
Rat movements guided by remote control
Last Updated Wed, 01 May 2002 17:03:02
BROOKLYN, N.Y. - Rats guided by electrical impulses could one day act
as living robots, capable of searching for survivors in a disaster or
helping to clear landmines, researchers say. 

Rats directed to environments they would normally avoid 
The scientists were able to train rats with electrical probes implanted
in their brains to run through pipes, climb up piles of rubble and jump
from ledges in response to remote control signals. 

In the study, five rats were fitted with electrodes in their brains and
in the sensory centres in their left and right whiskers to give them
directional cues. 

Backpacks provided a power supply, and a laptop computer sent signals
to steer the rats. In the experiment, the laptop signals were received
from up to 500 metres away. 

When a rat responded correctly to the directions, the researchers
stimulated the reward centre in its brain to reinforce the positive

The rats were trained to respond to the signals in a maze and then they
ventured through an environment similar to an obstacle course. 

John Chapin, a professor of physiology and pharmacology at the State
University of New York in Brooklyn, and his colleagues found that
stimulating the brain's reward centre prompted the rats to move

The forward stimulation also worked when the rats were instructed to
climb steps. 

"We were also able to guide rats in systematically exploring large,
collapsed piles of concrete rubble and to direct them through
environments that they would normally avoid, such as brightly lit, open
arenas," the researchers wrote in Thursday's issue of the journal

The study adds a remote-control dimension to 50 years of research into
stimulating the reward centre in rats' brains. 

But it also raises ethical concerns about turning animals into
intelligent robots. 
Written by CBC News Online staff 

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