
Albania Stops Memorial Project for German Soldiers in
TIRANA, Apr 25, 2002 -- (dpa) The Albanian government
has ordered Tirana municipal officials to stop work
for the construction of a graveyard and the erection
of a memorial for German soldiers killed in Albania
during the World War II.
"Prime Minister (Pandeli) Majko has ordered the
interruption because he thinks that there is a need
for clarification over the procedures for the
construction permit," government spokesman Sokol Gjoka
told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa Thursday.
The graveyard has already been built and work for the
erection of the memorial is in its final stages. The
remains of 56 German soldiers were recently taken from
the German embassy building to the graveyard.
Gjoka said that the order was handed over to Tirana
local officials on Wednesday.
Government newspapers reported on Thursday that the
prime minister issued his order under pressure from
World War II partisan associations, who have
complained about the location of the project.
The graveyard is located in Tirana's National Park,
near the monuments of four Albanian 19th century
patriots and the graveyard and memorial of British
soldiers killed during the World War II in Albania.
The associations claim that the German soldiers were
occupiers and, as such, their remnants should not be
allowed to lie in the national park.
An estimated 3,600 German soldiers were killed in
Albania during World War II, but the remains of only
56 have been found.
Under a 1994 agreement, the German government has
charged a German association that cares for war
cemeteries abroad, Volksbund Deutsche
Kriegsgraeberfuersorge, with the technical
implementation of the project for the construction of
the graveyard and the memorial in Albania.
(C)2002. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur

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