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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 3:35 AM
Subject: [kominform2] France: Paris set for confrontational May Day

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] France: Paris set for confrontational May Day

Paris set for confrontational May Day
Financial Times; Apr 29, 2002

Three thousand riot police will be on duty in Paris this Wednesday as France
steels itself for what promises to be the most confrontational May Day in a

Presidential candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen and 50,000-100,000 National Front
supporters plan to march through Paris to lay wreaths at the equestrian
statue of Joan of Arc near the Louvre.

As Mr Le Pen finishes paying the far right's traditional tribute to the
15th-century heroine at around midday, an even larger anti-fascist rally
will start marching in the opposite direction, moving from the Place de la
Republique to the Bastille.

By staggering start-times and keeping the two groups firmly to their
symbolic itineraries, police hope to avoid bloodshed. But pessimists remind
each other of February 6 1934, when fascist riots in the Place de la
Concorde left 15 dead and hundreds injured. Building sites have been warned
to remove all bricks and scaffolding poles from easy reach of any angry mob.

The largely peaceful anti-Le Pen demonstrations that took place across
France over the weekend served as an encouraging dress rehearsal for May
Day. The involvement of more than 200,000 people testified to the growing
mobilisation of the French electorate ahead of Sunday's second round of

In Paris, 45,000 people massed at the Bastille on Saturday, many waving
banners saying "We are all the children of immigrants" and "Nazis, Go home".

Some remain uneasy about the numbers of people seeking catharsis on the
streets when the ballot box remains available.

A high proportion of those expected to demonstrate will either be those who
failed to vote in the first round or schoolchildren not yet entitled to

Lionel Jospin is reported to have urged his ministers not to demonstrate on
May 1. "It's not your role," he said at his last cabinet meeting as premier.
Many of them will ignore the advice.

Analysts see Sunday's vote as being in effect a referendum on Mr Le Pen that
potentially offers France the chance to restore some international prestige
and self-respect.

On Friday, Mr Jospin, after much public criticism, finally added his voice
to those calling for a massive anti-Le Pen vote.

But his bitterness at Mr Chirac's part in last Sunday's defeat is evident:
unlike many on the left, Mr Jospin could not bring himself to mention Mr
Chirac by name.

The French opinion pollster CSA published a survey on Saturday that gave Mr
Le Pen 19 per cent and Mr Chirac 81 per cent. But many pollsters still feel
uncomfortable predicting Mr Le Pen's eventual vote.

In Saturday's Le Monde, Mr Le Pen said: "I am aiming more at between 40 and
51 per cent, and closer to 51 than 40." See Comment & Analysis


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