
Korean Central News Agency


May Day observed
    Papers here today run editorials to mark May Day calling upon the Korean
workers to give full play to their revolutionary spirit in the efforts for
building a powerful nation. They say that on this occasion the Korean
workers and other people extend militant greetings to the workers around the
world in their vigorous struggle for justice, truth, peace and socialism and
are determined to discharge their historic mission.
    It is the revolutionary will of the Korean workers to discharge with
credit the mission and duty as the hardcore force in the building of a
powerful nation of Juche, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:
    The history of prosperous socialist Korea represents a heroic epic of
the Korean workers who have worked hard with ardent loyalty and boundless
devotion to the Workers' Party of Korea, the revolution, the country and the
    The inexhaustible potential of the Korean workers, a main agent in
socialist construction, is keenly felt in the worthwhile efforts to build a
powerful nation of Juche.
    They are discharging their noble mission in the efforts to build a
powerful nation. This is entirely attributable to the energetic guidance of
Kim Jong Il. 
    Victory and glory are in store for the Korean workers and other people
who are pushing ahead with the building of a powerful nation under his
army-based guidance.


Day of Sun and Army Day commemorated
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- the Korean people and the revolutionary
people around the world commemorated the 90th birth anniversary of President
Kim Il Sung and the 70th birthday of the Korean People's Army as a great
festival of praise for the sun, unprecedented in human history. The national
and international political, military, cultural and sports events were held
here in April blessed by humankind.
    Leader Kim Jong Il was present at the national meeting to commemorate
the 90th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung and saw the parade of the
Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the mass gymnastic and artistic performance
    Those functions involved over 290 delegations and delegates from more
than 60 countries and delegations of overseas compatriots and figures from
different circles to be recorded as a grand international festival in human
    Heads of state of Russia, Indonesia, Guinea, Mongolia, Palestine and
Cambodia, party leaders of various countries, figures of political parties,
organizations and various circles sent floral baskets to statues of Kim Il
Sung and missions of the DPRK in foreign countries and presented personal
letters and gifts to Kim Jong Il.
    International gatherings were held significantly in Pyongyang by
delegations and delegates from various countries and international
organizations. Among them were a seminar of political parties of different
countries, a rally for solidarity with the Korean people, the 9th meeting of
the executive committee of the board of the international institute of the
Juche idea, the 5th aesthetic symposium on the present times and national
art and a meeting of delegations and delegates of Juche idea study
organizations for exchanging experience.
    Artistes from different countries and overseas Korean artistes staged
the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival in Pyongyang.


4th seminar on medical science held
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The 4th Pyongyang seminar on medical science
of Koreans at home and abroad was held at the People's Palace of Culture on
April 29 and 30. Heads of the delegations of medical science of Koreans in
Japan and the U.S. made congratulatory addresses.
    They said that scientists and officials in charge of medical science at
home and abroad sat together to exchange achievements and experience in
scientific research and preventive and curative medical care in order to
settle theoretical and practical issues arising in health services and
improve them. 
    The seminar was held divided into scientific seminar, departmental
seminar and invitational lecture.
    Medical scientists at home and in Japan and the U.S. made public at
least 60 valuable theses on the introduction of new methods of diagnosis and
treatment based on modern technology, successes and experience in basic
medical science, preventive medicine and pharmacy including gene
engineering, cell engineering, immunology and molecular biology.
    Well-known medical scientists at home and abroad gave lectures.


Aerial espionage and war drill committed by U.S.
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialist bellicose forces
conducted aerial espionage on the DPRK by strategic and tactical
reconnaissance planes of different missions in April, according to military
sources. Espionage by U-2 high-altitude strategic reconnaissance plane
numbered nearly 30 cases. And at least 150 cases of espionage were committed
by EP-3 special operational plane, E-3 commanding plane, RC-12 and RC-7B
tactical reconnaissance planes and other types of planes.
    The U.S. imperialists also staged air war exercises almost everyday that
    On the 27th and 28th they had such exercises against the DPRK in the
whole area of South Korea with an involvement of C-9 and C-12 transport
planes, F-4, F-5 and F-16 fighter-bombers and A-37 assault planes.
    Hurled into those exercises were over 1,300 planes of various missions.
    The exercises characterized by aerial combat, ground strike and locating
aerial objects were a large-scale war drill intended to provide "surprise
attack" and increase the "striking efficiency" in aggressive war by
attacking objects in close cooperation with flying corps in the event of


Separated families and relatives reunite
     kosong, May 1 (KCNA) -- The fourth round of the reunion of separated
families and relatives from the North and the South of Korea is going on in
Mt. Kumgang under an agreement reached between the two sides. For the first,
those from the south met with their families and relatives in the north from
April 28 to 30. 
    Then, today 100 persons from the north began to reunite with their
family members and relatives from the south for two nights and three days.
    They first had a group reunion.
    Mt. Kumgang, a meeting place, was overflowing with kinship and desire
for reunification. 
    Manager Kwon Yong Ho of the Hyesan Cement Factory, section chief Hwang
Jung So of the Material Supply Agency of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel
Complex, section chief Ri Hi Bae of the orang county commercial management
station and others told their family members and relatives from the south
that they finished university course, their desire, to be economic officials
under the care of the generous motherland and are working hard to contribute
to the building of a powerful nation and that their sons, daughters and
grandchildren study and are working according to their hopes and talents,
leading a happy life to the full.
    The family members and relatives from the south were very grateful to
leader Kim Jong Il for having provided them with the reunion in world-famous
Mt. Kumgang, fathoming the fellow countrymen's ardent desire with noble
patriotism and virtues.
    The South Korean Red Cross hosted a reception for those from the north
and their families and relatives from the south.
    The reunion continues.


DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman on false news report
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry
answered a question put by KCNA today as regards a report that Clinton has
been invited to Pyongyang. He said:
    Some time ago, Reuters of Britain reported that the DPRK has invited
former U.S. President Clinton to Pyongyang.
    In this regard, we make it clear that no such invitation has been made.
    Nevertheless, such rumour is set afloat, which only shows some of media
calling for correctness and objectiveness are resorting to falsity.

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