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Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 9:08 AM
Subject: [cpa_blacktown] Korea and the "Axis of Evil"

Korea and the "Axis of Evil"

S. Brian Willson

Centre for Research on Globalisation (Ca),  April 22, 2002

The demonization of North Korea by the United States government continues
unrelentlessly. The wealthy oil and baseball man who claims to be president
of the United States, used his first State of the Union address on January
29, 2002 to brand perennial enemy North Korea, along with former allies Iran
and Iraq, as "the world's most dangerous regimes" who now now form a
threatening "axis of evil." Unbeknown to the public, because it was intended
to have remained a secret (whoops!), was the fact that this claimed
president presented a "Nuclear Posture Review" report to Congress only three
weeks earlier, on January 8, which ordered the Pentagon to prepare
contingency plans for use of nuclear weapons. The first designated targets
for nuclear attack were his newly identified members of the "axis of evil,"
along with four other lucky nations as well -- Syria, Libya, Russia, and
China. That this is nothing short of a policy of ultimate terror remains
unaddressed in the U.S. media.

That Koreans are deeply concerned is an understatement. However, they
understand the context in which their "evil" is being portrayed, not an
altogether new threat levelled at them. However, the dangerous escalation of
policy rhetoric following the 9-11 tragedy now boldly warns the world of
virtual total war. Vice-president Richard Cheney, another oil man from
Texas, declares that the U.S. is now considering military actions against
forty to fifty nations, and that the war "may never end" and "become a
permanent part of the way we live."1 The Pentagon has declared that the
widening gap between the "Haves" and "Have-nots" poses a serious challenge
to the U.S., requiring a doctrine of "full spectrum dominance." Thus, the
U.S. demands total capacity to conquer every place and its inhabitants in
and around the Earth, from deep underground bunkers, including those in
North Korea and Iraq, through land, sea, and air, to outer space. All
options for achieving global and spatial hegemony are now on the table.
Already, the U.S. military is deployed in 100 different countries.2 Total
war, permanent war. Terror!

Addiction to use of terror by the United States is nothing new. The
civilization was founded and has been sustained by use of terror as a
primary policy. For example, in 1779, General George Washington ordered
destruction of the "merciless Indian savages" of upstate New York,
instructing his generals to "chastize" them with "terror." The generals
dutifully carried out these orders. In 1866, General William Tecumseh
Sherman ordered "extermination" with vindictive earnestness of the Sioux.
They were virtually exterminated. Secretary of War Elihu Root (1899-1904)
under President's McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, justified the ruthless
U.S. military conduct in the Philippines that savagely killed a half-million
citizens by citing "precedents of the highest authority:" Washington's and
Sherman's earlier orders.3

War against nations around the world is not new either. The U.S., over its
history, has militarily intervened over 400 times, covertly thousands of
times, in over one hundred nations.4 Virtually all these interventions have
been lawless. It has bombed at least eighteen nations since it dropped
Atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. It has used chemical warfare against
Southeast Asia, and has provided chemical warfare agents for use by other
nations such as Iraq. It has used biological warfare against China, North
Korea, and Cuba. The Koreans are quite aware of most of this history. Most
U.S. Americans are not. But now the U.S. has declared a unilateral terrorist
war on the whole world.5

Two of the interventions in the Nineteenth Century were inflicted against
Korea, the first in 1866. The second, larger one, in 1871, witnessed the
landing of over 700 marines and sailors on Kanghwa beach on the west side of
Korea seeking to establish the first phases of colonization. Destroying
several forts while inflicting over 600 casualties on the defending Korean
natives, the U.S. withdrew realizing that in order to assure hegemonic
success, a much larger, permanent military presence would be necessary. The
North Korean people regularly remark about this U.S. invasion, even though
most in South Korea do not know of it due to historic censorship. Most in
the U.S. don't know about it either, for similar reasons, even though in all
of the Nineteenth Century, this was the largest U.S. military force to land
on foreign soil outside of Mexico and Canada until the "Spanish American
War" in 1898.

I believe it important for U.S. Americans to place themselves in the
position of people living in targeted countries. That North Korea, a nation
of 24 million people, i.e., one-twentieth the population of the U.S., many
of them poor, a land slightly larger in area than the U.S. state of
Pennsylvania, continues to be one of the most demonized nations and least
understood, totally perplexes the Korean people. It is worthwhile to seek an
understanding of their perspective.

I recently visited that nation and talked with a number of her citizens. I
travelled 900 ground miles through six of North Korea's nine provinces, as
well as spending time in Pyongyang, the capital, and several other cities. I
talked with dozens of people from all walks of life. Though times have been
hard for North Koreans, especially in the 1990s, they long ago proudly
rebuilt all of their dozens of cities, thousands of villages, and hundreds
of dykes and dams destroyed during the war.

U.S. interference into the sovereign life of Korea immediately upon the 1945
surrender of the hated Japanese, who had occupied the Korean Peninsula for
forty years, is one of the major crimes of the Twentieth Century, from which
the Korean people have never recovered. (SEE "United States Government War
Crimes," Spring 2002 -- issue # 1 of Global Outlook). From a North Korean's
perspective they (1) have vigorously opposed the unlawful and egregious
division of their country from day one to the present, (2) were blamed for
starting the "Korean War" which in fact had been a struggle between a
minority of wealthy Koreans supporting continued colonization in
collaboration with the U.S. and those majority Koreans who opposed it, (3)
proudly and courageously held the U.S. and its "crony U.N. allies" to a
stalemate during the "War," and (4) have been tragically and unfairly
considered a hostile nation ever since. They have not forgotten the forty
years of Japanese occupation that preceded the U.S. imposed division and
subsequent occupation that continues in the South. They deeply yearn for
reunification of their historically unified culture.

Everyone I talked with, dozens and dozens of folks, lost one if not many
more family members during the war, especially from the continuous bombing,
much of it incendiary and napalm, deliberately dropped on virtually every
space in the country. "Every means of communication, every installation,
factory, city, and village" was ordered bombed by General MacArthur in the
fall of 1950. It never stopped until the day of the armistice on July 27,
1953. The pained memories of people are still obvious, and their anger at
"America" is often expressed, though they were very welcoming and gracious
to me. Ten million Korean families remain permanently separated from each
other due to the military patrolled and fenced dividing line spanning 150
miles across the entire Peninsula.

Let us make it very clear here for western readers. North Korea was
virtually totally destroyed during the "Korean War." U.S. General Douglas
MacArthur's architect for the criminal air campaign was Strategic Air
Command head General Curtis LeMay who had proudly conducted the earlier
March 10 -- August 15, 1945 continuous incendiary bombings of Japan that had
destroyed 63 major cities and murdered a million citizens. (The deadly
Atomic bombings actually killed far fewer people.) Eight years later, after
destroying North Korea's 78 cities and thousands of her villages, and
killing countless numbers of her civilians, LeMay remarked, "Over a period
of three years or so we killed off -- what -- twenty percent of the
population."6 It is now believed that the population north of the imposed
38th Parallel lost nearly a third its population of 8 -- 9 million people
during the 37-month long "hot" war, 1950 -- 1953, perhaps an unprecedented
percentage of mortality suffered by one nation due to the belligerance of

Virtually every person wanted to know what I thought of Bush's recent
accusation of North Korea as part of an "axis of evil." Each of the three
governments comprising Bush's "axis of evil" of course immediately condemned
the remarks, North Korea being no exception. I shared with them my own
outrage and fears, and they seemed relieved to know that not all "Americans"
are so cruel and bellicose. As with people in so many other nations with
whom the U.S. has treated with hostility, they simply cannot understand why
the U.S. is so obsessed with them.

Koreans were relieved to learn that a recent poll had indicated eighty
percent of South Koreans were against the U.S. belligerant stance against
their northern neighbors. The North Korean government described Bush as a
"typical rogue and a kingpin of terrorism" as he was visiting the South in
February, only three weeks after presenting his threatening State of the
Union address.7 It was also encouraging that the two Koreas resumed quiet
diplomatic talks in March just as the U.S. and South Korea were once again
conducting their regular, large-scale, joint military exercises so enraging
to the North, and to an increasing number of people in the South among the
growing reunification movement there.8

In the English-language newspaper, The Pyongyang Times, (February 23, 2002)
there were articles entitled "US Is Empire of the Devil," Korea Will Never
Be a Threat to the US," and "Bush's Remarks Stand Condemned." Quite frankly,
all three of these articles relate a truth about the U.S. that would draw a
consensus from many quarters around the world.

While in country, together we listened to Bush's March 14 Voice of America
(VOA) radio chastizement of North Korea. First, he stated that the North's
200,000 prisoner population was proof of terrible repression. Though I had
no way of knowing the number of prisoners in the North, any more than Bush
did, I do know that the United States has 2 million prisoners which is
similar in per-capita detention rate to that of North Korea if the 200,000
figure is accurate. Furthermore, the U.S. has a minimum of 3 million
persons, mostly minority and poor, under state supervision of parole and
probation. The U.S. sweeps its class and race problems into prison.

Second, Bush declared that half the population was considered unreliable
and, as a result, received less monthly food rations. The Koreans are a
proud people living in a Confucian tradition, having rebuilt their nation
from virtual total destruction during the Korean war. I did not notice any
obvious display of dissent. That some Koreans are desperate due to lack of
food, water, and heat, especially in some rural areas, does not necessarily
translate into dissent, though some are seeking relief by travel to
neighboring countries.9

Third, Bush claimed that Koreans who listen to foreign radio are targeted
for execution. Together we regularly listened to U.S.VOA radio broadcasts
and they freely discussed the content of the broadcasts without fear of

Fourth, Bush condemned the DPRK for spending too much on its military,
causing food shortages for the people. Note: Again it must be remembered
that it was the U.S. that unilaterally divided Korea following the Japanese
surrender in August 1945, and subsequently ruled with a military occupation
government in the south, overseeing the elimination of virtually the entire
popular movement of (majority) opposition to U.S. occupation, murdering
hundreds of thousands of people. The consequent Korean civil war that openly
raged in 1948-1950 was completely ignored when the U.S. defined the
beginning of the Korean War in 1950. The U.S. remains at war with the DPRK,
never having signed a peace treaty with her. The war has left a deep scar in
the Korean character with a memory that is regularly provoked by continued
belligerance directed at the DPRK. The U.S. regularly holds joint military
exercises with South Korean military forces aimed at the DPRK. The U.S.
retains 37,000 military troops at 100 installations south of the 38th
parallel. The U.S. has its largest Asian bombing range where it practices
bombs five days a week, fifty-two weeks a year, despite opposition from many
South Koreans. And now Bush has identified North Korea as part of an "axis
of evil" targeted for nuclear attack. This is no remote idea to North
Koreans. The U.S. possesses nuclear weapons on ships and planes in the
Pacific region surrounding North Korea. Virtually every nation in this
perilous position would be concerned about their defense.

It is worth noting that the United States is the leading military spender in
the world resulting in substantial underfunding of its own indispensable
social programs.

Fifth, Bush accused the DPRK of selling weapons to other nations. That is
like the pot calling the kettle black. The U.S. is by far the largest
manufacturer of conventional, nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in
the world. It is also the largest seller of these weapons, and has used
conventional (against dozens of nations), biological (Cuba, China, Korea,
perhaps others), chemical (Southeast Asia), and nuclear (Japan, and
threatened to use them on at least 20 other occasions) weapons. In addition
it has armed other nations with these weapons of mass destruction, including
Iraq, one of those countries now identified as part of the "axis of evil."
In the year 2000, international arms sales were nearly $37 billion, with the
U.S. being directly responsible for just over half of those sales. South
Korea was the third largest buyer of weapons from the United States with
$3.2 worth of military hardware.10  And in January 2002, South Korea was
seriously contemplating purchasing an additional $3.2 billion worth of 40
F-X fighter jets from U.S. arms giant Boeing.

At the conclusion of this VOA radio broadcast, Koreans and I looked at each
other in disbelief. But we also knew that we were in solidarity with each
other as part of the human family. When I said goodbye to my new friends we
embraced knowing that we live in a single world made up of a rich diversity
of ideas and species. We know that we are going to live or die together, and
hope that the arrogant and dangerous rhetoric and militarism of the United
States will soon end so we can all live in peace. However, for that to
happen, there will need to be a dramatic awakening among the people and a
corresponding expression of massive nonviolent opposition that will make
such threatening behavior impossible to carry out.



1. Bob Woodward, "CIA Told To Do 'Whatever Necessary' to Kill Bin Laden,"
The Washington Post, October 21, 2001.

2. Bradley Graham, "Pentagon Plans New Command For U.S. Four Star Officer,
Would Over See Homeland Defense," The Washington Post, January 26, 2002.

3. Richard Drinnon, Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian Hating and Empire
Building. New York: Schocken Books, 1990, p. 329.

4. B.M. Blechman and S.S. Kaplan, Force Without War: U.S. Armed Forces As A
Political Instrument. Wash., D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1978, Appendix
B; Congressional Research Service (Foreign Affairs and National Defense
Division), Instances of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-1993. Wash.,
D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 1993; William Blum, Killing Hope: U.S.
Military and CIA Intervention Since World War II. Monroe, ME: Common Courage
Press, 1995; John Stockwell, The Praetorian Guard. Cambridge, MA: South End
Press, 1991.

5. William Blum, Rogue State. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 2000;
Stephan Endicott and Edward Hagerman, The United States and Biological
Warfare: Secrets From the Early Cold War and Korea. Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press, 1998.

6. Richard Rhodes, "The General and World War III," The New Yorker, June 19,
1995, p. 53.

7."North Korea Calls Bush 'Kingpin of Terrorism," Reuters wire story,
February 23, 2002.

8."South Korea Envoy to Travel North," BBC News Online: World: Asia-Pacific,
March 25, 2002. Retrieved March 26, 2002, from

9. Ji-Yeon Yuh, "North Korean Enemy Should Be Made Friend," The Baltimore
Sun, February 27, 2002.

10. Thom Shanker, "Global Arms Sales Rise Again, and the U.S. Leads the
Pack, " The New York Times, August 20, 2001.


S. Brian Willlson is a Vietnam veteran, long-time peace activist, and
writer. He has visited a number of countries studying the impacts of U.S.
policy. His essays are posted on his website, He published
a small autobiography, On Third World Legs (Charles Kerr, 1992), which
describes his ordeal of having been intentionally run over by a U.S.
Government munitions train accelerating to over three times the 5 mph legal
speed limit during a peaceful protest in California in 1987. He now walks on
two prostheses after losing each leg below the knee. Brian Willson possesses
two honorary Ph.D.s and a Juris Doctor degree.

Copyright   B. Willson   2002. Reprinted for fair use only

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