
This is unconscionable. The Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine is a secular political
grouping, one of three, along with Al Fatah and the
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, that
constitutes the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Except for airplane hijackings some quarter of a
century ago, there's nothing about the PFLP - and even
its armed wing - that could be characterized as
"terrorist." There targets have been strictly
military, much as were those of the Minutemen and
Green Mountain Boys during the American Revolution.
It's alleged involvement in the killing of the Israeli
Tourism minister was in retaliation for the Israeli
Defense Forces coldblooded murder of the PFLP's
general secretary Abu Ali Mustapha in August of last
year. (See the Socialist Party of Serbia's statement
on this brutal and cowardly assassination at:
Note that the Palestinian National Authority has no
right to request - much less demand - the extradition
of the IDF and Israeli national cabinet members who
ordered and carried out this murder.
Much less to have the EU consider both as terrorist

--- Steve Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ---------------------------
> EU set to add PFLP to list of terror groups 
> By Reuters 
> 4/30/02
> BRUSSELS - The European Union is set to update its
> common list of "terrorist" groups to include the
> Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
> and others this week, provided no member state
> raises
> objections, EU envoys agreed on Monday. 
>   Under the so-called written procedure, the 15
> member
> states have until Thursday to reject the updated
> list.
>   "The final decision regarding a final list will be
> known once the written procedure ends at midday on
> Thursday, May 2," a spokeswoman for current EU
> president Spain said in a statement. Organisations
> on
> the list are liable to have their assets frozen in
> the
> EU countries. 
>   The PFLP is a Damascus-based Marxist organization
> that
> includes many Palestinians of Christian origin. The
> group was behind the assassination of Israeli
> Minister
> of Tourism Rehavam Ze'evi in Jerusalem last year. 
>   An EU diplomat told Reuters last week the bloc
> would
> also put on its list the Kurdistan Workers' Party
> (PKK), which earlier this month changed its name to
> the Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress. 
>   The list is part of the bloc's common efforts
> after
> the September 11 attacks on the United States. A
> first
> version of the list was published in late December
> and
> included radical Basque seperatist, Northern Irish
> and
> Middle Eastern groups.
> =====
> Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly
> peace walks around Lake Merritt in Oakland.  Starts
> & ends at the colonnade between Grand & Lakeshore
> Avenues, 3 P.M., every Sunday.  Info: 
> (510)763-8712, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or
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