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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 6:06 AM
Subject: [kominform2] US foreign aid to Israel

From: Al-Hewar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 10:09:38 -0400
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [AM] US foreign aid to Israel


The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion
of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH)

Fact Sheet: US foreign aid to Israel
April 14, 2002
A) The nature of US foreign aid to Israel

A1. Constitutes 30% of the total US foreign aid budget, which
renders Israel to be the largestİ recipient of US aid in the world
Since 1987, the US congress has annually been approving a foreign aid
bill totaling an average ofİ $3 billion to Israel, $1.2 billion in
economical aid, and $1.8 billion in military aid.

İİİİ After the gulf war in 1991, the US has additionally been offering
Israel $2 billion annually in federal loan guarantees, which brings
the total US foreign aid to Israel to about $5 billion, or $13.7
million per day. This amount excludes the approximate $1.5 billion in
total tax-deductible private donations from numerous Jewish charities
and individual donors.

İİİİ All in all, this is the largest amount of foreign aid given to a
country, and constitutes 30% of the total amount of US foreign aid

İİİİ A2. Started in 1948 and gradually increased over the years

Soon after the Truman decision in 1948 to recognize Israel as a Jewish
State, the US Congress approved an aid package in the form of a $135
million Export-Import Bank loan in order to take in holocaust
survivors and provide them with homes.

İİİİ Until 1973, aid was mainly made up of military, economic and
export-import bank loans, although annual economic grants ranging
between $0.1 and $74 million were also offered between the years 1951
and 1962.

İİİİ After the 1973 war, the US aid to Israel constituted largely of
military and economic grants to help strengthen the Israeli defense
forces. This included $12-80 million, which was annually grantedİ
towards the establishment of Jewish refugee camps.

İİİİ This TABLE shows the history of US financial assistance to
Israel, as documented by the Jewish Virtual Library. Notice the
pattern of increased assistance over the years for economic, military
and Jewish refugee grants, especially after 1973. This pattern
reflects the US interests (section A3) in empowering Israel as the
only democratic, close ally in the region, and not for the pureİ
intent to assist a developing country.

İİİİ A3. Promotes American interests in the Middle East

The US funding to Israel acts as the backbone for the strategic
partnership between both countries. By advancing Israel's
technological and military powers, the US is able to share
intelligence information regarding Arab militant groups, like
Hizbullah, as well as information regarding the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction in countries such as Iran, Iraq and Syria.

İİİİ Three quarters of the military aid to Israel goes for importing
US-made military equipment such asİ F-16 and Apache attack
helicopters. This creates a job market for US citizens and transforms
Palestine into a test ground for US made weaponry, used daily against

İİİİ Israel has cooperated with the US arms industry to develop more
effective military equipment at affordable costs to the US. About one
quarter of the military aid to Israel is contributed towards military
research and development, where several innovative jet fighters,
missiles and navigating and targeting devices have been manufactured
and sold back to the US. Examples are the ITALD, Litening, Popeye and
the UAV.

İİİİ A4. Proposed by Israel in 1998 to be reduced in an effort to
establish an economically independent country

In 1998, according to an agreement with the Clinton Administration and
Congress, Israel voluntarily requested to decrease its financial
dependence on US economic aid by phasing it out over a period of 10
İİİİ The $1.2 billion in economic aid will be reduced by $120 million
each year until it is down to zero in the year 2008. This will help
Israel to become an economically independent country.

İİİİ However, 50% of the savings (i.e. $60 million) each year will be
added to an emergency military aid fund to Israel. This demonstrates
the US's persistence and commitment to help Israel gain control of the

İİİİ B) The controversy for US foreign aid to Israel

İİİİ B1. Granted in disproportion to Israel's size and needs

Israel is an economically, technologically, and militarily advanced
country, with a per capita rate of $14,000, which is higher that that
of all neighboring Arab countries, including the oil-rich Saudiİ
Arabia. It is ranked as the world's sixteenth wealthiest country, yet
the US aid to Israel constitutes 30% of the total US foreign aid

İİİİ Israeli population is 5.8 million, which only constitutes one
thousandth of the world's total
İİİİ population. Between the years 1949 and 1998, the US has provided
a total of $84 billion in aid toİ Israel, which exceeds that given to
all countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean
combined, with a total population of about 1.054 billion people.

İİİİ B2. Promotes the illegal occupation of Palestinian land in order
to establish settlements for Jewish immigrants

İİİİ A portion of US foreign aid to Israel, which has increased in the
past decade to $80 millionİ annually, goes into building settlements
for Jewish immigrants. This occurs by the illegal confiscation of
Palestinian land and home demolition to allow for space. Jewish
settlements surround every single Palestinian city in the West Bank,
and their rapid construction since 1973 has prevented the creation of
a feasible Palestinian State.

İİİİ Jewish settlements are built on confiscated Palestinian land to
accommodate Jewish immigrants from all over the world, based on the
Israeli Law of Return. These immigrants are guaranteed the right to
Israeli citizenship, free Hebrew learning, and immediate employment.
On the other hand, Palestinian refugees who were forced to flee their
homes in 1948 and 1967 are forbidden from returning to their towns of

İİİİ B3. Transforms Palestine into a military test ground

Seventy five percent of US military aid to Israel goes into purchasing
US-made military equipment, such as tanks, machine guns, bullets,
helicopter gunships, and more. The US depends on Israel to test new
military technologies in war conditions. For example, uranium-depleted
ammunition has been fired at civilians in Palestine.

İİİİ B4. Violates US Law and abuses human rights

The Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of the United States, which provides
guidelines for the eligibility of certain countries to purchase
US-made weapons and military equipment, states in section 116 that "No
assistance may be provided under this part to the government of anyİ
country which engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of
internationally recognized
İİİİ human rights." However, Israeli army engages daily in degrading
and inhumane treatments towards Palestinians, such as prolonged
detention without charges, strip searches at checkpoints, beatings,
torture, and home demolitions. According to Amnesty International,
Israelİ is the only country that legalizes torture.

İİİİ Similarly, section 4 of the Arms Export control Act prevents the
US government from selling defense articles to countries that abuse
their use for non-self-defense purposes. In 2001, the US State
Department described the actions of Israeli army against Palestinians
as an "excessive use of force," referring to the use of live
ammunition when soldiers were not in a pending danger. This clearly
shows that the US does not agree with the way these weapons are being
used againstİ Palestinians, yet the US military aid to Israel
continues consistently as agreed between both countries.

İİİİ Al-Awda,
İİİİ Global Exchange,
İİİİ The American Israel Public Affairs Committee,
İİİİ The Jewish Virtual Library,
İİİİ The Palestine monitor,
İİİİ Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,


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00841 Helsinki
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