
   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 30th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Politicizing a Tragedy

   A day after a tragic shooting rampage at a German high school,
   politicians started with the partisan bickering that has dominated
   this election year. But they quickly changed their tune.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_509675_1_A,00.html

   Large group leaves besieged Bethlehem church

   Twenty-six people filed out of the Church of the Nativity in
   Bethlehem on Tuesday,the largest group to leave in a four-week-long
   Israeli siege of Palestinian fighters taking refuge in the shrine.
   Half of the group were members of the Palestinian security forces and
   the rest civilians, including youths, an army spokesman said.
   Israeli troops have besieged the church, revered by Christians as the
   site where Jesus was born, since April 2nd after 30 gunmen burst
   inside to escape from Israeli soldiers who had reoccupied Bethlehem.
   Scores of Palestinian police, Christian clerics and other civilians
   are trapped in the shrine.

   EU commission warns on Iraq and raps Israel

   European Commission President Romano Prodi attacked Israel on Tuesday
   for again blocking a U.N. mission from probing its assault on Jenin
   refugee camp. He said that if Israel had nothing to hide then there
   was no reason at all to block the mission. Israel, which denies
   Palestinian allegations of war crimes or a massacre in the Jenin
   refugee camp during its military incursion into the West Bank, again
   blocked the U.N. mission on Tuesday, after setting terms it says the
   world body must fulfil. Mr.Prodi also urged the United States to join
   Europe in demanding unfettered access for relief workers. Speaking
   ahead of Thursday's annual U.S.-E.U. summit in Washington, Mr. Prodi
   also warned President Bush against the risk of harming the global
   coalition against terrorism by taking military action against Iraq.

   Germany takes over command of Africa sea anti-terror watch

   Germany said on Tuesday it would take over command from the United
   States of the multinational patrol off the east African coast. U.S.
   and European forces started patrolling the seas and skies off
   Somalia, the Horn of Africa country in recent months to try to deny
   refuge to any member of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda group trying to
   flee Afghanistan. Washington fears the lack of central authority in
   Somalia, Kenya's eastern neighbour, could make it an ideal haven for
   followers of Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden. Meanwhile, Turkey
   announced it would assume command of a peacekeeping force in
   Afghanistan for six months.Germany had earlier said it could not take
   over the leadership role there from Britain.

   OAU calls for referendum on Madagascar

   Organisation of African Unity Secretary-General Amara Essy said on
   Tuesday that Madagascar should hold a referendum to choose between
   its two rival leaders, warning the country risked being partitioned.
   He said that the OAU still recognised President Ratsiraka as the
   leader of the island of 15 million, despite Madagascar's High
   Constitutional Court ruling on Monday that Mr. Ravalomanana had won
   the December 16th elections, after a recount agreed by the two rivals
   at a meeting in Senegal earlier in April. But Mr. Ratsiraka, in power
   for 23-years and five of the country's six governors, said before the
   verdict was announced that they would not accept the results of the
   recount and threatened to set up their own state.

   Mugabe says food crisis in Zimbabwe now a disaster

   Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said a food crisis caused by
   drought had reached disaster levels, the official Herald newspaper
   reported on Tuesday. The Herald said the declaration would enable
   donors and international relief agencies to step up emergency aid to
   an estimated 8 million people, who need food assistance in the
   southern African country. Aid agencies say crop production was
   slashed last season by drought and the government's seizure of
   white-owned farms for redistribution to landless blacks, which
   disrupted agriculture.Analysts say agricultural production in the
   crop season ending this month has fallen by 50 percent.

   Counting begins in Pakistan referendum

   Counting has began after polls closed in Pakistan on Tuesday in a
   controversial referendum to extend military President Pervez
   Musharraf's rule, with the government saying it would be happy with a
   turnout of 25 percent. Mr. Musharraf, who seized power in a bloodless
   coup in October 1999, has since been accepted internationally to
   become a key U.S. ally in the war on terror. He has asked for a
   mandate to remain in power to continue economic and political reforms
   and to check religious extremism.

   Nepalese forces kill 23 Maoist rebels

   Nepalese forces killed at least 23 Maoist rebels in separate clashes
   across the Himalayan kingdom in the past 24 hours, the Defence
   Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday. The guerrillas are fighting
   to topple Nepal's constitutional monarchy and set up a communist
   republic in a six-year rebellion that has killed more than 3,500

   Serb police pledge to open Milosevic-era files

   Serbia's interior minister pledged on Tuesday to allow U.N.
   prosecutors to search police archives from the rule of Slobodan
   Milosevic for evidence of war crimes. Hague Tribunal prosecutors hope
   to implicate the ousted Yugoslav president and several top officials
   in alleged police and military atrocities during the Balkan wars of
   the 1990s. Belgrade has come under heavy Western pressure, including
   a freeze in much-needed U.S. aid, to cooperate with their efforts,in
   particular by handing over more war crimes fugitives and granting
   access to secret police and army files.

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