
The Chinese government and people firmly support the just cause of the
Palestinian and Arab people, said Chinese President Jiang Zemin at a meeting
Monday morning with visiting Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The Chinese government and people firmly support the just cause of the
Palestinian and Arab people, said Chinese President Jiang Zemin  at a
meeting Monday morning with visiting Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Jiang condemned Israel  for its refusal to implement United Nations
resolutions, its invasion of Palestinian-controled areas and restriction of
the freedom of President Yasser Arafat, who is an old friend of the Chinese

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China would continue to
make efforts to realize a just and lasting peace in the Mideast, said Jiang.

During the meeting, Hariri, who is on a three-day official visit to China as
a guest of Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, briefed Jiang on the Middle East

Sino-Lebanese Friendship to Further
Sino-Lebanese friendship will be further developed in the new century with
efforts from both sides, said Jiang.

Jiang pointed to the fact that Lebanon   is a country with a long history
dating back to the ancient Phoenician civilization 4,000 years ago.

Lebanon enjoyed fame in modern history as the trade, finance and tourism
center of the Middle East, noted Jiang.

In recent years, Jiang continued, the Lebanese people had scored great
achievements in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity,
promoting national reconciliation and rebuilding its economy.

He said he was convinced that the Lebanese government was bound to lead the
Lebanese people to make greater achievements.

Jiang said that Sino-Lebanese friendship dated back to ancient times with
the ancient Silk Road as a link between the two peoples, although the two
countries are far apart.

He also mentioned Doctor Ma Haide (George Hatem), who came from Lebanon and
contributed his life to promoting the Chinese people's health.

The two countries celebrated the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties last
year, and China was pleased with bilateral relations which have withstood
the test of international changes and continuously developed in the past 30
years, pointed out Jiang.

He referred to the constant high-level visits, increasing exchanges in
various fields and sound cooperation in international affairs between the
two sides in recent years.

Hariri, who is here on a three-day official visit to China as a guest of
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, talked about China's admirable economic progress
since his last visit in 1996.

He said the Lebanese people were grateful for China's consistent and firm
support for the Lebanese and Arab people's just cause in the fight against

He noted that Lebanon was satisfied with the smooth development of bilateral
relations, pointing out that there was still vast potential for the rapid
development of bilateral economic and trade exchanges and cooperation.

The Lebanese side encouraged enterprises from both sides to strengthen
cooperation so as to boost bilateral economic and trade cooperation of
mutual benefit and push forward the overall development of bilateral

Premier Zhu Urges Israel to Withdraw Troops
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji expressed the Chinese government's deep anxiety
about the Middle East situation, and made a strong request for Israel to
unconditionally implement resolutions adopted by the United Nations Security
Council and to withdraw its troops from Palestine-controled areas at the
earliest possible date.


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