
 What was this moron thinking???

Miroslav Antic wrote:
> Former Yugoslav Army Chief Dragoljub Ojdanic Sent to The Hague 
> Text: Former Yugoslav Army Chief Dragoljub Ojdanic Sent to The Hague 
> (Indicted for crimes during Kosovo war) (610) 
> The former chief of the general staff of the Yugoslav army, Dragoljub
> Ojdanic, indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the
> International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), will
> make his first appearance before the court on April 26. 
> He surrendered April 25 and was immediately transferred to The Hague
> from Serbia. 
> Ojdanic has been charged on the basis of both individual and superior
> criminal responsibility for executing "a campaign of terror and violence
> directed at Kosovo Albanian civilians" between January 1, 1999 and June
> 20, 1999 in an effort to expel them from the province. 
> Following are ICTY press releases on his transfer and his appearance
> before the court: 
> (begin text) 
> International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia Press Release
> JL/P.I.S./672e The Hague, 25 April 2002 
> On 25 April 2002, Dragoljub Ojdanic was transferred from Serbia, Federal
> Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), to the Detention Unit of the International
> Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. 
> Dragoljub Ojdanic is charged in an amended Indictment, confirmed on 29
> October 2001. It alleges that, between 1 January 1999 and 20 June 1999,
> forces of the FRY and Serbia acting at the direction, with the
> encouragement, or with the support of the four accused, Milan
> Milutinovic, Nikola Sainovic, Vlajko Stojiljkovic and Dragoljub Ojdanic,
> executed a campaign of terror and violence directed at Kosovo Albanian
> civilians. At all times relevant to this Indictment, Dragoljub Ojdanic
> held the post of Chief of General Staff of the Yugoslav Army (VJ). 
> It is alleged that the operations targeting the Kosovo Albanians were
> undertaken with the objective of expelling a substantial portion of the
> Kosovo Albanian population from Kosovo in an effort to ensure continued
> Serbian control over the province. The Indictment goes on to describe a
> series of well-planned and coordinated operations undertaken by the
> forces of the FRY and Serbia. 
> Approximately 800,000 Kosovo Albanian civilians were expelled from the
> province by their forced removal and subsequent looting and destruction
> of their homes, or by the shelling of villages. Surviving residents were
> sent to the borders of neighbouring countries. En route, many were
> killed, abused and had their possessions and identification papers
> stolen. Furthermore, specific massacres allegedly committed by Serb
> forces in places such as Dakovica/Gjakovė, Suva Reka/Suharekė,
> Racak/Reēak, Bela Crkva/Bellacėrke, Mala Krusa/Krushė e Vogėl, Velika
> Krusa/Krushė e Madhe, Padaliste/Padalishtė, Izbica/Izbicė,
> Vucitrn/Vushtrri, Dubrava/Dubravė Prison complex, Meja/Mejė and
> Kacanik/Kacanik are listed in the Indictment. 
> Charges 
> The Indictment charges Dragoljub Ojdanic, on the basis of individual
> criminal responsibility (Article 7(1) of the Statute) and superior
> criminal responsibility (Article 7(3) thereof) with: 
> -- one count of violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 of
> the Statute - murder), 
> -- four counts of crimes against humanity (Article 5 thereof -
> deportation; murder; persecutions on political, racial or religious
> grounds; other inhumane acts) 
> The date and time for the initial appearance of Dragoljub Ojdanic will
> be announced in due course. 
> (end text on transfer) 
> (begin text on court appearance) 
> International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia Press Advisory
> JL/P.I.S./PA049 The Hague, 25 April 2002 
> 2002 
> Please be informed that the initial appearance of Dragoljub Ojdanic will
> take place on Friday 26 April 2002 at 14.30 in Courtroom I before Judge
> Patrick Robinson. 
> All media are welcome to attend. For further information please call:
> 0031 70 512 5343/5356. 
> (end text on court appearance) 
> (end text) 
> (Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
> Department of State. Web site:
> <> ) NNNN 


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