

China tells Japan's defense minister not to come

Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 09:30 JST

TOKYO - Backing angry words with deeds, China Tuesday postponed a
visit by Japan's defense minister to vent its ire after Prime
Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited a shrine where war criminals are
honored along with war dead.

  The move could seriously damage relations between the two giant Asian
neighbors in a year that marks the 30th anniversary of the
normalization of diplomatic ties.

  A Japanese Defense Ministry spokesman said China had conveyed a wish
to postpone the visit of Defense Minister Gen Nakatani, scheduled to
start Saturday. Beijing also delayed a visit to Japan by Chinese
naval vessels set for May, the first such visit ever.

  "There is no mistake, they will both be postponed," the spokesman

  A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed the delay was linked
to Koizumi's surprise Sunday visit to Yasukuni Shrine.

  "The Japanese leader's visit to Yasukuni has hurt the feelings of the
Chinese people and harmed Sino-Japanese relations," he said.

  "China believes it is not appropriate to hold these two activities at
this time."

  The timing and quiet nature of Koizumi's visit were aimed at
preserving ties with countries such as China and soccer World Cup
co-host South Korea, who object particularly strongly to visits on
Aug 15, the anniversary of Japan's World War II defeat.

  Visits to the shrine, a traditional wooden building with curving
cedar-tiled roofs, by Japanese leaders have in the past sparked
furious protests from Asian neighbors who suffered under Japan's
military aggression before and during World War II. 

(Reuters News)

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