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Israeli Drone Films Palestinians Faking Funeral in Jenin

Israel Insider

TEL AVIV, May 3, 2002 -- In a press briefing Thursday, IDF Intelligence Officer Colonel Miri Eisen screened a four minute tape of a staged Palestinian funeral photographed by an Israeli drone flying over Jenin on Monday, April 28. Pallbearers repeatedly tried to carry a green blanket wrapped around a man who pretended to be dead, but kept falling out of the blanket. The funeral took place between the area that was destroyed in the Jenin refugee camp and the nearby cemetery.

The Palestinians, Col. Eisen said, sought "to show as many casualties as possible were buried inside Jenin. They tried to falsify evidence in preparation for the committee by executing a fake [funeral] ceremony, carrying the 'body' and filming the entire process."

The film was screened to foreign reporters and later shown on Israeli television, causing considerable amusement among the TV commentators and journalists, since the "corpse" kept tumbling out of the blanket. "One time he falls off the stretcher when he is already in a crowd," Col. Eisen narrated. "When he came back to life in the middle of the crowd, the crowd breaks up because they didn't know that it wasn't really a corpse." Israel Radio reported that many reporters laughed at the point in the tape that the "corpse" seemed to "rise from the dead," causing the people around him to flee in terror.

"The video, said Col. Eisen, "constitutes only one filmed proof of what has been happening in Jenin in the last weeks," and the IDF intended to produce additional documentation in the coming days. Palestinians have tried to create various types of false evidence to exaggerate what transpired in Jenin and support false claims of atrocities.

Israeli intelligence sources reported that Palestinians have been exhuming corpses from nearby cemeteries and burying them in a mass grave of those who fought the Israelis in Jenin. Even so, even the Palestinians have reported no more than 52 recovered bodies, in sharp contrast to earlier claims, by Palestinian minister Saeb Erekat and others, of more than 500 dead. IDF senior officials reported earlier this week on Israeli television that animal carcasses were also hauled to the refugee camp to create the "stench of death."

© Israel Insider, 2002. All rights reserved. Distributed in partnership with Globalvision News Network (www.gvnews.net).

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