
Reuters. 2 May 2002. Rights group angered by Colombian aid.

WASHINGTON -- Three human rights groups on Thursday disputed the U.S.
State Department's decision to clear $62 million in aid to the Colombian
military, saying the armed forces had not met U.S. requirements for an
improved rights record.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell told Congress this week that the
Colombian military had met the three conditions set by Congress on human
rights abuses by soldiers and on military cooperation with right-wing
paramilitary organizations.

The State Department said Colombia had made "real progress" on human
rights but still needs to make improvements.

But Human Rights Watch, the Washington Office on Latin America and
Amnesty International said: "The human rights situation in Colombia
continues to deteriorate as all illegal armed groups continue to target
primarily civilians."

"The Colombian government has not made progress toward meeting the
conditions, such as the suspension of high-ranking military officers
implicated in serious abuses or the arrest of known human rights

"In short, the Colombian government has rebuffed benchmarks provided by
the U.S. government to demonstrate meaningful human rights progress,"
they added in a statement.

The Bush administration is offering the $62 million to help the
Colombian military fight the drug trade and has asked Congress to let
the Colombians use the money to fight leftist guerrillas and the
right-wing paramilitaries.

The three conditions set by Congress were that the Colombian military
suspend personnel credibly suspected of human rights violations or
abetting the right-wing United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC),
transfer military personnel to civilian jurisdiction when requested and
sever links between military units and the paramilitary AUC.

A State Department official on Wednesday gave a detailed account of the
steps the Colombians have taken, including the names of officers
suspended or prosecuted.

But the three groups said: "The certification provides no evidence of
arrests or actions against key paramilitary leaders or high-ranking
members of the armed forces credibly alleged to have collaborated with
paramilitary groups."

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Barry Stoller


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