
Reuters. 26 April 2002. Thousands of Poles protest against labour

WARSAW -- In a very Polish role-reversal, the Solidarity union, once in
the forefront of opposition to Soviet-backed communism, is now fighting
a rearguard action against liberal reforms proposed by the heirs to
their oppressors.

Tens of thousands of Polish trade unionists rallied in Warsaw on Friday
to protest against the left-wing government's proposed labour reforms,
which they fear will add to record dole queues.

The march began good naturedly, but later protesters let off a smoke
bomb and threw firecrackers outside government headquarters. Despite
some pushing and shoving, riot police on the scene did not intervene.

The demonstration, organised by the Solidarity trade union, marked its
first show of strength since the right-wing government it backed was
swept from power by the reformed communists in last September's general

Workers from shipyards, steelworks and coal mines -- once bastions of
Poland's communist command economy -- said legislation now before
parliament to ease hire-and-fire rules could force them into the ranks
of over three million jobless.

"If they implement these changes, then we'll automatically lose our
jobs," said Slawomir Zales, 39, who has worked in a Silesian coal mine
for 19 years.

Organisers said 70,000 had come, mostly by bus, to rally on Warsaw's
vast Pilsudski Square before marching to parliament and Miller's

Business groups and Poland's other main trade union, the pro-government
OPZZ, have backed the proposed changes to the communist-era labour code.

The International Monetary Fund has cautiously welcomed them but said
they could go further.

Excessive red tape [read: labor rights] and high payroll taxes are major
deterrents to investment in Poland as it prepares for the economic
challenge of joining the European Union in as little as two years.

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Barry Stoller


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