said that farmers should repay the loans they had obtained before selling them.

© Arab News, 2002. All rights reserved. Distributed in partnership with Globalvision News Network (www.gvnews.net).

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