
Four million dollars lost in Kosovo energy fraud: EU
Tuesday, 30-Apr-2002 

-Despite imports of energy over the past three years,
local media reported that Kosovo only enjoyed four
full days without any power cuts last year.

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, 30 April (AFP) - Fraudsters have
creamed off 4.5 million euros (four million dollars)
from the budget of Kosovo's electricity company, an EU
official said Tuesday, adding that an international
member of the UN mission in the territory was
suspected of involvement.

Andy Bearpark, a top economic official in the
UN-administered province, said he had evidence of
possible corruption in Kosovo's KEK electricity
company, which both produces energy locally and
imports it from outside.

He said the money was stolen from international aid
provided to allow the territory to import energy,
which comes mainly from elsewhere in Serbia and from

"I have known for many months that there are rumours
about corruption in KEK... I now have evidence,"
Bearpark said at a press conference.

"From people possibly concerned one is an
international that at one stage was working for my
organization," Bearpark said adding that he had
notified the European anti fraud office in Brussels

The official, who heads the EU's economic program in
Kosovo, declined to give further details.

The province's economy has struggled to recover since
Kosovo came under UN administration in 1999 after NATO
military action ended Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown
on ethnic Albanians in the province.

Despite imports of energy over the past three years,
local media reported that Kosovo only enjoyed four
full days without any power cuts last year.

"In the last three years a substantial amount of
electricity was imported into Kosovo. Most of it came
from Bulgaria and some from Serbia," Bearpark said.

KEK is run by a local managment and supervised by
international staff in the province.

The province's UN administrator, Michael Steiner, who
took up his post earlier this year, said that fighting
corruption and crime was one of his priorities.

"What we heard today shows that we mean it. There is
zero tolerance for crime," Steiner said at Tuesday's
press conference.

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